Please allow Follower to join Multiplayer Game

Please allow Follower(s) to join Multiplayer Game. Playing Solo can get bore quick. Multiplayer is where all the Diablo fun is at.

And please revamp “Asheara’s Vestment Set”. The (2) Set to be something like “Your Main Hired Follower is now Allow to join you in a Multiplayer Game. And if playing Solo game, all 3 Followers can join your game.” And the (3) Set and the (4) Set can be anything random.

Please allow (the Main Hired) Follower to join a Multiplayer Game. The game looks very much more fun to have at least 1 Follower for each Players in a Multiplayer Game. Thank you :+1::beers::champagne::grin:


Or make it a seasonal theme where everyone can bring followers in group play.


And for the “Asheara’s Vestment Set”, the (3) Set, can be something like “Follower(s) Gain access to all skills”. And the (4) Set can be something like “Follower(s) Reduce the cooldown of all Follower skills by 50%”.

And PERMANENTLY for Seasonal and Non-Seasonal

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The revamped followers don’t even work in solo, what makes you think they’ll work in groups?

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Would be great if we could hire a follower and bring them in a multiplayer group. 4 players each with a hire to run rifts with. That would be so cool too.

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Solo has nothing going for you. Slow progress. Longer duration of doing anything. Less xp gained. So no. Don’t allow this.


The location of the Follower is scaled to the Player’s location. If the Player is in Town, so does the Follower. If the Player is in GR, so does the Follower. If the Player reaches Paragon 1000, so does the Follower.

As long as you don’t spend too much time in Town, everything should be fine. What do mean Slow Progress? Follower following Player around, really slow the Players down? Less xp gain, really killed the fun of the game?

I never talked about the location, but your titel which states = allow followers to join multiplayer game.
Solo gameplay offers less progression. Diablo 3 is about grinding and grifting. That is the end game.
Multiplayers got more xp. They can run zdps which offers even more xp on top of this. They do bounties quicker, 4 vs 1. Multiplayer got it all. For leveling gems faster, MUCH more xp, faster everything.
Solo players got nothing.
Offering the ONE thing that could benefit solo players to multiplayers will just be another slap in the face for those whom want to play solo.


No. :neutral_face: :expressionless:


“Location” as like trying to say “Follower follow Player wherever he goes”.

Fans have been requesting the update to the Follower Revamp for years. The request has been heard, and it’s finally got answered. But it’s not everything yet. It’s not fully answered, only partial. Oh well. I guess we gotta wait couple more years for this request to be heard again.

We probably have to wait until “Diablo 4” has big announcement again, or when “Diablo 2 Resurrected” is release worldwide. And that’s when this request for Diablo 3 will finally be answered again.

I have NEVER seen people talk about location. You never adress you main subject = join multiplayer game.

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You can already have up to 3 more players who are significantly more powerful than a follower. There is no need for followers to be included in multiplayer.


The word “location” that i used, is not a big word. It’s not capital “L”. Not a big deal, don’t worry about it. I was just trying to say something like “Follower follows Player wherever he goes. The running speed of the Follower is the same like the Players”. Having a helper (Follower) joining the Player in a Solo game is fun. And i thought having them (Follower) joining the Multiplayer Game is EVEN MORE fun.

Having an extra helper (Follower) can get stuff done faster, like Bounty. It doesn’t waste any extra slot on Player’s equipment slot. (If Follower is allow in a Multiplayer Game, we don’t really need Asheara’s Vestment Set equip). But if having Followers around can slow down the leveling up system and if it really kill the game that much, i got nothing else to say.

Major Game System Revamp almost every new Seasons. I don’t really need to worry if this Request is gonna getting Answered or not. I’m getting Resurrect once Diablo 2 is out :beers::champagne::tada:


Solo and group SHOULD PLAY DIFFERENTLY. If groups had follows they would get 4x the benefit of solo players. That would KILL SOLO play. Seriously, you already get 3 extra players in the game; they are your followers!


3 Followers is a good replacement for a 3 Players, that if we are playing Solo. Having 3 Followers with an Emanate System on, can buff up the Player very much.

Ran a few 2P’s in PTR with one GoD and one ZDH wearing Asheara’s just for the heck of it.

We did get the followers Ess procs and their Nems procs. With the Z wearing an oculus, we only had one occ circle proc and the Z was wearing FoT so didn’t have time to see if the follower’s FoT’s would proc. Didn’t have time to do much testing, and what we proved works can easily be done with the Z, but there is some interaction for groups w Asheara’s. So far as just in general allowing follower to join in multiplayer, maybe in season, but in general no.

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You thought. But you never realise what multiplayer got over solo players. You never adressed the issues I wrote neither. And you continue to ignore them.


Diablo 2 is successful, that’s why we are having a Remake (Remastered) of D2. Not because they allow Hireling (Follower) joining the Multiplayer Game. (One Hireling for each Players). Allowing Hireling in Multiplayer Game doesn’t ruin D2 game. It makes the game more fun. (If we can remember,) Hireling really benefit alot. Desert Mercenary share Defiance / Might / Blessed Aim / Thorn / Prayer Auras, to all 8 Players in the game. It doesn’t look that strong, but it help all 8 Players alot. Everyone love it.

And that’s why Diablo 2 is getting “Resurrected”. Maybe if Diablo 3 were to use the same idea like D2, it’s not a bad choice. Allowing Follower to join Multiplayer Game is not a bad choice. Some people want it, some people don’t. If we don’t need to bring Follower to follow, we can always leave them at the Camp. If whoever need them, they’re there.


You don’t read nor listen at all. You mumble around with other subjects than what I adressed. I cannot take you serious when you can’t even stick to what I am trying to debate with you. Reply to someone else from now on.

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We need to revamp the “Asheara’s Vestment Set”. That Set to be updated to something like this :

(2) Set —
Your Main Hired Follower can now be able to join you in a Multiplayer Game. And if playing Solo, all 3 Followers can join your Game at the same time.

(3) Set—
Follower(s) Gain access to all skills.

(4) Set—
Follower(s) Reduce the cooldown of all Follower skills by 50%".

Or :

(2) Set —
Your Main Hired Follower can now be able to join you in a Multiplayer Game. And if playing Solo, all 3 Followers can join your Game at the same time.

(4) SET —
Every Legendary Items you have equipped on your Followers, increases your damage dealt by 50%. And every Gems that you have equipped on your Followers, reduces your damage taken by 2.5%. And Ancient Items that you have equipped on your Followers, increases your Maximum Life & Maximum Resources by 1.5% and increases your Resources Gain by 3% and increases your Gold & Globe Pickup Radius by 1. (Your Followers doesn’t need to be Active in order for you to gain these buff). (Primal Items double the effect of an Ancient)
(The number calculation is based on 1 Follower. If 3 Followers, divide it by 3)