Please make Diablo 4 cost $15 a month

I don’t know who in the right mind would pay $15 a month to play ANY game. I suppose the same people who pay hundreds/thousands of dollars for D2 runes, but NOT ME! That’s just crazy! I’ll pay for the game and any expansion packs, but not a monthly fee. If they want more money they can charge for new skins, wings, pets, etc. That’s my rant.


If D4 has no offline, I can’t see buying it at all. I am tired of buying ‘licenses’ to play games that exist only as long as the developer supplies (and pays for) a server.

FF14 had to stop game sales because the current chip shortage makes it impossible for them to add new servers. I do not see this problem ending soon. And I do not want my own game experience to be shut down at the same time as the servers are.

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And yet you played FFXI for 10 years, and the game got several expansions and it’s still really well supported today with developers even planning to pump new content to it, 20 years later. If the game had not been delivering what you were paying for, you’d have quit it way before, wouldn’t you?

My argument for monthly sub is that it definitely isn’t something for every game. It’s not for D4, IMO. It is something for games that feel like services, an MMO sub usually costs around the same as a Netflix sub, maybe less. Netflix is always updated with new TV shows and movies, MMOs receive heavy support to deal with the millions of concurrent players they have and also receive new content and in a scale no other game genre provides.

Even MMOs that don’t have subs, like ESO, have some sort of optional premium service that charges you monthly. They do need the influx of cash to be worth the tremendous development costs.

Not even D2R has a true offline mode, why would D4 be any different?

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I haven’t bought D2R, either. Nor will I, because (1) no offline, and (2) Blizzard

You might want to move along then.

Because D4 is (1) online only and (2) Blizzard.

This should be a really easy decision for you.


$15 a month is no guarantee a game will be full of awesome content.

/Looks at Shadowlands


Clearly, you should take a break and stop playing. Come back in a month (if you can stay away that long) and then revisit this horrible idea.


Yes, please make Diablo another thing I can’t afford. What is wrong with people?


charge me $15 a month, and i’ll never play D4. you’re not that guy pal


$15 a month is out of your price range? You’re not their target audience.

Chunky, I think you’re losing this argument. No one in their right mind will pay $15 a month to play D4. If they are relying on a target audience to pay $15 a month, then their audience is not D3 players.


Considering all of our other expenses as adults, yes, it’s out of my price range. You have to consider most people work minimum wage jobs, living paycheck to paycheck. $79.99 + $180/annually just to play a pc game? Have you become the ultimate sucker? Imagine every game developer doing what you’re suggesting, because it’s consumer-thinking like yours that aided in created the landscape gaming’s now in. Why not $50/month? Let’s make that normal.

These companies loooooooooove your brain, specifically yours, because they know you’re way too eager to throw money at them in the hopes of a fun experience. How many mediocre/bad subscription games have to be released before you, specifically people against their own long-term best interests, finally understand it’s not related to the quality of a product and more to larger bonuses/salaries/portions for CEOs and BoD?

WoW, in 2004-2006 was great fun and it still wasn’t worth $60+$180 annually. Guild Wars was arguably a better game, it’s still more alive than classic WoW, and it was a one-time purchase. Guild Wars 2 is the same story. Hell, there are FREE MMOs that wipe the floor with 95% of the subscription model games. The model nowadays is called greed and you’re helping perpetuate it.

Maybe your parents pay for your expenses and this is all a wasted effort, as you wouldn’t understand it anyway.


I STRONGLY disagree with subscription.

However a MUCH better idea IMO is battle pass ala Fortnite. For 10 bucks (convert to your local currency) a season, you get to unlock cosmetics.

if you want to support blizzard, here is your chance. If you like blink blink, well you can pay for it. If you do not want to spend extra, you don’t.

Blizzard get funding to keep supporting the game.



This can also work fine for real content.
Pay X for a season, and get all the new content during that season. Like new classes, zones, dungeons etc. You can then either buy this content as individual pieces, or through the pass.
Lots of games do that now. I very much prefer oldschool expansions. But compared to most monetization, this is still in the better end of things.


Kinda goes way beyond “optional” then though and moves firmly into “cash grab” territory.

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Selling content is cash grabbing? How? Selling content is the best monetization we can get.
That is how games used to work. Make an expansion or DLC; LoD, RoS etc. and sell it. Or a class like Necro etc.
The devs get money for improving the game, and we only pay to get those improvements. Instead of all the nonsene that cosmetics etc. bring.

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We are specifically talking about season content. Having to pay for season content is not a cash grab in your eyes? It makes it mandatory to pay to use the feature, a feature that by every account should be baseline.

I cant speak for others, but I was very much not speaking about season content. I dont think OP was speaking about season content either.
I dont think season content should exist in any possible way.

Season pass does not relate to Diablo seasons. It just means it is a pass that lasts for a given time.

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Yeah, you kinda did.