Didnt think it would be handy this quickly:D


New BNet new studio. But If they don’t care enough to stop something that can actually negatively impact the game its economy and player base they sure as sally don’t care about spending resources on ploot.

Well I would say that debate is a whole other discussion. How blizzard reacts to botting and cheating is certainly a can of worms.

Yeah that post should be stickied

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21 years for d2 vs 11 years for bnet 2.0 one is a dinosaur in gaming the other is still old af though

Before i came to the conclusion that none of the arguments are actually proven i had the following concerns

  • ladders need adjustments OR were to be seperated
  • economy
  • how people play the game
    *strategies and tactics in a MP setting to increase your chances of getting loot
    (cheaters excluded because they shouldn’t be in the game anyway. Like bugs)
  • split community
  • trading (somewhat part of the economy)
  • character progression

Can’t think of more right now but it’s a start :slight_smile:

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Yeh I know but one can hope. Anyways like I said come up with some real solutions to ploot issues and let us all know what you have found. No one wants to give leachers free loot they are already getting free xp and that’s good enough. Second % damage on mob doesn’t work the game has immune monsters. 3rd I want my own mf no one else should benefit from my hard work gearing my character for magic find so it has to count for just me regardless of who gets killing blow. A lot of code to rewrite here I think without messing up loot pools or drop chances. But hey if they can pull it off with your help all the power to ya.

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I think i had most of them already.
Can you give me a bit more about these two?

I am not a fan of the damage %, because it favors range and aoe (and static field). But why would immunities be a problem? You literally are not killing the mobs, so why would you be eligible for the loot? (not saying you arent, just want to hear your thoughts)

This would actually be a core mechanic change, i would argue. I see your point.
But tell me again your thoughts. Why does the same not apply in an ffa game? There the others also benefit from your loot. Is it the chance to get the loot?


K i’ll do my best

make people have to tag mobs or be within a set distance.

agreed % damage would be rather silly in such an unbalanced game so lets go with option 1 tag/proximity both work.

MF works in a pool or* like it always has in d2lod not sure why that would change.

all that is really needed is to adjust some numbers in the code already there for determining how much loot drops based on players present which they have had forever and then add a line that rolls 1-8(or whatever number of eligible players are there for the drop) on each unique/set/rune to see who gets it.

lastly i would like to ask the most important question how are you going to fix all those same problems for the FFA side of the toggle.


play diablo 3 if you want that

this is diablo 2

if you want personal loot, don’t play this game. GOOD BYE

god some of you. if you didn’t play d2 don’t ruin the game for us who have

personal loot is not diablo 2

the in game economy could not work with personal loot

play diablo 3 and get out of here

you’re supposed to MF solo or with trusted

public games are for exp and questing

this isn’t diablo 3

Allow me to copy & paste previous posts i made about those.

Player progression with FFA

There is significant difference between getting the loot distributed to you over a system and in competing against others for the loot. Regardless if that is a common way in getting loot or not.
By winning an item because you practiced clicking on a label you get the feeling of accomplishment and improvement. By getting an item that is simply given to you is simply rolling a dice or a system is rolling a dice for you.
That feels like a lottery system in a lottery. (EDIT: that may be different for each player)

That one item, that you get because you clicked faster than others on a Baal run might be an upgrade for your character, might complete your build or might give you the possibilty to trade for an item you need. With that you can kill mobs faster and get you on a higher spot in the ladder. That depends on what the ladder will be based off.
It is luck dependant regardless because the item need to drop first but then you also need to get it by clicking on it. It is in your hand to increase your chances. What strategy you use is part of evolving as a player and your overall expirience with the game in a multiplayer setting.

Ladders (not quoted)
Since players compete over loot in an FFA setting, the option to have personal loot would give an advantage the people mostly using it. It might also outright kill FFA completly because it’s simply not logical anymore to disadvantage yourself by putting a restriction on yourself by not playing in a personal loot game.

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what if you wanted to do more than spend 90% of your time mfing solo in a game that is touted as being designed for online first?

because the loot system is broken you technically get more drops in a public game so they tried to make it work.

we don’t want diablo 3, we want diablo 2 with a fixed loot system no1 wants bound loot in d2 (or at least i haven’t seen anyone who does, i am sure someone out there does but that’s not really the topic at hand is it.) i don’t hate d3, for the game it is it is okay enough i spose but i much prefer d2 it’s what i grew up loving but their were aspects of it i wished they patched/fixed and so do some of the former devs but they left when blizzard shifted bliz north away from d2 expansion 2 and then again from d3

Was the trippleposts really necessary?


Tagging a mob is easy as a leacher that doesn’t work.
Pretty sure MF works based on the player or merc that got the killing blow not a shared pool between all characters.
You are right if I get the killing blow in ffa everyone has a chance to grab the loot if they can survive standing next to boss.
In a FFA game I wouldn’t bother gearing for mf I would gear for survival the way its always been. Then id slap on some mf gear and go do solo runs or with friends. In a ploot game though I should be able to gear up for mf and get all the mf bonuses of being in an 8 player game and not have to worry about someone taking my drops right?

so you are saying that if there are 2 options for loot and the both drop the same amount of loot over all more people will pick personal loot than FFA? In that case why are you arguing against the loot system you agree is better for the masses?


Oh, did i really forget the adrenaline rush argument?

2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 17

This one is basically
“if you click it, it is in your hands”

1,2, 3, 6, 7

“ploot is the easier way to get items”

1, 3, 4, 8

Thanks for the input, i will add them up there.
Tell me if you disagree.


You are right because i think both systems won’t work together.
If they were to be seperated completly, meaning 2 different versions of the games both can / will work.