sorry wont happen, this is d2 not d3


I donā€™t disagree, but neither is shared stash etc. so they have already shown that those words do not mean zero changes.

It does no such thing. Same items would drop. Nothing about their market value would change.

That is what I said. 38% want D2R to be FFA only, 50% want the addition of personal loot option. and 12% unsure. You initially wrote:

Simple math highlights that your numbers do not add to 100%.

the f outa here. if you want personal loot just play diablo 3. it even has more to offer when it comes to endgame and everything else.

just leave d2 as it is.

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you said new numbers.

and why not post it like it is. not 50% 100% said yes. its sooo obv you is trying to make it look like 50% said yes to ploot. when fact isent like that. and you know it.

isent this 100%

you doo it all the time. try to turn in around when you get caught trying to make you side look good.

Simple math highlights that your numbers do not add to 50%. 36% yes is not 50%.yes

Winning. Seriously winning what? You donā€™t win anything, and this whole competition exists only in your mind.

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yes plzā€¦plzplzplzplzplzplzplzplz

Tbh some of the changes could take more work than the loot system. however they will have to do a good bit of recoding because loot is dependent on number players, who kills the mob, and Magic Find on said player (biggest 3 factors). If they make it ploot they will have to do a copy of D3 and then make all gear unlocked so anyone can trade and then scale the number of pieces of gear dropped down since it canā€™t go off them. I mean they could make it the same system but an allocated where all loot is allocated for so long before anyone can grab. you will then get mad players when a set item or unique drops and they miss out on a few. which means a better randomizer will need to be encoded to make it more balancedā€¦ more complicated than a first look and not to mentionā€¦ the FFA system atm isnā€™t bad. people just got to understand public games loot might not favor them some times.

A game doesnā€™t have to have a win or lose condition to be good game. you clearly have issues with Diablo IP so leave the forums because your just trolling being rude.

All those should not be changed.
Heck, if those change, I would be against a new loot system.

Literally everything should stay the same in loot generation, except what happens when the item drops (as in after they have been generated).

And the only thing that should change there is 1) each item is allocated randomly to one of the nearby players, and 2) after X seconds, or if the play leaves the area, the item reverts to FFA.

No, D3s loot system is horrible, and that is not what basically anyone seem be asking for.

Yes. That is the system.

Let them be mad. That is how RNG works. And that situation is no different from FFA either.

Exactly like they just need to understand that with randomly rolled loot.
You cant argue that this is a negative aspect of Timed Allocation, and then say it is fine for FFAā€¦

Canā€™t find Diablo 2 item pick up tournament. Maybe you should try to make that into E-Sport with grand prizes and all that.

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I would rather lose loot to not clicking fast than not getting a chance. And not to mention if iā€™m faster i might get something where if i see a known item i want like for instance a necro off-hand and it gives it to the barb i would have to sit there and wait and hope that no one else takes instead of my just grabbing. And tbh i donā€™t trust blizzard in allocating items correctly by class/placement/actā€¦ theres to many factors that can throw the system off i fear.

If you have to have a win or lose condition to play a game go some where else. games donā€™t have to have a win or lose condition to be playable and enjoyable.

I donā€™t but you do as it can be seen, you win the item pick up, the competition that exists in your mind.

Yeah. And some others feel the other way.

Huh, this would likewise not be affected in any way. It would work 100% like it does under FFA.
Until the item hits the floor, there should be nothing that sets the two systems apart.

If i kill a monster and theres only 1 of 7 other players around me the other 6 shouldnā€™t get a chance. if theres a necro off-hand i would say that allocating should have a slightly higher percent to give it to one of them over a barbarian who gets the roll and picks up to sell because they usually sell nicely. I just feel that its not a grand system and more people will get madder than over FFA

D2 is a grind and its unfair and toxic and dirty and thatā€™s a good thing. Its as hard as real life. Donā€™t change this! This is the essence of what makes this game great.
Not everyone gets a trophy.


Strongly disagreed. Now that would be anti-Diablo 2.
And much more like D3 than anything the PL proponents seem to be arguing for :nauseated_face: The so-called ā€œSmart lootā€ is one of the worst things D3 ever did. In a very long list of bad things.

Of course not, they would not even be in the roll.

Luckily, those people still would have FFA.

Why would trading be impacted?

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Why would that happen?

We are not asking for the D3 instanced loot system.