Please Add More Character Slots

For a subset of the playerbase, we would like more storage space for our items, especially in light of the fact that each class has or will be getting shortly an additional class-specific six piece set and many legendaries have updated affixes. If stash tabs are not an option due to technical considerations, please consider addition of extra character slots.

The justification for no additional stash space was testing in a prior PTR where Blizzard stated that their internal testing showed that it created game performance issue. The players did not report problems due to the extra stash tabs. The issue with extra character slots was it would lead to more opening/closing games; however, it seems like this already happens due to the use of mules and also other issues such as closing bad GRs and having to create new games for 2nd uber and cow level runs.


And those of us that have space already for all the new items?

So because we can actually have every class set (lets say 5 each) and their accompanying various support legendaries and still have space left over doesn’t count?

At some point there is an issue with space and an issue with having items you actually don’t need.

But if you had seen some of my previous posts Micro, you already know that. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


I have no problem with having more space available. I’m just saying it IS possible to work within the confines of what we already have.

I normally have 5 empty tabs. Right now a couple of them are filled with WD gear, as I dumped both my WDs into the stash prior to rolling a WD this season. Once the season ends, I will sort that gear out, replace any outdated or subpar pieces, and re-store it on both WDs in non-season, and gain back my full 5 tabs.

It IS possible to have all the set builds, and variants, and still have space.

But of course it would be nice to have more room in the stash. I just don’t see that happening anytime soon, if ever.

Game on.

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I agree. If Blizzard can not do this to technical issues as they claimed, then extra character slots would be nice and a possible work around. If people do not more character slots, no one is forced to use them.


Provided of course that having extra slots also doesn’t create a problem. Which I suspect it probably would, or this would have most likely been done already.


The explanation that Nevalistis gave is that they do not want people to open and close games. I do that already due to use of mules, trying to find a good public group, solo GR pushing, and running multiple ubers/cow level. I can not imagine that this would create significant issues.


Of course not. We also can’t imagine what other potential issues there may be. These are the same developers that built the game around an Auction house. I still fully believe there are problems that to this day trickle down from that, and to fix them would mean a complete overhaul of the game. Why do that when its easier for them to work within the limits that system mandated in the first place?

Don’t forget, they had to implement individual item tracking using a database to prevent item duplication. Every item that drops in the game gets a unique identifier. They helped it when they moved some items to the UI and condense/got rid of many of the materials, potions, unique legendary components, tomes, and tons of other things. That opened up the ability to add more stash tabs then. But there is still a limit to how many items that their system can track at a given moment because the underlying foundation the game was built on (Auction house) was too well cemented in place.

Granted this is a theory, but it sounds perfectly logical.

But that’s me.

Have class specific stash tabs. 8 general, 5 class specific giving the account 43 stash tabs in total, but only 13 are loaded into memory when entering the game. Solves the problem of having more than 13 tabs loaded into memory while giving considerably more space and also avoids opening and closing the game too many times due to excessive muling.

This solution would take a bit of work to implement, so after they are done with the last addition of 5th sets, skip one Seasonal Theme and use that time to add class specific stash tabs.


Maybe. But why not add more mules if that were the case? I think the two are tied together in some fashion, but not sure how. You are thinking of what’s loaded while in an active game session (in world). I’m thinking of what’s loaded while in the game on the whole (from the game menu at login).

Otherwise, why wouldn’t they have explored that already or tried it?

Because it would be some work to set up 5 tabs tied to each class, and at the moment it seems they have a very small Dev group working on a bunch of things, and who’s to say they have even been exposed to this way of implementing stash? We have almost no idea of what the Dev’s have gotten feedback on, what they are working on, or what they their thoughts are on anything, especially now that Nev has left and we are in a pandemic, it is pretty much radio silence.

Both your method and mine have one thing in common, they are both methods of storage. I would much rather have 8 general tabs where I can keep leg gems, regular gems, and cross class jewelry/armor along with 5 tabs dedicated to each class instead of a ton of mules i have to scroll thru, load, transfer to stash, exit and load my main, then transfer the items back.

I know your method works for you, but for me and a lot of people it is very clunky and very D2. If we are going to get more storage space, I would rather than put a little time and effort into creating a quality stash, than going with the clunky, easy way out as previous Dev teams have done in other areas.

Btw, my nonseason stash has 1 free tab and another full of augment gems from previous seasons. I have no gear on most of my non-season characters (I do have 3 mules for treasure items) as I like them clean in case I want to rebirth one for seasons, and all this without owning the Necro DLC. I am far from a hoarder. I just want them to put some thought into a quality way of expanding the stash as there is many cool items I would want to keep, but have to salvage because of space issues.

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I believe players did report issues in the PTR…

I’m guessing it does…

but, this doesn’t address the issue - the core design of the game when it comes to stash is very badly designed. I don’t know what they were thinking when the designed it, but they weren’t thinking straight.

I might add that poor console players, the unwanted child of D3, get even less stash space than the PC version of the game and they couldn’t even bring up our stash spaces to match the current PC version because of “lag”. I mean, why does everyone else in the group need to be reading the entire contents of my stash? That’s just BAD game design.

Blizzard needs to actual start fixing the core issues with the game, not band aid fixes that do nothing to fix the underlying issues.

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I never understood the rationale behind that excuse, either. Why does the game load everyones stash into a game when in group?

Yup. It’s bad logic. How that even got past the initial game design phases I don’t know. Whichever dev came up with this idea should be ashamed of themselves…

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As much as we love Brandy, that is such a lame/pathetic excuse from Blizzard. More characters dont mean more opening and closing rifts. Sure thing if every build is equally powerful but the fact is some out perform some by x tiers. With more character slots, you d be able to store current out of favor items (class sets) for future revamp. Armory + stash tab will sort out different build changes.

Thing is, this is a grinding/time sink game. If you left with no reason to farm, you ll quit. So limiting storage forces you to salvage those GG gears when have no choice and refarm again when its back in favor. Seasons have less issues, its mainly NS issues. Especially for folks have 10-20k hrs playing all classes / builds and keeps 3-4 variants for 1 build when researching for BIS version.

3 slots per class = 21 slots is reasonable meaning +4 slots. Its reasonable to charge for it. Die hard fans wont mind paying for it and casuals who dont need more slots dont need to buy it. Win win for everybody.


They absolutely did not.

During the PTR where extra Stash Tabs were introduced there was a stickied thread on the PTR forums asking specifically for people to report any issues with the Stash / game. Not a single report was made. Not one.

During that PTR which, if you recall, initially offered 5 extra tabs, bought for gold, it took us up to 17 Stash Tabs. I bought those within the first few seconds my heroes were on the PTR and played it for the entire time the PTR was up. I played solo and in groups and didn’t have a single issue with it.

Many people did exactly that, and none of them reported an issue. Blizzard’s response was that the problems might start to occur if all 17 of the tabs were completely filled, with single square items, especially if lots of them were rings / amulets with gems socketed into them (as presumably that counts as a double item).

First they said it would cause client problems / crashes. Then they said it would cause server problems / crashes. Then they came out with the stash synchronisation explanation. Eventually, having gone through a number of reasons / excuses, we ended up getting one extra tab, obtained by Conqueror.

It made the report I submitted the following PTR even funnier…


I kinda hinted at what is probably the underlying issue in my previous post:

Again, no way to know that for sure, but it makes sense to me.

Meteorblade is right. Blizzard even created a dedicated PTR thread to report technical problems for people who filled up all the extra tabs they gave during the PTR. They received no bug reports whatsoever.

If extra tabs do cause technical issues, extra stash tabs would be a workaround. The code for additional tabs still exists as Meteorblades showed in another thread that is linked above in his post.

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Doesn’t surprise me. AH/RMAH were travesties anyway. I happily left D3V in mid 2012 and didn’t return to the D3 franchise until I bought the game on PS4 at the beginning of 2016. No regrets.

mmm OK.

Why can’t we salvage heroes?

With all that stuff that may exist within their stash/inventory, it would be nice to gain that salvagry upon salvaging. Deleting hero, and only deleting hero, is boring. Blah. Nothing to it. Laziness at its best. Intellectual laziness and whatnot.

I know devs can do better.

I know.

I do.


/target deadhorse

And yet, we have been told repeatedly that they can’t or won’t and later things change.

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