There we go. Hey guys! Everyone should be rewarded equally no matter the effort they put in, or their skill level! It should be so that one guy is basically soloclearing CS while other guy is licking his cheeto stained fingers and just picks whatever is allocated to him, with no hurry or effort.


Of course everyone should get rewarded and get free stuff, no need to limit that to few organized group of people that want to make fast profit.

This is how biased pollers fish for answer they want to see. Should be simple yes or no, and the poll results would show different numbers. Could have been that those who voted yes on one of the “yes” options would vote no if there was just simple yes or no.

If you suck you loose, thats how any even remotely competitive game works, its the idea of even single player games, jeez. Did you not know “game over” screens exist? You either win or loose, not everyone can win, thats not equilibrium.

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This is not competitive game at all, its one of the easiest game to play, don’t even require a fully functioning brain.

thats what i have said many times. but they just say this yes 100%. even when it says 13% only if ther is a tradeoff. for me its a mabye.

It doesnt matter how competitive you perceive it. Like i said even singleplayer games you either win or loose. Time to take your head out of the sand bucket.

You need to scroll through that reddit thread. The poll creator was specifically asked about the loot question and he responded with the new numbers.

You can’t even lose in this game unless you go with hardcore character, and like 90% wont bother with hardcore chars. There is no win or lose here.

Here is just one example, monster dies and either drops a good item or it does not. If its good item you win if its bad you loose the lottery.

Which truly support how optional it is, and won’t take anything away from all the FFA players.

Blizzard has made no such promises however. Their words everywhere are vague enough to allow for all kinds of changes.
Don’t get me wrong, I wish they did make such promises as it would be nice if it was easier to refund the game.

I get what you mean, im no lawyer either, but this to me looks pretty strongly a promise for the product to fill certain qualities, Classic gameplay—the same Diablo II you know and love, preserved. One could argue ploot for example is not something associated with d2, or do you disagree?

LOL. You don’t win you just found an item, that it, you didn’t as there is no win or lose condition, you just got virtual candy at best, and you will get even more candies after that, as long as you continue playing, but you can’t lose the game, its impossible and game is not competitive or require any kind of skill to play.

thats what been saying since beginning…it’s just being asked because ppl want free without effort

I guess your entitled to that false opinion :joy: How you are turning it now is that only loosing the entire game is loosing. In life, can you only loose by dying? Or is there wins/losses throughout your life. Think a moment before you reply to not make yourself look anymore fool than you already did.

Please don‘t. Just don‘t.
Personal loot decreases the value of items drastically and therefore ruins the economy and all the joy when something really nice drops.

No more changes to legacy d2 game mechanics please!

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LOL. This game is pointless, you just trade time for virtual cookies, there is no lose or win conditions, you can farm those candies for ages, kill the same stuff over and over again, the only thing you lose is time. Its no different from cookie clicker, but unlike cookie clicker where you can automate things, this requires your input while playing, unless you will set up bots. Don’t pretend you doing something special or hard, this is not that game. Its not hard, competitive or whatever other values you will try to assign to it.
Its just mindless, brainwashing monster killing. You are not special or good, you are just wasting time.

What economy? Really even older pokemon games had better trading systems in place than this game, I’m not willing to spam items in trade chat or search trade offers on external sites.

“This game is pointless, you just trade time for virtual cookies, there is no lose or win conditions, you can farm those candies for ages, kill the same stuff over and over again, the only thing you lose is time. Its no different from cookie clicker, but unlike cookie clicker where you can automate things, this requires your input while playing, unless you will set up bots. Don’t pretend you doing something special or hard, this is not that game. Its not hard, competitive or whatever other values you will try to assign to it.
Its just mindless, brainwashing monster killing. You are not special or good, you are just wasting time.”

Winning loot picking vs 7 other people i cant call easy… And if you think d2 is just a cookie clicker and only waste of time you clearly dont like the game, i could say you despice it and you should refund, leave the forums and go play cookie clicker, its free i believe.

These kind of d2 haters we have on forums advocating “changes”?

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IT wasent new numbers. you need to scrool through the reddit thread… he said it was the same as the last pool 50% for ploot. but just like you. he put the 13% IF ther is a tradeoff in the 100% yes. witch its obv isent… hes agenda is known.

What’s the ratio on personal loot at now that you’ve got more data? Is it still around 39% opposed and 49% in favor?

Yes, pretty much the same: 50% yes, 38% no, 12% not sure

and its funny its the same who made both survey dont you think.

so agian you made up somthing ther wasent true. “NEW” numbers lol