Personal vs Shared Loot Suggestion

My thoughts exactly. I’m honestly amazed at how bold these D3 beggars are pretending like they didn’t ask for this exact same crap right before D3 killed the franchise

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Although I dislike leechers and loot-snipers, everyone does it, including me when i play in public games. its just a normal thing to do and it adds to the thrill of sniping a shako on day 1 in a public NM or Hell game :slight_smile:

Its a fundamental aspect of D2, and thats why it belongs to D2 as it always has.

Individual loot does not belong into D2 because D2 never had individual loot.

Again, my suggestion is for people who want shared loot to continue sharing loot and people who don’t want shared loot to have their own games with individual loot. It doesn’t hurt anybody right?


Only real argument you have is your third point.

Everything else is just paranoia and speculation.

Personal Loot isn’t going to turn D3R into D3.

Not really. Only fear is partitioning the player base but honestly I would rather not play with those purists types anyways.

Then there is no fear and you are not against my suggestion. :slight_smile:

You are about ten years late on the paranoia and speculation part since we already went through this exact same begging phase before diablo 3. Now it’s more historical precedent as to what will happen if D3 beggars get their way with the franchise again

No it is exactly that. Personal loot didn’t ruin D3, blizzard ruined D3. But here is some more news … bots ruined D2 economy and they will likely ruin the economy again like they always do.

Will there be more loot to go around? Yes, should we care that much? No. Why? Because this is a video game. At least players have a smaller change on getting the stuff they need instead of relying on bot items.


Personal loot doesn’t have to mean 8x the loot for 8 players. You can keep the same loot quantities and then round-robin award them to the 8 players.

Although I dislike robbers and looters, everyone does it, including me when there is a riot in Washington DC. its just a normal thing to do and it adds to the thrill of getting a free HD TV during times of political unrest :slight_smile:

Its a fundamental aspect of living in DC, and that’s why it belongs to city life as it always has.

Honest business does not belong in DC riots because DC never had honest business during riots.


Is this radicalism and extremism really necessary?

A parody about getting robbed and unfair looting practices is hardly extremism.

you can have personal loot by creating private game. Expect to play with “random” ppl and can choice if u have personal loot or shared just split community and decrease potential player base who will join your public game.


That would put melee classes at a serious disadvantage even though they are contributing their part (Auras, Bo, Stuns, single target damage, drawing aggro etc.).

Another reason why this won’t work:
Not everyone needs or picks up everything.
Arrows are mostly needed by Amazons, potions by whoever is low on potions, a very well equipped or rich player might simply ignore not that valuable drops.

If you now have to ask people to somehow make their lot available for players who actually need it, that would be a major inconvenience and break the flow of the game.

Why would you ever stay in runs like theese in the first place? what a elitist joke, i have seen some pretty toxic behavior in public games but i dont think ive never seen anyone demanding all the loot for themself, dunno but for me this sounds like perfect reason to join that game with your pvp char :wink:

Theres always the next cow/baal whatever runs you can join :slight_smile:

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No one is even proposing this type of individual loot system. You are describing the worst way to implement it and ascribing it to the personal loot side of the argument. That is disingenuous at best.

Nobody wants unique pools of loot spawned for every player. There are many elegant solutions to this problem that are possible so if everyone on the purist side of the debate could stop strawmanning the D3 version of personal loot that nobody wants or has asked for that would be great. Fair looters simply want a modern fair way to distribute loot in the game so multiplayer is actually useful for general playing and not shoehorned into specific rush and abuse usecases.

Also, what are you talking about–POE has a form of individual loot, loot lock out, that is of a type of solution that people are proposing for D2R. That’s also an example of a game that started with D2 loot and decided to iterate on that mechanic.


That is the worst idea ever.

So if I join a game i must choose between guaranteed drops for me or not???

In a game that is about drops???

What in the hell, what kind of choice is that?

Keep Diablo 2 very original like regular Diablo 2.

Should think most people wanted a remake and not a remaster, that’s kind of embarrassing. Why even ask for a remaster in the first place If you want to change things from the original game. A terrible idea!

I remember many talking about wanting a remaster, we waited for many years. 2021 is the year we all fans will get a remaster of the beloved childhood game Diablo 2, but then it must be a game that we remember as the original.

Otherwise, this will be a completely new game, and then we can, as expected for a remaster, cast that dream.

I want a game that we all remember as the original, at least that’s what I wanted.

A New refurbished game with better Resolution and the Graphics.
This is technically the point of a remaster, not to make a whole new game.

If you want the game to be more like Diablo 3 instead, then go play Diablo 3. No need to copy from it.

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No, I was saying this on another thread and while it is just my respectful personal opinion I am passionate about it so I will here as well.

Diablo 2 had a very interesting and unique and cool community because of the flawed way it was balanced/designed with weird mechanics like FFA loot compared to modern games.

Dividing the player base is not actually a great solution to me personally. If this did happen I also think the individual loot crowd would get more annoyed than they think because most likely the people least likely to participate in the action are going to join the personal loot games so they can not risk losing hours of play time of experience at higher levels in standard or permadeath in hardcore. People forget how many players just level up characters by standing at the side while other people play. People are not going to want great drops getting assigned to the dudes doing nothing.

The increased loot drops and increased experience that extra players bring that people could take advantage of always made it so that the Diablo community didn’t care too much about people standing around games nd it was pretty chill. They will care if it cuts into the loot they can pick up in combat.

I’ve been playing D2 since 2008. Personal loot would be nice in public games.


If you think you need personal loot / Increase Drop rate / or you think the ladder season are too short i made a guide
Btw if you think diablo 2 has a too low drop rate and or the ladder season are too short i made a guide for you :slight_smile: Guide To Loot Rate / And Shorter Ladder Season