Please allow Follower to join Multiplayer Game

No. Groups already have a massive advantage over solo players. The follower change was to reduce that gap a bit. Allowing followers in groups would make the gap even wider.


lol no, the whole point is to help solo play :laughing:


NO - to op.


The drawbacks for solo play in this game are numerous enough to merit the follower changes. While I would love to see a seasonal buff, I have every belief that the follower and leaderboard changes are right where they need to be.

Throw solo a bone.


Is the game too hard for you even with backup…


How about No… and I will raise you a NO.


I think this would be a great addition to a two player game but no further. Allow the companions to fill the “slots” of other adventures.

Maybe you don’t know, but A LOT of players prefer to play solo. The change to the followers was made with this vast set of players in mind, and it was long overdue.


I agree, that would make for some interesting runs. I mentioned this in the comments of Rhykker’s video about the patch notes,and someone pointed out that there’s already a bunch of stuff on screen to have 4 players+4 followers on screen.

The simple workaround would be to have your follower appear transparent to everyone but you.

First time in ages they try to do something that benefits solo players and you want that unlocked for multiplayer? Seriously… :-1:


Unreal. People asking for group buffs. I just threw up in my mouth.


It’s really needed also:


I think that Solo and MP modes should accomplish different goals. Solo should allow someone to self-optimize and push their skills to obtain the highest GRift possible on their own. MP should be about people collaborating and synergizing to get the highest GRift they can. I don’t think that adding more active followers would be good for solo play (and I’m 99+% a solo player).

The ENTIRE point of the follower updates is to bring solo play closer to group play.

Your proposal would defeat the purpose.


Yes please, was about to come post about this idea but glad someone else did it already. Group play this season is really boring since well nothing really changed, and me and my friends just enjoy playing in a group.

So you want the gap between solo and group players to be even larger? Got it. :-1:

What is stopping you? Are you saying that it is not fun unless you have a buff (gimmick)?

  • You can still leach off of each other and you still get massive benefits from being in a group that solo players never have.

Thank you some of the kids just don’t get it.


No. You have, accidentally, laid out why the answer is no. This game is not “all the fun” in multiplayer. That was never Diablo. You are trying to hijack a solo-game benefit for a game that was meant to have a large solo-player population into the game mode that is heavily mechanically favored (multiplayer).

I consider this thread to be borderline trolling.


Please be kind. The OP was a call to discussion and poll for support.

I hope this idea dies a withering, screaming death, but the nice guy who suggested it doesn’t take anything personally. :nerd_face:


So you asking to bring FOUR Kormaks in one game. Four totally the same looking Kormaks. In one game. Genius Genius :+1:

Funny thing is , having them active in multiplayer games might already be possible: Asheara’s Vestments.

From (bolding is mine)

Set Bonus

The latter bonus gives a small chance on hit for all three followers (two if one is already present) to teleport to the player and assist them in combat for approximately 30 seconds. This works even in multiplayer games. This effect has an internal cooldown (between 15 and 30 seconds), so in theory (and in intense combat) one can have all three of them summoned nearly all of the time.

Is this true? Diablo Fact Checkers say maybe. Got to fit four pieces of the set (or three plus RoRG) into a build, maybe it could be part of a new support build for multiplayer?