no need to argue anymore since it’s official no loot options only FFA


There never was any need to argue, it is after all just a game. no need to be mad.

ROD Fergusson on twitter.

Take a deep breath and relax. We’re not doing it. I think it’s ok to have the discussion and understand the implications and expectations of other players. You’re literally fighting against something that isn’t being done.

:smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :rofl: come with the salty tears.

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And who do you think those words were directed to?

Plooters can talk all they want. Make all the paper thin arguments they want. Real D2 vets know the truth of the whole argument.

It’s about making loot handouts for sub par players part of the normal game behavior.

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Like the power leveling and giving items for friends that are at lower level didn’t exist.
You can still join any open game and wait a bit at spawn, then go and gather all items that were not picked by other players.
Much pretending that leeching don’t exist currently.

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It never was. And you know it.
The only d2 modes that gives free handouts to sub par players are bots and pickit scripts. And given the last MrLlamaSC survey you have a high probability of being amongst these groups of players.

It would explain your aggression towards ploot. Because it breaks your only way to aquire loot.

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Bruh if you can’t farm Ubers solo then that’s on you.

No handout torch for bad players.

Why would you make torchrun with ploot switched on?
If you are unable to control a true/false option then maybe d2 is a bit too complex for you.

Also, you are barking up the wrong tree, bud.

Only for friends and family:D

Word. Heaven forbid these PLOOT supporters just make some online friends.

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A ploot option was to make D2R a good experience when farming for loot in public multiplayer games, something that D2 doesn’t have. It wasn’t for a hand out, single player isn’t hard, it’s just anti-social which D2R now is too.

You must be on of TinyRNAs burner accounts.

You still haven’t presented the cost analysis for the additional redevelopment of the loot system to support the foolish “toggle” idea.

Btw boss of Diablo said your wrong on Twitter a bit ago.

Looks like we win and PLOOT loses.


Friends from the internet made in game in 2021, that won’t even happen.
The most common interaction you can get those days in multiplayer game is someone letting you know that he slept with your mother.
Online gaming in a nutshell.

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Blizzard is quite famous for changing their opinions.

Not that the tweet seems as clear as you want it to be.
As people have said repeatedly, D3 PL should not happen. Timed Allocation loot should happen.

Well, D2R could just make it impossible to do that in a group :slight_smile:

lmfao…I’m just gunna say…“I told you so!”. Enjoy D3 since it has PLOOT. :v: :rofl:

He didnt. You need to read it again.

9/16/2021 Edit: Loot Systems Updates/Clarification

And i will say. Read again.

People will still enjoy D2R, they just will be doing it now alone as a single player game.

“Not happening at launch” :rofl: :rofl: :v: D3 that way >>>>

Gunna be a looooong time before the kicking and screaming for PLOOT stops :slight_smile:

But, again, “not happening” regardless :rofl:

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Not sure what your point is here. You play d3, i play d3. You play d2, i play d2. Are you selfowning yourself right now?

Nobody kicked or screamed for ploot. The ones against it were pretty kicky and screamy though. Might wanna pause and think about that, bud.