it’s a saying in show biz, look it up.

English is not my primary language , sorry if i dont take your private joke

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them’s the breaks, acceptance of a harsh circumstance.

kid, someone new to a teaching.

also I think just in general, if you were to join a trade chat and explain you are disabled and would like some loot people would be generous.

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100% agreed. It doesn’t need fixing. But there is an opportunity here for optional improvement. And if one doesn’t see it as an improvement, then they don’t have to use the option. It has no ramification on economy. D2 is the greatest game ever made imo. It doesn’t need help. But I don’t like the bot aspects of it. I don’t like how scripting is necessary to get the godly drops from public games. This is a way to alleviate that. So why not incorporate it as an option. The original intention of the game was never for script looting, but that’s where it is. It should be remedied.

But I agree that if such a remedy means changing the game for everyone else, then it shouldn’t be implemented. This, however, doesn’t change the game for anyone who doesn’t want to use the option.

if it’s not an improvement why waste the resource on it.

You think disabled people like talking about their disabilities when they play a game ? Not sure about it

you don’t seem to have trouble bringing it up when it changes the established game formula, however.

Accessibility options are improvements, Ploot is clearly an accessibility option for some people

says you, I have seen guys with no hands play CS:GO with their feet and top frag on the map, not just their team.

Yeah me too , but never seen a parkinson do the same

my gran had parkinson’s and she beat gta:vice city and used to play diablo 1 with me as a kid, that’s even with arthritis pain and dementia.

granted, I told her the cops were all drug addicts in gta and that diablo 1 was mostly fighting satan, but still we had fun.


Yeah me too for my grandpa (for D1/Wolfenstein 3D/warcraft 1) , but never played D2 or any MP games , so not really a good example

D1 had online multiplayer… ish

Once again, the accessibility options are there so that a maximum of players can enjoy a game, on an ARPG I do not see why deny it

I have broken my 10+ years of silence on these forums just to say “NO”.

Maybe D4 or D3 is more for you.

Back in time , we do not have internet so i dont know about that (and i was a kid^^ )

Dial up existed in 1993

I some how doubt that you have spent 10+ years of silence on these forums.

I would recommend you read the thread a bit first. No one is suggesting a D3 style loot system. Also, it’s completely optional so you wouldn’t have to play using it. Which means this doesn’t affect you in the slightest; so why would you care?