Hopefully this isn’t looked at by the mods as a “troll post” but it seems there are some different opinions on what is meant when people say “personal loot”.
The FFA loot crowd seem to think personal loot equates to a Diablo 3 style loot system where items are allocated and bound to the player that gets them. While you can trade items in Diablo 3, it is usually for only a short period of time and only with the people you were grouped with when the item dropped. After that, all items are account bound.
*** This is not what 99.99% of the “personal loot” people want.***
Maybe we should look at changing the name, as “personal loot” does sound… personal. Maybe we can try “auto allocate” loot.
I can’t speak for everyone, but the idea(s) are that either:
All items still drop and are visible to all players. That item is greyed out for everyone expect the person it was allocated to for a specified period of time (30 seconds, 1 minute, etc.). After that time is up, it becomes available to anyone who want’s to pick it up.
All drops are auto picked up by the player (that was within range) that “won the roll” with a message of who got the drop. This would require more work since not everyone will want to pick up every drop allocated to them, so filters would have to be made available. They would set it up to only auto pick uniques, set items and runes, for example.
100% of the drops will still be tradable. There will be zero account bound drops ever. This will hopefully be an option that can be toggled on and off.
Or am I completely off base on what people consider “personal loot”?
I just don’t get why you guys are so desperate to change the loot system. I don’t understand how those who want to change D2R so badly could even want to play it.
All math regarding loot creation, magic find etc. works exactly the same as in FFA. Same amount of items are created in both scenarios.
Each item that drops are randomly assigned to a player who were within range when the item was dropped. All items are still dropped to the ground, for all too see, but only the winner can pick up the item. If they dont pick it up for X seconds, they leave the game, or enter another zone (except towns), anyone can pick up the item.
Also, it should be a toggle on game creation.
And it should be on a separate server, like SC and HC:
No Changes Realm: Diablo 1.14 without changes for all eternity
Changes Realm: All the new additions that might arrive, including a toggle between FFA and PL.
FFA vs. PL is a tiny tiny change.
D2 remains D2. So it is not weird at all why we would still want to play it.
The entire loot system is not uprooted. The loot is distributed in a slightly different way, but 99%+ of the loot system works the same as it did before.
You know that in Diablo 2, loot is not “distributed” to the peasants. No, in D2, adventurers go on quests and find loot for themselves, it does not get “distributed” by blizzard in equal measure. I am glad you said that though as now I understand the problem you have with the loot system.
Someone made an excellent comparison in some other topic im just gonna quote him/her:
It’s like having a kids birthday party and when the pinata is whacked all the candy falls on the ground but HALT! lets get the adults to intervene to distribute the candy evenly, so that everyone gets their fair share! Sounds like a blast huh…
It is a modest change. As Shadout explains in the quote below.
Relative to the rest of his post/explnation. I also would be ok with that even though my preference is different.
Since I advocate a separate realm, it would not matter if some thought it was a major or minor change. If you did not want an option for personal loot, you play in the strict remaster realm.
Again, no, not evenly. Also, there isnt enough candy for everyone.
Oh, and you can literally turn hostile and beat the other kids to prevent them from getting any candy. But other than that, best birthday party ever.
No but with respect, you don’t get it, you aren’t understanding the concept of distribution. In D2, you, or me, or anyone, can open a game, do a baal run for example, using your own time and energy, and that free market endevour results in a loot drop. Distribution on the other hand, would be if you, or me, or anyone, opened a game, arrived in the rogue encampment, and then a Blizz rep would come into the game and distribute loot around to everyone and then leave again.
" It’s a part of the game, trust me, grabbing that item you saw drop and it being a GG item is a much better feeling than having something auto allocated to you just because you decided to join a game and sit there and lick your cheeto stained fingers."
New players will not adapt to this older style, sure some will but the overall majority will not. Thus cutting into reviews and popularity that will have a big influence on sales. This game I suspect will fall of the sales charts pretty quick if they don’t try to expand the audience. I can imagine some reviews talking about some antiquated issues with this game already.
Blizzard has us as the audience already, they are searching for more than the existing fanbase.
For a few reasons:
-Not all classes are made to be in melee range. This means some people will have to put their character in greater danger, compared to other classes, to be near an enemy when it dies.
-Not everyone has the best computer with the same framerate.
-Not everyone has the same internet connection with the same latency
-Not everyone is a teenager amped up on energy drinks. Some players flat out have disabilities.
If you were playing against you, then all is fair. That isn’t the case.
Different people using different rigs with different ISP in different locations around the world with different physical capabilities says auto allocated loot should be an option if wanted.
I don’t understand how those who want D2R to be exactly the same as D2, just don’t keep playing D2, especially since D2R has already changed the gameplay more drastically than any auto loot system just by clearing up the graphics and enabling widescreen.
This is inaccurate and beyond preposterous mischaracterization in my mind. In a personal loot game if you do not leave town, you get no loot whatsoever.
New D2 player here. Keep FFA you want private loot make a private game. Its as easy as that. This option has been in the game since original release stop crying for P loot. Once again ill say HELL NO TO P LOOT!!!
Again, I believe you are thinking of redistribution?
That said I am not a native English speaker, so others can feel free to correct me here.
Anyway that is not what I mean by distribution system.
Simply “The system/method after items are generated, determining how they get into the hands of the players”. FFA is such a system. PL is another type of such a system. So is Timed Allocation (what I am arguing for), Master Looter, Need/Greed rolls, and so on.
Yea that is fine, I understand. It’s just not Diablo II, is all, and a lot of people feel that way, that D2 is just not a personal loot game, it is a very intense, exciting, community driven game.
Neither should Blizzard care if they adapt or not, from financial point of view all they need is for new players to buy the game and play it for abit so they cant refund anymore. If they dont like the game because of FFA then so be it, its only the players concern from that point on. That way they wont be called liars yet again that promise something and do the opposite, their credibilty stays in tact. That way when they release/promo d4 they can advertise it as “ploot” system and whatever they decide and everything else new players want. new players will think “i liked d2 but not the ffa system so the game should be good” and then proceed to buying it, because they know the game will have Ploot system because Blizzard didnt lie about properties of d2r and therefore didnt loose credibility