They just will be doing it the same way they have been doing it for the last 20 years.

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Yup, as a single player game when farming for loot.

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As Diablo 2:LOD game, choose your mode.

The choice is already made for you when you are competing against bots and players with the pickit scripts when farming for loot.

People dont compete against bots unless they join their runs, following bot runs for the loot would be even more pathetic than running the bot yourself


No thanks. I do not nor will i ever want personal loot. Let this thread die.

Never! I will keep pushing for P-Loot!

Waste of time. Advocate for other things.

Itā€™s up to me how to waste my own time and pushing for P-Loot is how I want to do it

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Well, their creative director already said it isnā€™t happening, and like he said, why even fight for something that isnā€™t going to happen?

Rather, you can advocate for modding support so modders can make your dreamy ploot.

You misunderstand, I could care less about P-LooT personally, Iā€™m just pushing for it because so many are against it

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Great priorities. Extremely wise.

I also want Starcraft Ghost to come out

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mhm of course so if we apply this to real lifeā€¦ you work your butt off to get a good paycheck , the hottest gf you can find that fits your needs, and the house cars of your dream. wanna share that with 7 people that just lamed out and let you do all the work?
D2 was basicly based off from : work your butt off and get going. thats why not a single soul in the OG wants D3 loot system in D2

why owuld trading be impactedā€¦ imagine 8 players having each and EDC, ist, gaze and other sweet items. now add this to 2.3m players, how can you trade when all you have to do is just afk and let someone do all the work? this is how d3s loot system is. and thats also how horrible it is. you dont need to trade in gen z loot system just rinse and repeat until you get one since everyone is a winner just for showing up.

How would they get those items without playing for thousands of hours? What would be the difference to FFA?

I dont think so, but it also does not matter, because we are not proposing the d3 ploot system.


Personal Loot - Defined

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Iā€™m laughing deep down inside because I know this hurts you. Poor blash: always on the losing side.

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PLEASE NO, just donā€™t do it.


so now those 7 moochers, you running through chaos sanctuary will get the GG items that you spent months grinding to make a character viable enough to run the sanctuary anyway?

no, get good and stop begging for this monstrosity.

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d3s loot systeme is what you want,
4 players.
1 does all the work the other 3 just run behind and get the reward

youre rainbow road happy socialist loot system is basicly the same.
why work it off when i can have you do all the work?