Players set to X on multiplayer

Should this be a thing on multiplayer?

In general I’m more of a purist, however I do agree with a few suggestion that have been made and some small QoL changes that have already been made. I also think it is possible to be too much of a purist in the sense that D2 was also changing and improving over the years with each patch.

Anyways for those who don’t know what /players x did. It is a thing from D2 singleplayer. It lets you increase the player difficulty from 1 to 8 players while playing solo. This would effect the monster difficulty, exp gained and decreases the no-drop chance (increases the drops).

The thing is that good geared players who where strong enough to solo the game on the highest player difficulty would often join open rooms to do their MF/rune runs instead of creating closed games. This had a negative effect on other players who are joining open rooms for the reason the room got created. i.e. trading, baalruns, clearing acts etc.

Players who wanna farm on the highest player difficulty will do so anyways. With or without it having effect on other players their experience. I think it might be a good idea to implement the /player x on multiplayer. This will improve the quality of open rooms for players who are progessing in the game. It would also bring more joy in end-game experience for players who are already geared and trying to optimize their runs and find the best balance between clearing speed and drop chances.


This would make the botting problem even worse, so I must disagree with this option being available in multiplayer. Bots are coming to this game, I can guarantee that much.

Blizzard may have more leverage on stopping bots with the game going to the modern platform, but they aren’t known to remove bots anywhere close to real-time. “Ban Waves” aren’t enough.

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I like the social aspect of having to put a ladder team together/ team MFing/ etc…d2 is too easy to solo in 8p games for this to be a good thing.

No because you actually have the option to play with 2-8 players…

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I’m oldschool and I’ve only via this forum heard of the players command. The command is, to put it mildly, ridiculous, and the suggestion to make it available in multiplayer is something I’m going to consider a jest.


As far as I know, you don’t take advantage of players number increased XP and loot rate while you stand too far of other players.
So I guess it’s useless to join a multi-players game if you run solo inside it.

Furthermore, it sounds quite complicated if each player of the game can set its own /players number…
How would this work exactly ? :thinking:

You have to be close for the share/increased experience, but not the enhanced defense, life, damage of monsters or drop rate of items

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shared xp, yes… increased in everything else tho… loot/drops especially. that’s why most people doing pub mf runs will join something like “hell A1” with 5+ people in it, and go do their meph/diablo. nobody will mess with their drops, and they have an increase in chance.

This is a noob thing to do, fyi.

Not only is it rude to the people questing, it’s also way worse for drops than joining a baalrun and Gmephing…people that do this are silly.

very true, just giving an example where the op (if he has played alot) would have seen happen before… not many people notice it happening in baal games, or dgaf… i always found it weird for ppl to do, but still it happens every reset

I think they’re either

A - Being Dicks on purpose or
B - Honestly don’t know the mechanics of the game, and think they will get Quest drop.

It’s way better for MFing Meph with a Glitcher and joining baal runs, than killing meph in a public questing game…they’re wasting so much time doing it that way, without much of a nodrop bonus. Oh well. More glitching for me :slight_smile:

option B didnt even occur to me… only because I personally know how that works lol… there was a time long ago when I kept a sorc in A3 hell just to join pub baals just to do meph over and over for the q drops lol

E/ LUL I made my reply after reading B and not finishing first. gg. anyway, cant wait to pour another 20k hours in

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Doing it for more exp would be kinda useless because I can’t see any benefit in soloing the game on player difficulty 8 instead of just joining open baal or chaosbaal runs where there is a lot more dmg being put out. Doing it solo would be much slower.

It is mainly suggested based on the difference in drop chances between player 1 and player 8 settings. It could be so that this option is only available in 1 player games. Once 2 or more players are in the game, the difficulty will be set on the amount of players that are present in the game at that moment.

In D2 people who MF would either create private games or they would join public games when they are strong enough and increase the drop chance. With a setting like this, it will let you MF in peace without having to interfere in public games which is a win-win for both sides.

The increase in drop chance is not unfair because it was already available in the game to begin with, it’s just that you can acces it when playing solo. Once you’re getting wealthy and strong and you can increase the difficulty without lowering the kill speed, it might also increase the longevity of the game. First get a character able to solo MF efficiently and then work your way up to a higher player difficulty.

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It’s a speed thing. Most people who are going to join an Act 1 gogo game and go hit meph/D will probably take 30 min to do so. They aren’t fast enough to actually hit meph during a baal run. They are just trying to get a better drop and they aren’t playing on the level of someone capable of doing the baal runs.

I’ve known people who did this…They just want to be left alone and play at a higher difficulty at their own speed.

/vote for no…don’t give solo MF’ers better drops plz.

Explain how? I fail to understand how this will make botting problem worse. This is QoL for endgame players. Bots will bot either way with this feature or without it.

A bump to just 2 players increases the drops from normal monsters by almost double, with a small drop in ‘nodrop’ chance from bosses. A well established character can blast through anything /players 2 has to offer, so little to no extra slowdown from the players 2 setting, but almost double the drops.

It makes the biggest difference when it comes to high runes.

Bots would have a field day.

Sure, but botters would bot either way with or without this feature. Is this false?

So you admit will have a botting problem day one ? This game is going to have a very short shelf life! Bots check shiny coat of paint check anything else… nope ghost town

If botters are going to exist, I’d rather them be all grouped up in their 8 player bot games instead of fanned out with the maximum /players # setting they can efficiently farm maximizing the amount of items they get so they can further destroy the economy.

I see what you mean, but I think the end result wouldn’t be that different.