Ah, I see. So your solution is to stop contributing to the fight early so you have a better chance to get rewarded for it.

See, this is why personal loot is better - because you don’t have to do silly and/or selfish things to ensure you’ve got a shot at getting drops.

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Why is that person 30 feet away" ranged chars can stand right on the boss and blast em. Unless of Corse they are leeching and would die in one hit in witch case the xp they are leeching is enough.

Still a better chance with FFA. It’s a non argument. Sorry but you’re wrong.

There are many apples in D2R. Statistics are usually not evaluated on a sample size of 1.

Only people who have no idea how to handle propability would do such a thing.

why would i play a ranged char if i have to play at close combat? it doesn´t make sense also it totally kills the inmersion to play that way

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Drop rates wouldn’t change, at least not with the most popular implementation.


Ok take it easy. Thanks for the discussion.


1 person gets a drop in 50 now so for the other 7 it can easily take well over 400 game where as with personal loot 1 person gets a drop every 50 and the other 7 have one by 400 games.
see how 400 for all is more ideal than 1 person taking 8 shakos and 7 people needing to do thousands of runs for one if doing it in a group? probably not because you likely get more than 1 item per 8 so you are obviously biased in favor of that but 400 runs for everyone to get a good item is more rewarding for the community.


I’m sorry, but your mere statement that I’m wrong doesn’t mean jack. I’m in a mush better position to say that to you, given that you keep misunderstanding how the item distribution would work.


You are not getting all those drops. So what is your point?
And lets assume you do get all those drops. What about the 7 people who didnt. How do you think they think about your system?

There are basically two scenarios for you here:

  1. you get more or less 1/8 of the loot average game → same chance as in ploot → you can opt for the clicking game or not based on preference
  2. you get more than 1/8 of the loot average game → 7 (!) other people get less loot than 1/8 average game → even if the system works for you, it clearly does not work for 7 (!) other people, meaning your vote stands against 7 (!) votes that prefer ploot

FFA loot is either identical to ploot in terms of looted items or you are preying on weaker players.
And i am quite sure that this is the argument you all are afraid to bring here.

You are afraid that weaker players will not join your games anymore and that you actually have to compete for your loot with players like you.

We did that for 20 years. We’d rather not do it anymore.
If you enjoy that playstyle, you are welcome to continue with it.

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if they said that they would just say they deserve it because they are better players not even questioning why the other people are at a disadvantage. Because that’s how you make an argument against equality while making yourself feel okay about it.

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Also I would like to thank you, blash, for being persistent about this issue and changing my mind. It is possible to change people’s opinions on the internet with discussion!


I’ll take any bet that 99% of the new players will be so appalled by the toxic FFA drop system that they will leave long before the time they would get bored of it.

At least with ploot they can play their character, concentrate on the game, make friends, learn about the items by actually finding them, have value to trade with.

Do not push new players in front of your barrel. You do not care about new players.

Sure Ill give you that one my bad. But the truth is they wont be able to make it work remember its still the old game engine this isn’t a new game its new paint. So many factors involved more than one item dropping different rarities. you would need loot filters just so your inventory didn’t fill up in the first 2 seconds of a chaos run. Then you get your loot filter and have to turn off common gear but you are missing out on godly socketed items to make rune words. Then you have leeching you cant calculate who gets what based on % damage because there are so many immunities in the game and different characters do different damage.

Why? Ploot does not mean that you have to pick items up.
They are still on the ground. You decide whether you want them or not.
They could even become free for all after a short time.

Again loot filter argument.
That is not the topic here. You are talking against a different feature that we are not suggesting.

Why would someone leech in a game that gives him only 1/8 of the loot if they could do the same in an FFA game with potentially more loot?


You don’t need to change the loot dropping on the ground, just who sees it.

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After reading another 200 posts appr. I’d say i am willing to try it and see what effects are really there. Once i actually know how it plays out i ll decide for myself if it is better or worse. As of now i am against a change in the system.


Yeah I’m pretty much of the camp of not fixing what isn’t broken. Diablo 2 is the greatest game ever made in my opinion. And in its current state, I have enjoyed playing it off and on for 20 years.

That said, there’s an opportunity here for options. If an option takes nothing away from the game as it is now, then there’s no reason to hesitate trying it out; especially when the theory behind it is sound and gets rid of things that were never intended to be used in the game like scripts.

So basically you want the game to act as if you are playing single player while inside a multiplayer game? So in a game of 8 players with thousands games rolling each game would have 8 different random loot pools dropping per monster in the game simultaneously Ya I see no server or lag issues happening with that. Lets not forget all loot drops on the ground and there is so much loot and variety its insane.

Do you honestly think this? Do you think bots will not exist for a long time? Blizzard has stated that D2 is essentially running underneath D2R. They already have bots working on the cracked D2R version. Presumably, unscrupulous people are using the beta to develop and test their updated bots on modern battlenet.

Seeing is not acquiring. If players are “average” in their abilities, they will collect 1/8 of good items drops in FFA game. In personal loot games, the players also will get 1/8 of the good drops assuming an 8 player game in both cases.

Nope. Even if playing only with legitimate players, the odds for an average player is 1/8 which is the same odds in personal loot games.

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