Please Add More Character Slots

When they change, you’ll know. It doesn’t warrant another tired thread with the same old arguments.

Most threads have focused on more stash tabs that they claim are technically impossible that is why I made this thread asking for more character slots.

Class-tabs could be a nice band-aid, if there servers really cant handle loading all the shared tabs.

But yeah, there should be more character slots as well.

I dont exactly care much about what happens to D3 at this point, but hopefully Blizzard think through the stash and character slot design in D4, so we can have substantially more of both. As we should.
If D4 actually manages to go back to its RPG roots, where builds matters, we are going to need plenty of character slots for the different builds we might make.

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Yes, you’re right. This thread is full of new and interesting, groundbreaking ideas.

My mistake.


You have 1100+ posts. Can you point me to few that include groundbreaking ideas?

If we stop posting about longstanding and widespread concerns that affect many players, do you think that Blizzard will think all is good? The squeaky wheel gets the grease.


By all means, continue to squeak.

But to be honest, space is the one thing that apparently doesn’t squeak loud enough to warrant spending money on it to fix. Just saying.

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You should be a politician. Keep on spinning!

There are two considerations relative to the financial costs.

  1. More stash space
    Developers already have the code to add a couple more stash tabs as tested on the PTR although we only were given one extra (i.e. 13 max) via completing the season journey.

If they gave everyone 2 tabs for “free”, I would no longer play seasons (most likely) saving them storage space, because as of now I play both seasons/non-season and tend to fill up the tabs until near seasons end where I salvage alot.

With extra tabs, I would play non-season saving them storage space. I assume there are others like me. Minimalist would not use them so that would not lead to extra storage costs. The main benefit is that it creates good will and makes it more likely to buy D4.

  1. Character slots -
    More code time but overcomes “technical issues”. Similar benefits to above.

Don’t you mean more tabs for storage than character slots?

Either would be great but Blizzard claimed several PTRs ago that extra tabs created technical issues in the internal testing ; however, no player reported similar problems in their dedicated feedback thread on this issue.

If stash space can not work, character slots might be an alternative.

I know it is hard to believe but I have to agree with you on this one! :astonished:

You assume it does. (overcome technical issues)

I don’t assume it does. (probably causes more technical issues)

I seem to recall (and obviously I can’t find the post with it right now) a discussion about the stash space and that they explored many options. One of them I thought was adding slots. And that option along with or instead of tabs would still cause issues that we wouldn’t necessarily see.

Granted, they could be blowing smoke up our rears, but then again?

I still think that how they built the system in the beginning is why we are limited. And its something that isn’t going to be easy to fix. Sure they could code in more stuff, but if its going to cause issues (immediately or not) they won’t go there unless its something that can be fixed with the team that currently works the game.

I take all that to mean simply this:

We got what we have. And probably are stuck with it.

Fortunately, I’m ok with that.

Game on.

It was. I was the one who suggested extra characters after Nevalistis said that they could not do more stash tabs. Her response was that mules were a subotpimal solution and that opening and closing games creates issues. However, many players already use mules and we open/close games all the time to run multiple ubers/cow levels, public games where it is a “bad” group, GR pushing, etc…


Considering the vast improvement to storage over what D2 or D1 had, D3 was a large leap forward in terms of in-game active item storage.

We however are more limited with regards to mules in D3, since there is no offline mode. (which frankly I don’t care about)

I had so many offline characters with so many pieces of gear over the years that I frankly lost track of who had what and literally named my mules after the gear set names, or gems or whatever… lol

Hoarding was a larger problem back then too though. With how gear works in D3, its pretty easy to figure out what to keep and what to trash. If that being the case, there is no reason to not have enough space with what’s available. I could free up even more space if I ditched roughly two full mules worth of crap that is A: too old (level 60 gear) or B: Just not needed, never used, etc.


I trashed all my level 60 gear except a vanilla puzzle ring and some zero dog pieces. Every once in awhile, I make a thread about trading zero dog gear for another puzzle ring but have never gotten any takers.

I really don’t get the logic behind their fear that players will open up more game instances if given more character slots.

It’s common for players to base one SC character around two different class sets. This leaves bugger all room for LoN/LoD and the 5th set of which I’m shoehorning onto characters I have space. Ensuring there’s at minimum 3 character slots per class means we can organise our gear better and won’t have to jump between characters as much.

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Truthfully, I don’t think its about that exactly.

Here’s the thing that sticks in my mind:

When you would visit the auction house back in the day, you could pull up the inventory of every character and the stash when selling items. In fact it was a rather nice way to review your gear when at the game menu and not in an actual game.

But that sticks with me, simply because as I said earlier, the game was built around having an auction house system. So it goes to follow that some parts of the game still have those base system components in place as part of the game foundation. And foundations are neither easy or cheap to rebuild.

I hope I’m wrong. But I have a feeling there is more to the problem than what we appear to see.

I suspect that it can not be a big problem. Does anyone remember Mira runs where it was really quick to open and close games?


I remember doing that for a multitude of things.

Farming the 4th crypt for the hidden dev level in Act1, farming Act 2 for the Harvest banner. Restarting game after game over and over for hours.

That is why part of me thinks that this is not the reason for not having more slots. But there may be a problem elsewhere.

Again, hard to know. We aren’t the developers.

If that was universally true, we’d have pets that picked up DBs by now.