Personal Loot - Sorry

Wont happen,enough said.The Devs specifically said this game is going to be as original as they can make it and nothing is being added like that.Personal loot isnt going to be introduced into the game,live with it.Want to see this game die as fast as D3, then keep kicking and screaming for changes like this.Want to actually play a Diablo game where you need to learn how not to get scammed,where you have to grind for your loot and trade and see a game that will last?Dont beg for changes like this.Just take my word here to any new players…You dont want this.There are reasons Diablo II lasted as long as it did and still has way more players than Diablo 3.All these changes people beg for on here because they want an easy Diablo is what would kill this remaster.


You couldn’t have posted this in one of the other 100 threads?


they also said they are fighting bots in wow retail / classic. and just look how flooded the servers are with bots. they say what you want to hear and do what they want to do after that.


And yet they keep saying it is those who want Timed Allocation loot/personal loot who spam :rofl:


Then they lied, because they have already made a bunch of changes, some of which have a bigger impact than Timed Allocation loot.

Timed Allocation loot is not easier than FFA. Just different.

It isn’t the new players who want this. It is us who have played D2 a bunch and know why it would be a good addition.


That’s fair I suppose.

What is this, create a new ploot thread every 5 minutes? Come on people.

I just counted the muted threads I have with ‘loot’ in the title, 54… 54

That count has risen to 61 a mere 4.5 hours after the initial count… So more like a new ploot thread every 38 minutes. :man_facepalming:


Actually, a recent tweet said that although it won’t be there for launch they continue to discuss the topic, so…

Personal loot isn’t really one of D3s major problems. That you think it is shows a severe lack of understanding overall.

Personal loot wouldn’t mean less of a grind. Probably more of one, really, especially if you’re good at clickclickclicking the ground.

Also, I spent over 500 hours in the first year of Reaper “grinding” for a Wand of Woh, so… yeah.

See above regarding personal loot likely increasing the grind for you.


They are discussing the option, so brace yourself.


I agree that ploot is a very good idea and should be added to the game.

Thanks for creating an OP with absolutely zero new arguments against ploot, proving that it is indeed the best solution to keep the game fresh and enjoyable for everyone.

Also thanks for not reading a single post about the suggested ploot feature before posting your “opinion” on the matter. Proves again and again what caliber of “arguments” are standing against a well-thought-through concept suggested by a sizeable part of the community.

I’d incorporate the suggestion as “evolved over time” instead of a well thought through suggestion.
I read discussions about this topic in this forum from March '21 and back then it was rather superficial and not even written out as a whole. At least i didn’t find any threads so far where the suggestion was explained in the OP. That also explains why people refer to Diablo III regularly when they read “personal loot”.
Just recently, think today or yesterday, someone actually wrote what the suggestion / idea was about and what deviations exists in an own thread.

I never said it was born perfectly. But when you look at both sides of the argument, one is continously getting better, while the other side is just stagnating reiterating the same boring one-liners over and over again.

Fair point.

Personal Loot - Defined

Actually tries to do that, but i think it could be improved.
I was thinking about creating a explainatory thread, but i do not want to stress things with jedi and zax. Also i do not feel the formatting rules are sufficient for it.

@MissCheetah are there more layouting ways when creating a wiki post? I need a table of contents and nested lists.

Incoming permanent ban…

I have no words for this post… holy cow this should be deleted asap!

Yes that thread is the one i meant. At least you have a foundation now to discuss. Before it was making an argument and the suggestion was tailored in such a way, so the brought up argument is invalid. That’s what it felt like and that’s also why i stopped argueing.

It’s so far the only one i found and i can’t blame people for not reading through 2000 + posts over several topics in order to take part in the discussion.

I agree.

But if you ever tried to write a long post in this forum, you will quickly run out of ways to structure it. I was about to create such a thread already a few times, but it felt not readable.
Also there are already so many threads on the topic and i did not want to add yet another one (there are more than enough people eager to tell us that they think ploot is relevant, even by desparetely claiming that it isnt).
And now we have @Lumpus to take care of the definition thread. I just hope he fleshes it out a bit more.

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That is the problem, to avoid posting a wall of text. It can be difficult on forums like this regarding a touchy subject to articulate a point while still making it something that people will take the time to read, which clearly was a failure as many still did not read.

Rather than clarify, elaborate or question what I wrote I got the same “Go play D3” replies. People don’t want to read and they don’t want to understand, they just want to win the argument even if it means they need to remain willfully ignorant to do so.

Cases in point:

  1. FFA looters say most people want FFA loot. We’ve all seen this posted many times. Yet, their argument against giving people the toggle option for auto allocate or FFA is that all games would be auto allocate and they would be stuck playing a game they didn’t like. This, along with the fact that they can simply make their own game, completely contradict each other.

  2. The reply “If you want ploot go play D3”. Diablo doesn’t just have ploot, it has account bound loot. The two are completely different. This has been explained hundreds of times by me alone. Do they care?.. no, they just keep saying it like it hasn’t been explained.

All this arguing not because they don’t want ploot, but because they don’t want other people to have the option to play in a way that will have zero effect on their life.

It’s shockingly ignorant.

Its not ignorant, its toxic.

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I can be both.

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