Please add stone shards to the game permanently

As the title suggest, after next season, please add the shards to the game permanently, of course with lots of nerfs so it won’t be power creep. It will further the build diversity and give players something else to socket to their gear. Further more, if you make a good shard (and potentialy embers too) much harder to find, it will also give us some thing worth farming for.
Below is some of my idea how to nerf them:

  • Make the shards only drop from specific bosses, or killing those bosses gives a much higher chances of dropping shards than other unique bosses. This will make people more intersted in playing bounties, even in end-game instead of only grinding rifts.
  • Lower the chance of getting shards and ambers, make them rarer.
  • Remove the augment recipes with soul shards, or make it much much lower, like lvl 60-75-90.
  • Lower the damage bonus from the unique powers of the shards, the correct value should be determined by better players but I’d say about one third of the current value should be great.
  • Soul shards now only give one random bonus stat from one of the Flawless Royal Gems (instead of all). And the max value of that stat matches the value of a FRG (ex shards one helms should only give 10-12.5% cdr instead of the seasonal value). that will make a good or perfect soul shards much harder to acquire.
  • Remove the random stats from the shard, or only give one of each with much lower value. I’d prefer a complete removal and mayber lower the max rank of the shards to 2.
    That idea will make buid diversity much better, make gearing much more interesting since we could have something else to socket instead of just gems and especially it make a good shard much harder to acquire but not impposible and make them worth farming for.




Wow, the season has not even started yet and already someone asking for the season theme to go permanent. This might be a new record. I guess it doesn’t hurt to ask, but still…


We dont even know the drop rate and you already want to make it more rare lol

I wouldn’t add the theme shards permanently but socketables do need more options. Viable options. Right now the only gem used in weapons by most build is emerald, with only thorns and zDPS builds being the exceptions, the former using topaz and the latter using amethyst. The same goes with helms, nearly all builds use diamond and only those rare builds not needing CDR typically use amethyst.

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And this is only the first post about it…



So it begins.

7chars left.


Not even in the next season yet and “please add this scrumptiously overpowered gig to the main game to wreck non-season leaderboards” threads started early.


Not quite a record, since for the Ethereal items, someone had asked to have the Ethereal items added to the game permanently. This was not only before season 24 had even started, but also while the ptr was still going.

Now as for the thread itself. I’m neither against nor for the shards being added permanently, but I’d always welcome new viable gem slots, if such a thing ever comes to pass.


They even made tests if Soul Shards successfully deleted when season ends. Soul Shards won’t be part of the game in a short notice.
Let them make tests and take notes about Ethereals and Soul Shards when their season ends. If they have space to run them, they will eventually be part of main game. Until then, just enjoy what season has to offer.

How about adding them in some format via the 2 Hellfires. Ring and Amul. Helm to ring, Weapon to Amul. May be not at same power level but something comparable to the current BiS items.

Be a shame not to keep all this coding and the Hellfires could use something new

What in the world are “stone” shards?

Embers can be added permanently, with a drop rate equivalent to Primals, and they enhance a legendary gem by 5 levels per use.

Really, the game needs more than one Consumable.


Replace some of thr crappier legenday gems with soul shards.

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Hellfire items need a rework for shure. And whit them Ubers also. This could be an option, BUT whit much more toned down values.


I really appreciate the idea behind soul shards (and i hated the ethereals on the other hand, it was a bad change for some classes, just giving a huge powercreep while replacing something that already had a lot of possibilities (Weapon slots))
This being said i definitely think that the soul shards should be a part of the normal mode (after a heavy nerf or… removing some stats at this point)

they leave us an open door for more diversity whereas you were forced to use emerald:
Sliver of Terror pushes you to forge a new skillset based on cooldowns,
The blue one has it so you deal more AoE damage (efficient for trash killers / no CD),
and weapon shards are relying on your set design

This is the first time i see so many different builds come up together on the leaderboard

So it’s gone from “Meke Eth permanent” to make “S25 Shard’s” permanent?

It will never happen.

Gawd, we are going to see dozens of this inane posts in the coming days, weeks and months.

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I’d be happy if they just added a Consumable that added a Socket to Jewelry. (Like Ramaladni’s Gift does for Weapons).


I would like a (rare) consumable that, used in a cube recipe, would merge all regular gems into one.

One of the arguments against that is that it means power creep. You’ll get an extra primary affix on the items.