Personal Loot - Defined

Well yes just like people design games exclusively to run Baal or Meph all day. There would be games that are designed to have free-for-all standard and also games designed to have timed loot assignment.

Worse how? Nothing you could do in that system couldnt also be done in FFA. There is no problem in any of that.

You would have to go to down and turn hostile? Plenty of time to pick up the item.

And if you are already hostile, well, then you could also kill them in FFA before they can pick up anything. Completely fine to do that.

Disagreeing is not misinformation. You can disagree all you want!
But claims like “8X the loot”, or “PL disables trading” and that stuff is misinformation/lies.

Ah, the no child left behind policy, how has that worked out.
This kind of thinking kills people’s will to exceed.
When you’re at a wedding and the bride throws her bouquet,
does everyone get one, no.
Or when the groom does the garter?
So when kids get good marks and bad ones, do we all get the same grade?
Actually now, some schools do.
We don’t all the get the same job, education, significant others etc.
This idea of participation trophies has wrecked society into bunch of
lazy robots, who have zero initiative.
I don’t care about people taking my treasure, cause you know what,
I can play solo, or find others with same mindset.
But what I am not doing is trying to change a game to accommodate me.
And if you’re disabled, I feel for you, but this game shouldn’t be dumbed down
for you or anyone.
There are other choices when it comes to easier playing games.
Just like getting older, your fingers are slower, guess what, you don’t change
the game.
If you insist in playing with strangers in game, then don’t try to force them
to play your way.
I play solo in these types of games, and don’t cry a river about others
play experiences, so quit ruining others fun.

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This is what every ploot advocate suggests and this i am 100% sure will not happen.
Blizzard will have to:

  • implement this feature
  • create 2 seperate versions of the game
  • provide double the servers for ladder sc, ladder hc, nl sc, nl hc
  • split the player base

Now what about balance changes that tons of others want aswell? But some of them dont want ploot and vice versa but some want both.
Now would we ideally have
1 normal realm, 1 ploot realm, 1 balances realm and 1 balance+ploot realm ? To make all happy?

Oh but now… some people want cham inventory but not all balance and ploot people like it, lets do the same again

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I never understand this whole idea about splitting the player base. People can already make games that split the player base and it’s been fine. We can make games entirely dedicated to doing a single boss run over and over again. Some people don’t like doing that boss and they will never see each other as players. The player base is split. Who cares?

Also if blizzard feels they cannot implement this then they will not implement this. Speculating about it from having no information is pointless tho. If they can, they can’t. In the meantime the discussion is about the viability of the theory.

Also, no one is suggesting to make separate realms for ploot. What is being suggested is simply the addition of an option when customizing a game. Very simple. The separate realm suggestion is more about a modernized server versus traditional. On the modernized server balance changes can be made, and additional content etc.

You and I both know that such a modernized server would be the most popular by far, that’s why you’re threatened by the idea. Many people will become bored of Diablo 2 and stop playing it that would instead rather play on modernized servers. The total loss of player population is much more detrimental than this idea of splitting the player base. We can see that there is a huge demand for this because you cannot even find battle net streamed games anymore really. The main player base is playing on modded private servers so we already know that the established Diablo 2 community wants such changes.

To be honest, even when I’m in general against Ploot, I have to admit is not bad idea. Considering that the game randomly would assign the items, the quantity of items would be the same, it wouldn’t affect the game economy and would be an option which wouldn’t affect to other players like me who like the traditional FFA, I would have nothing against it.
Perhaps, the hostile mechanic that could lead to some players exploit this system, coming to timed loot games to see who get the good stuff and kill to steal. In FFA someone also can become hostile and kill you to steal the loot you got, but nomally those are the players who normally are ninjas picking the loot and kill you because you were faster for once, so everyone with time understood that multiplayer was for XP and questing, and solo for looting. You ended up becoming passive sometimes before anyone kill you because of loot.

So my final thoughts are, that this suggestion in particular doesn’t affect the core gameplay beyond random assignation of items and only to those who want to play this optional feature, doesn’t affect the economy nor trading…
I can only imagine people complaining because they are unlucky with the assignement or because some kind of system bias to X player or because people join this games to kill loot steal…

I would rather fight for multiplayer mod support, this has much more value ! We could have median xl and pod2 which are the perfect balance mods already

SC and HC are not two different versions of the game. Same game with different rules.
And the 1.14 one is already created.

The amount of players are the same, which is what matters for the server load. No need for doubling the actual physical servers.

Which is not, and never has been, an issue.

Touch luck. 2 servers, Changes and No Changes.
However, as said, the PL one would still be a toggle, so they could just play with FFA.

The goal here is to protect the original experience, with a permanent 1.14 server that Blizzard cant mess up. Not to protect any specific new change. That one will just be a big mix of changes. Some optional some not.
But the people wanting no changes would not have to concern themselves with that.

Yes, there is no issue here whatsoever. It is the good old concern trolling.

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Dont get me wrong. Mod support is imo the #1 issue in D2R, and the one that, other than offline support, could get me to refund the game.

It is possible to talk about multiple topics though :slight_smile:
Sadly, there is very little talk about mods here, probably because there is a lot of D2 ladder players.

These things never work, but… modding petition!

In fact, right now I noticed something actually good about this timed loot assigment idea, It would be an option to avoid bots.

No to both, I dont want auto pick or to see what drops that I cannot click and collect right away.

I would much rather see the Devs dedicate resources to game security, a trade system, and a Grail/Loot Tab system.

Well I think that’s a thoughtful post and I hear you. At first I was staunchly against the idea of ploot but was convinced otherwise. I get it.

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Blizzards credibility is in the trash right now. The other lawsuit news going on, they will optimize as much money as best they can.

The loot system could be selected at either game or character creation. In this case, no game would have 2 loot systems at once in multiplayer.


If you don’t think this is a risk, then you have A LOT of faith in current Blizzard devs who didn’t work on the original game. I don’t mean to be disrespectful toward Blizzard devs and I do appreciate the (so far) beautiful work they’ve put into this, but I’d prefer that they resist the temptation to change the core mechanics of loot or balance.

If you think this is a risk, they don’t need any sort of ploot system to get that ball running, they will just do it. It’s not like an auto allocation is a gateway to making every drop account bound.

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If you cant get the loot you want then change FFA where the system just gives it for you.

Well if you are bored in d3 then you need a new hobby and when d4 comes out all of them going to leave d2r.

You assume you will be able to get the loot you want now that your old playing against 15 year olds hopped up on energy drinks.

You also assume that you will get more or less loot than before. The reality is, it probably wont change.

The ever so popular “bored D3 player” argument. Did you really have nothing else but stale digs?

If auto pickup for gold was put in as a toggle for disabled people, why not an auto allocated loot system? You afraid you won’t be able to snatch that gear from people with disabilities anymore? That Zod rune might get lost to someone with an older computer or slower internet speed?

How are you going to prove to everyone how manly you are with your majestic mouse clicking skills if other people are given a fair chance?


Exactly. I have very little faith in Blizzard, but they don’t need PL as an excuse if they want to screw things up.

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I not assume. I know. And if somebody is gonna be faster then what? Should i cry in the corner: Maaah looot

These are facts.

A disabled player how are going to pick up the loot? How he clicks on the monster? How he give command move for his char? How he going to distribute skill and stat points?

Fair chance dosent mean same outcome. Here is a nice video if you want to learn what means fairness.
https ://

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