Personal loot confirmed?

Yea, you have some that have complained, but you also have some that have not complained and still want to keep shared loot. May not be 50-50, but it sure is not some wide margin.

Yea, but when loot rains from the sky you have a pretty decent setup within a day, not to mention you reach 70 in one day, and start paragon. Gearing is easier in D3! I love playing D3, but I don’t want the same gameplay for D2: R. Keep D2: R with low/rare drop rates, and shared loot for the sake of keeping the game preserved like the Devs have stated, and also the front page of D2: R!

For certain things like auto-gold pickup having an option for it is ok. Like most people say, you’re gonna end up picking up magic items, and armor, and skill items and sell them for more gold than what you would pick up in gold anyways. As for other optional things such as loot, I think that is a core mechanic of gameplay and does not need an option. It either needs to stay shared loot like it currently is in D2, or changed to personal loot that still allows for trading(not bind on pickup/account/etc.). So, for certain things options are ok, but for others like core mechanic gameplay then options are not ok. Everyone needs to be on the same playing field when it comes to core mechanic gameplay especially when making Ladder characters.

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Ah. So wonderful to read, spelled out.


Its hilarious how you, me and others in the forum have to literally link to multiple articles and videos from the D2R developers themselves saying, “we aren’t changing the game. We aren’t changing the loot” 12 different times and guys like MicroRNA STILL can’t come to terms with that fact. There will NEVER be changes like charms inventory, P-loot, skill re-balancing, and loot balancing/nerfing. The developers have literally said no to these exact ideas and even the general idea of changing anything, so why on earth does anyone think its still possible? :laughing:

“hey fellow casuals, if we all complain enough in the forums the D2R devs will totally ignore their own morals and goals as well as the entire hardcore fan base to give us tons of new content and changes to the game. Even though they said the exact opposite.” -casuals in this thread

My favorite type of troll in this forum are the , "hey im actually also a hardcore D2 fan, i just also want tons of changes to completely change the original game… " :roll_eyes: mmk


Fake news bro. Some random article from the internet ain’t saying jack. :-p

*Edit: I’m obvious being sarcastic since Billy boy refuses to belief the other articles on gaming news sites have posted Chris Lena said that balance changes could occur with player feedback, quoting it starts in the technical alpha.

You are confounding two distinct issues. There is the loot drop system and loot drop rates. Since you mentioned leveling to 70 in a day, you are referring to D3:RoS. D3 vanilla had much, much, much lower drop rates. The drop rate was so low, it was nearly impossible to gear up without using the Auction House. Many thought that this was intentional by Blizzard to ensure more money through the AH.

Therefore, drop rates and drop systems are very different. Legendaries did not rain from the sky initially in D3V where the level cap was 60. Paragon was not even part of D3 early on and the drop rates were super low

Being committed to keeping an old system is not the same as excluding an optional addition.


Considering the devs themselves are quoted a half a dozen times saying such things as, “we won’t do anything that changes the original game”, “we wanted to preserve the original experience so we even left in dozens of bugs on purpose” and “we were very hesitant to even had auto-gold so we added a toggle feature”, there’s zero chance some “alpha player feedback” will suddenly result in these same developers reversing course on everything they’ve said and doing some huge re-balance.

If you actually watch the whole deep dive you can tell the “balance” changes they would be referring to would be things like buffing dead skills no one ever used. Not nerfing any current skills or even fixing bugged skills. So not really “balancing” as just allowing more options for players to choose from. All original builds will work in D2R exactly how they work now.

They’ve also confirmed zero changes/balancing will come to loot, regardless of feedback. Loots 2 and only changes are improvements to art and the correct item appearance showing on your character when equipped.

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I see the usual suspects are still going at it :slight_smile: Nothing they said indicated wide changes of any kind due to the alpha, the only thing even remotely linking alpha is the idea that it’s the start of a new Diablo 2 chapter… This is all PR speak, enough vagueness to say things but not promise things. Nothing in what they said, and specifically tried not to say indicated these kinds of changes that they want.

However doesn’t really matter, I could point out tons of ways personal doesn’t work or won’t work with drop rates and the way D2 actually plays, but it’s meaningless, they want D2, but just not like it was… while I want it exactly like it was but with better graphics and some QoL changes, exactly what they promised.

This is not like it’s a new game, a new IP, a voyage for the next 10 years, could they add to it sure, but would I be satisfied if all I ended up with was a new version of D2 I can enjoy for another 20 years with better safeguards, yup.


Yea, I was talking about D3: RoS as it currently stands.

I have watched the deep dive, the Q&A, The Mr Llama vid, and the fluffy guy streamer with the private Q&A. I also pointed out a couple weeks ago an article in which they say that loot would not be instanced in multiplayer raids. However, you were contradicting openly that the articles said nothing, and were only going by the Blizzcon info. I would imagine that between the two alphas, and first ladder, they will be taking note both from the bnet 2.0 tools and player feedback on buffing skills (such as dead skills or those with no synergies) and fixing bugs that affect balancing in a negative way towards players. If a skill is not functioning properly, to the player’s disadvantage, according to their current philosophy with bugs, they will fix it.

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I was only going on the latest info from the Dev’s mouths in the latest blizzcon Deep dive. Anything said before that interview became 100% irrelevant based on that new interview. Any hope of major changes died with that deep dive so why even speculate when we now know its pointless?

Everything else you’re saying, yea hopefully they do man. I’m only talking big changes like entire skill reworking or balancing. Buffing some dead skills or fixing a negative skill bug /= “balancing changes” as many are suggesting it does.

Most of these articles have been post blizzcon. Some of that Blizzcon stuff was recorded back in December if I’m not mistaken due to the online nature that the event had to go with. I think the panel with the 4 where each new Diablo dev member were asked questions was the one mainly live. I could see them buffing underperforming skills as well, but no nerfing skills, like hammerdin builds.

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Except the deep dive is not the latest information. The post-Blizzconline information about the two alpha tests, the ability to have old saves in D2R is the latest information. This includes discussion about balance and additional changes that may be made based on player feedback.

Also, the intellectual argument that they want to keep the experience as close to D2 as possible, does not mean that the player can not select options that make it less D2-like. This was made abundantly clear at Blizzconline and afterwards.


It’s not just about memories. Personal loot = insane drop rates. Just see how it is in D3, why would you want it in D4? Nobody will play games with shared loot if it is merely an option.


Personal loot and loot drop rates are separate. D3 has always had personal/instanced loot. In the early days of D3 the drop rate was abysmally low for legendary items. Currently in D3:RoS, the loot drop rate is high.

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