Petition -altar of rites to come to non season

There’s no reason why the NS shouldn’t have the new farming activity provided by the Visions of Emnity, or the QoL and nice buffs (like double primals and double Kadala legendaries) coming from the Altar.

Those two features should be available in all modes/realms. Especially since we have nothing really new coming from seasons now, so the NS should get a little bit of attention here!


I’m all for adding the Alter to Non-Season, but we don’t need all of the features, that the Alter offers in Non-Season.
Adding Visions of Enmity, and All of the QoL features, is most likely the reason we don’t get it, and it would be overkill.
After 10 years of playing this game, I currently have an average of 27,000 Bounty Materials, Average of 500,000 of the other materials (Yes, I Play Everyday), so No we don’t need all of the features, and that may be the reason they decided not to have it, in Non-Season.

We definitely don’t need the Visions. Players should be farming, in Seasons, and then have those materials transferred when season ends.

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But what if a player doesn’t want to play seasons?

What if a player is burnt out from the fresh starts?

This is me. I played seasons for 8yrs straight from season 5 when stash tabs could be earnt from seasons. Did that across two accounts (my main and this one). Continued playing seasons to earn cosmetics and because my clan was in seasons.

Well there are no more cosmetics, and my clan is mostly in D4 now.

Would be nice to go back to NS and not feel gimped/deprived/second class by not having access to the QoL that the Altar gives (and power creep to compensate for the recent nerfs), or the solo bounty farming improvements the fissures bring.

NS players should get the same Altar and Fissures that seasonal players are getting.


I guess it would depend on the ratio of players who prefer and not prefer it. I only play seasons at this point.

I really do wonder how many play one more over the other.


I really don’t want to start over from scratch with a new character. Bring it to non-season!!!


If that’s the attitude and stance Blizzard decides to take, then Diablo 4 is a definite non-purchase for me… or a AU$20 buy at best when a complete/GOTY edition with all xpacs is out to experience the story.

Players should have the choice of going NS or S but still get a quality experience out of it.

Being an ARPG and thus having a leveling progression tied to the game experience, players should not feel like they need to be done in a 3 month window before the QoL features they’re use to are gone and they need to start again for said QoL features.

For things like soul shards, ethereals, etc I can understand them going. But QoL features like auto salvage and auto pick up… that should be brought to every mode when it’s made permanent.


Petitions hardly get noticed anymore. You need to convince the press it’s an extremist right-wing supremacist conspiracy to put nonwhites in concentration camps. Just write it up and put it out there. It’ll be on the legacy media in about ten minutes.

Since when has gaming been about needs? We don’t “need” to give them our money. Their business plan relies on our wanting their games. This isn’t how businesses make people want to give them their money.


“You” don’t need them

The majority don’t have that amount. And I guess the majority also want the Altar for other reasons than just amassing mats.


I get it, they really want to push seasons. Ever since themes, it’s always been the way to get the “total” experience out of the games. Even in the early days of D2 when there were some season-only rune words, many skipped it because rune drop rates were horrible and it was a non-issue for some.

I really do wonder. It would be interesting if it turned out that a small % care to play non-season (vice versa).

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+1 pls blizzard,pls add the altar to NS.


But to gain all that paragon which will mean very little on ns due to nerfs and no altar the logic behind that is bad

Also with seasons, Every season isnt as powerful then what? I mean the soul shards is nice but all seasons isn’t that powerful, For those that were wizards they got nerfed hard to so did a few other classes.

They do want you to play seasons though. In diablo 4 NS is completely dead and there’s hardly any content, In D3 the altar isnt being added to NS so the feel to play NS goes away quickly.

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They had this idea to either do, or possibly combine season themes. I wonder whatever happened to that. Man, imagine the dice rolling on ethereals and soul shards…

I guess the paragon would mean something to those who still prefer playing NS.

I do agree that they should bring the altar there because it’s a different sort of entity than the other themes. In one way, it’s just a “do and forget forever” thing. Having it in seasons gives one something else to work towards that’s not ridiculously tedious (hopefully not anymore thanks to the Chiltara buff).

I agree in D4. They really push it there. I wonder if anything there will go to non-season. I’ve heard nothing about it.

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While I won’t get my hopes up, it’s really nice to see so many voice their wish for the altar and visions to come to non season too


Thank you to everyone that has voiced their opinions / views / concerns! The Non-Seasonal community and advocacy is apparent and that was my agenda for this post.

Add me if you wanna roll some non-season wilteknix#1880

Lets hope we get the altar


Altar of Rites and Fissures of Enmity are the way to go for D3 at this point, both in Seasonal and Non-Seasonal play.


If they don’t bring the Altar to non-season, it’d at least be nice to hear their reasoning why…

I guarantee it won’t include anything along the lines of this truthbomb:

With the vast popularity of the Altar of Rites, we don’t want players to be too attached to this game for the unforeseeable future, so we decided to keep the Altar of Rites a season-only feature. This will help our business keep the server hosting and bandwidth costs down to a minimum for this game, which no longer makes any money.

-The Suits


Koreans want it too!!!


Everything has already been well said… So Signed +1.


Please let us have the altar to valance the nerfs and enjoy quality of life features such as auto salvage, experience pools and doubke primals. Thank you in advance!!

Would be even more appeeciative if you don’t nerf kyoshiro’s blade.


Please Blizz, can you give love to NS?