As you can understand, different people have different experiences. I presume you played a character that teleported? Or you were near enemies all the time? It greatly enhances your chances of picking up an item. As a ranged character or a summoner that kills an enemy, I need to run to the item that drops. As I am running, a teleporter will snag it or a melee character will snag it. And it happens to every possible item. Imagine not teleporting or being right beside the item? Your odds are zero with strangers that owe you nothing. It may not even be possible to implement a personal loot system, which I believe should be the same item rate and randomization but with a player shuffle and 10-15 second timer until FFA, within the “party” shared experience bubble. It could equalize the differences between classes and strongly encourage strangers to venture into the realms of hell together without feeling wary the entire time. Keep both modes but for me shared loot was one of the worst aspects of D2 and it was so sad to me even then. Only friends or solo or in solo bubbles “get away from where I am killing” seems like such a waste of real potential.
Which is what they do with updating graphics, and releasing on consoles and modern systems.
I can also quote them in numerous places saying they intend to change as few of things as possible and stay true to the original game.
So your saying you can’t use characters that teleport, you can’t stand next to things, you can’t move around, should you be there?
What ends up happening is that ranged characters will stop fighting the bosses when they’re nearly dead and go towards it so they can loot. Which is stupid, because you’re encouraging people to stop playing the game and helping their allies just so they can have a chance at the rewards like everyone else.
Okay but what now what is stopping most players from doing nothing, standing close enough to affect drop odds, and actually moving less in this whole situation… do you increase the drop rate to counter the new possibility of never getting the drop, if you do now multiple account people can easily train other accounts near enough to the boss to affect all odds, now making it easier than any bot could to steal item chances.
It’s not like in Baal runs they don’t just need to move from side wall to portal to nearish baal, like it’s even easier for people to game the system.
Dude I have said a million times already, please learn to read my replies.
“please also add anti-leeching countermeasures”.
Pick your poison. Maybe distribute loot based on having done a certain amount of damage to the boss. Maybe you have to have been in the fight from the start. I don’t know. There’s tons of ways to do this.
How? that’s the thing, you guys say do this do that, but how would it actually work? do I as the rusher now get more, making your new drop odds complete trash… this isn’t hey this would be great but let’s not actually think how it would work.
The point of a discussion is putting forward ideas and solutions, not problems.
If loot had to be weighed to avoid leeching, how would you propose doing it?
No ideas are coming this way, besides one math formula from mrna, and your wishes for this to magically work, and arguing how it will without affecting anything else. To make personal loot work alone, would change how every loot drop is possibly calculated, would need to be weighed based somehow on effort to avoid multiple accounts from simple moving a couple inches and getting loot. Like it affects everything down the line, from rushing for forges, to contribution for reward.
I mean, real talk, Diablo 3 has leeching and do you know what happens? People leave the game and find a new one. It takes seconds, because there are so many games. It’s a problem we already solved in D3. And D3 has personal loot instead of shared or timed loot. People still don’t put up with leechers. So this problem would solve itself in D2 as well.
Have you played a summoner? Keep in mind, I did not have enigma. It was my preferred class but you tend use the minions to kill things, corpse explosion, amp damage etc. I played other classes like assassin, druid, paladin but didn’t get into the sorcerous for whatever reason. Each class should be able to play together and have a more equitable chance at rewards. If it doesn’t happen, so be it. Maybe I will get the teleporting snatcher going myself this time hahaha.
Diablo 3 doesn’t have anywhere the same loot system though so hard to compare anything. I agree in a perfect world sure, but Diablo 2 had communities around rushing, now sure that’s an exploit I guess as some would argue but it was there from day one as a way to do business for items. If you did rush you knew your much more powerful and can get the drops most the time. Now if you don’t weigh work effort this guy I’m rushing has leeched my odds, no if’s and’s or butt’s it is now different. Tons of people needed rushes, would beg for rushes, hell start D3 first day and everyone wants a rush. Without a weighted system there is no reason to rush lower level guys that can stay close enough to leech my drops, or at least waaaaay less chance of it happening as frequently as it did.
Diablo 2 has a clear tier item requirement for certain activities, if they can’t help out at all now, and don’t help my drops, it’s a lot heavier dead weight to carry around.
If people are being sh-tty you can trust players will find ways to deal with it. I would rather a system be made more fun and fair for Everyone and risk needing to deal with a few jerks that can be blocked/blacklisted and then never played with again, than deal with a system that at its core requires that you act sh-tty to get your fair share of the loot. Or all the loot.
I don’t get the crying from people about this loot system though, I never once used a pickit, had a sorc and necro main, and always got a decent amount of gear, felt satisfied, ran my own MF runs when needed. I don’t get the hate for how Diablo 2 played when you want Diablo 2. Why make every game a cookie cutter version of eachother.
OK but. It’s an online game. Why should I -have- to play alone if I want efficient loot drops? Why can’t we make the online game more convenient so that people play with other people more? Is that such a bad thing? Is it wrong to get more enjoyment out of group play than repeated solo runs?
People solo MF’d because it’s dirt easy to run around solo killing and maximizing speeds. Why make this game easier for leechers, why reward less work with more gear, why are we just making things stupid easy.
I like that you are considering the “Rusher’s” perspective, you take the items that appear as you rush lower level players through content. If there was individual loot, they would get a share which defeats the purpose of exploiting the game for both of your benefit. However, this line of reasoning is totally nullified by simply making your rush games shared loot from the get go and it isn’t a problem. If you are providing the rush service, you make the game type. Boom done. There will always be the option for FFA loot, they would not replace the system as is. It would be a new game type option probably or “party” option. Or server if people are that crazy about it but I think game type makes sense.
Now you are mixing FFA with Personal loot and those two economies cannot exist, this is where separate servers are the only way.
Whatever. Yeah. Just make a server with personal loot and a server with shared loot, see which ends up more popular and long-term able to sustain the game.
(Spoiler… it’ll be personal loot.)
I’m cool with that, I believe your wrong, but I would be okay with that.