I cannot imagine that you even thought of that before. Diablo 2 DOES NOT need pLoot.

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You’re going to make a macro that precisely knows where to click on the screen for a drop? C’mon man.

why would you only see blues and whites for days? did you play the beta at all? did you play any solo games? i saw plenty of loot i also saw a ton of loot in questing game groups but becuase i had a 250 ping and can’t hear the game i got 0 of that loot i still wound up with 8 uniques and 12 set pieces, as well as was able to get 2 amn, 2 thul and 2 ort. Was going for Lore helm but obviously i missed out by 3 ral drops sadly, least i will get it friday.

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Then turn the option off, simple.

Personal loot is not your issue. taking the time to learn the game and put any effort in is your problem. You get stuck seek help or go join some xp farming games till you out level some content and then go back and mf a boss that you can now beat. Just some effort on your part maybe do some learning online make some friends and you will be golden.


You are literally decribing how the game works.
I dont see an issue with that. It is why we play it. It takes long to aquire items. That core aspect of the game needs to be preserved.
If you want to be faster, you need to play more efficient.
Ploot is not about playing efficient. It is about enjoying the time playing in a pub.

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If there are 8 people, and I drop 1 apple, then each person has as shot at that apple.

Now if I give a person the apple, the other 7 never even had a chance to begin with.

The chances are lower. It’s accurate.

For multiple reasons: schedule betwen players, probably not filling a full game (super ahrd to do it), its very tedious to have listed the order and very time consuming, etc.

Its way simpler to add the option to toggle pLoot or FFA when the game is hosted, so we just focus at enjoyng the game, as it should be.

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Because you don’t know whether they’re honest people until they’re tested with loot dropping, and nothing stops them at that point from running off with it. You have no recourse if that happens, other than not playing with them again. Which is fine, but it doesn’t give you a shot at the loot they left with, does it?

No. 400 games to get 1 drop when it should take 50 is not describing how the game works. All you do is make your own assumptions off what people say isn’t it?

omg, I am going now, I am going to play some diablo2, and I will get loot in the only proper loot system (FFA)

Blash man, you gotta stop touching your keyboard for a bit and leave the forums to the people who understand the game. Go back to your participation awards club.

i want to play with the community not 1-3 friends i have played with for over 20 years now only. I know it’s crazy i would want to actually play a multiplayer game with new people and make friends like i did 20 years ago but hey i’m weird like that.

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Actually it is the single reason why ploot has to be implemented.

But we are not even using that argument. I simply listed it for completeness sake.

That is precisly what we are asking for.

It is the D2R forum. I am in the correct place.
Never said anything about changing D2. Do not put words into my mouth.
And maybe read the post before you reply to it.

Last time i checked, i was well aware why i am posting stuff.
Again: it is D2R here. D2 forums are somewhere else. I indeed do not intend to suggest ploot over there.

Right you feel better competing with scripts. So play that way. Others don’t want to compete with scripts and the game was never intended to be that way. This protects against a game hack and allows others that want to play in public games have a chance at godly items. But again, if you don’t like it and want to press your luck against scripts, absolutely nothing is stopping you from doing that.

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And once again elitism takes place in the conversation. Great community no complaints

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just stop saying everything that someone says “IS THE REASON IT SHOULD EXIST”
you just say random crap over and over…
honestly, your level of trolling is unreal. cudos for that.

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Yeah? You think the guy standing 5 feet away has as much of a shot at the apple as the guy standing 30 feet away?

You forgot the part where you /roll 1-8 before you gave the apple away, so… yes, they did.

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its a weird suggestion, but how about you just move closer to the boss shortly before he dies? so youd get the SAME chances at grabbing the loot as everyone else.
weird thought, i know

But is was nice chatting with you and bodach, sorry that you’re having some problems thinking about the community as a whole and how ploot would affect the game, even if it’s an option.

I understand how ploot is appealing to some, but in diablo 2, it would not work, not with the current drop rates. It would make the new players bored of the game (and frustrated) where they end up doing solo anyway.


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You could, and you could also do that with your glass cannon sorcerer and get stomped right before it dies. Hey go to it. That’s been the standard way of playing. You can keep doing that even if this suggestion of ploot is implemented. You can still do that to your heart’s desire. Ploot is an option only. Not default.