We know, but we had this for 20 years already.
We learned the lesson.

Sitting in grammar school is important, still at some point in life you do not want to do it anymore.

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True, but the whole purpose to buying this game was to relive the old memories of that old grammar room; to be present and not sit at the desk for hours is not actually experiencing the lessons you learned as a kid.

And this point is not true actualy , we don’t have the same opportunity , that’s why so much people argue for Ploot now

But that is your decision.
Some people here on the board have quite strong believes, so i think they will never even touch it.

Also FFA is still allowing you to squeeze out a few extra items for ruining your ligaments. Some seem to enjoy that.

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no ploot ever and thats final. Keep that hot trash far away from d2, pls and ty

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You mean in a sense of higher risk, higher reward?

If personal loot is handed to you, why would you want to do runs of the same level anymore? It would serve the same purpose then as it does in D3, character grinding. D3 isn’t D2.

because the argument in favor of it is that it is more fun in ffa for people why should personal loot not be an option if the only argument against it is it will make ffa less played?

For me it would outright kill FFA since there is a “safer” bet.

It shouldn’t be an option because then Tomb runs, Andy runs, etc. would no longer be viable unless you needed higher tier loot.

I myself would play it. Not all the time, but sometimes.
It all comes down to preference, daily form, etc.

You still have to kill monsters. Which is what this game is about.

Yes, i understand. But you are also waiving 7/8 of the loot. It is not for free. It is a trade that you have to accept in your head.
Some think they can play the system and increase their odds in FFA.

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the game is more about loot than it is killing monsters. case and point: this thread exists.

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you need to read the thread before posting but to sum it up, the amount of loot dropping wouldn’t change and you would still need to grind for it. also we don’t want bound loot or d3 skills we want d2 with a feature even the game creator thinks would be a good idea.

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the purpose of grinding changes to solely character grinding and no longer item farming.

why, you would be getting the same amount of items dropping as always WHY WOULD YOU FARM LESS OF THEM NOW?

because class-specific items would no longer drop for you unless they were the same class you were playing as.

No because the loot table dont change , it’s just a roll for attribution , not a class attribution etc

i would love to get class specific items if i farmed and only got sorc gear you know how much gear i could trade that for to people making new toons for mfing?

then why would people trade items they dont want instead of selling them for gold

why do people trade items in d2 currently?