you are right i left out the word or i fixed that typo.

so your saying right now you wear survival gear so you can just tank damage and pick up loot but in personal loot you will actually gear up and help mf stuff? i am not sure i see the problem here…

why would people play the FFA version of the game but not use FFA toggle? this makes no reasonable sense you would just have 1 version of the game no1 plays and 1 they do just like with a toggle if you honestly believe people would only play on the personal loot side of the toggle.

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Survival meaning killing power and tanking damage yes. why should you benefit from my mf in a ploot game? And what’s to stop a botter from running one hammer pally geared to kill and 7 mf geared sorcs and having roughly 2800 mf loot pools. That is one guy with 8 accounts 8 bots one mob killer and seven mfer bots that follow him?

Yes, but in FFA if you kill the mob, others basically get “your mfed” items.
So by making the ploot game, that mechanic could basically be kept (smallest change to economy and equipment) or you would roll for each player based on their mf (bigger change to background mechanics, possible difference in how players will equip themselves for pubruns (more mf gear maybe))

So going with the way of “smallest change possible” while still getting ploot, i would argue against it. It really depends on how these games would look. One stronger character pulling the rest as some bot runs or a group of even-leveled players fighting as a team.
I think most stronger characters will go into FFA games anyway, so the problem of stealing someones mf should not be so prevalent.

That would only apply if the rolls are not depending on the killing blow, which i would not argue for given the current information.

But people have stated quite eloquently that they prefer FFA mode because of the adrenaline.
Also i think we made it clear that ploot does not give more items than FFA mode.
So what reason would there be for those who prefer FFA mode to not play it?

Absolutely not, quick clicking in pubs is a skill set of d2, or grp w friends if its a concern or p1 xp nodrop if it is.

the same thing that has stopped them for 21 years on FFA loot with 7 dps bots and 1over geared mf i suppose. I said pooling mf was an option i don’t know why they would change it from who killed the mob though, but if they did they can just do a mf divided by 8 equation to see the loot mf in an 8 player game.

if it was purely based on skill maybe but if you read the whole thread you would see that skill is far from the only factor.

That’s why i said it would kill FFA out right and the “option” to toggle it becomes irrelavant.

Fixed it for you. YW.


I dont follow.

Where did i give you the reason? I thought i said the exact opposite.

Well said Gulgir, but they will never get it. They don’t understand competition and they don’t understand economics and what makes things have value. You laid it out as clear as can be.

The 1 argument of adrenaline feel good that could possibly be made in favor of keeping FFA, other than “because it’s always been that way”, (which is not a valid argument btw but i see it made enough) is not strong enough to make it better in those peoples minds and they wont play FFA?

And you dont understand ping / disabilities /and the desire of people to play together without bothering with users of bots and scripts

So all those people who are currently arguing against pLoot because it is too boring would actually play it because it is not as engaging as FFA?
That is so shizophrenic.

To be honest, I don’t understand why people are complaining about the FFA aspect of this game. I got D2 at launch back in the day, and some of my fondest memories were spending a few minutes before bed after doing homework quickly joining trade rooms which weren’t password protected to steal people’s loot.

Don’t get me wrong, this would anger most people and sometimes I would wake up the next morning and it would be gone. That is the price you pay for trying to be a good student while also minimizing internet useage. To be fair however, this is an experience which happened to the average player back then; it served the purpose of teaching a lesson in guarding your valuables.

The same honor system exits for when your money / loot dropped on death or in pvp. Everyone experienced either having their loot stolen, or stealing someone else’s on death. It’s part of the reason I ran out of so much notebook paper as a kid; I had to do quick maths to figure out how much money to drop for the dead party member.

Putting solo loot takes out valuable life lessons like the fleeting importance of material possessions, the importance of quality in craftsmanship (when taking into effect rune words), and even basic understanding of how the stock market works.

What stopped them before and still stops them now is that bots have to be geared to kill and they could only benefit from one mf geared bot getting the killing blow. If the mf pool was shared between 8 players the mf bots would simply passively contribute all there mf to the to the killing bot. Only way this could work would be make the person with the highest mf in the game be the cap for the game like x player has 400% so everyone gets 400% mf but then you have the issue of more good drops for everyone and flooding the economy.

economics only change because loot is more evenly distributed which yes changes some things but actually makes for more people being able to trade items so should only increase activity in that regard. As for competition, it’s not really a competition when you outplay a person with MS or MD you aren’t more skilled than someone with hearing complications or vision impairments you have different abilities. You don’t have more right to loot because you live in a big city but someone else lives in the country or mountains, or god forbid any of the Oceania countries which atm have no chance of winning the clicking game on beta. Lastly i will never agree downloading and running a pickit script is skillful.

Correct. I don’t get it. They can still do all those things, find friends or family or people Literally on this forum and play with them. Milton Friedman discussed this change in our definition of equality. From equality under god (compatible with liberty), equality of opportunity (compatible with liberty) to peoples redefining the word to be equality of outcome (incompatible with liberty), and everything is becoming infected by equality of outcome. I almost never get loot from public games. Do I think its unfair? no. we all have the same opportunity to get the loot… If I’m looking for good items I play solo or with my friends, if I play with random people in a public game I play for fun, and for XP, and maybe I get an item and maybe I don’t, its not my concern.

i don’t think you get it though, mfing in group play literally does not exist in diablo 2

it’s not efficient. boss runs for leveling which is why you play multiplayer in the first place, hardly have good enough drops, aside from hell baal and chaos if you’re all lucky

this is what i mean, if you never played d2 or only played it casually, dont try and ruin it for the rest of us

there’s no reason for personal loot to exist. this game has open trading and mfing routes don’t even coincide with multiplayer play

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My logical conclusion if both systems exists as options would be: personal loot games

Why would you go through the hassle and fight over loot with others when there is an alternative?
You would tie your own hands with not using the personal loot option.

I am sure people will continue playing FFA but for ladder purposes it wouldn’t make any sense anymore.

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