Personal loot confirmed?

Do you also want the option to click on all the loot from mobs someone else killed?

www. washingtonpost .com/video-games/2021/02/20/diablo-2-resurrected/

“There’s no rubber stamp that works when remastering a game,” Gallerani said. “You have to identify what is important to the fans and what they remember of the game. You’re not just remastering what the game was. You’re remastering what they remember it was. … Every modernization decision we had, we would have discussions about. In the end, we say if it doesn’t change the game, it’s good.”

Even the loot system from the old game is retained. When playing multiplayer, you won’t have shared loot with the rest of the team. You need to keep an eye out on what’s dropping. That decision to keep the looting system is meant to retain the original game’s spirit of collaboration and cooperation, as well as frustration and competition.

“Be mindful of ninja looters,” said Matthew Cederquist, the game’s producer.


I think anyone who truly believes this game won’t receive changes going forward post-release, are deluding themselves.

And I enjoy drinking tears.

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The interesting thing is that for many of us in our collective memories is that FFA loot was a poor game design decision. Others liked it. The fact that Matthew is already pointing out ninja looters suggests that Blizzard recognizes the problems that FFA causes. It will be interesting to see if they make another loot option.

I am growing more and more interested in the big poll to see what thousands of players want in D2R. For some things, it may be abundantly clear/consensus, other things may be much more evenly split.

I believe they confirmed no cross play. Only cross progression.

At least initially. They have not ruled out the possibility of cross play in the future. My sense was that cross play may not happen but it seemed more like a “never say never” type of answer.

Gotcha. I hope they do cross play, I’d love to play with more people!

But I think some infrastructure issues prevent it.

Can Diablo 3 on Xbox and PC play together?


More characters

So if you can’t cross play on D3, not sure how they would add cross play for D2R. But I hope they figure it out.

Cross play is widely requested in the video game community. You can imagine you own an Xbox and your friend a Playstation and another friend a PC. It might be nice that all 3 of you can play together without switching platforms.

Only botters and jsp advocates would want looting to stay ffa imo. i know some of you are hoping it to stay ffa so you can corner the market and make money. PL would help to get rid of jsp profiteers and make them less impactful. right now, only real way to get things like annis/high end runewords is to buy them from a third party: trading is pretty dead in d2 2000 b/c of this. only the botters/picket users get the loot and they sell all of it on jsp to force people to pay cash. no thanks.

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Diablo 3 doesn’t due cross play for a variety of reasons. One is monster density I’m pretty sure is lower on consoles, and camera is slightly different due to using the controller. Another is the dodge feature on consoles, again making it easier for players with the controller.

I think allowance of crossplay is also up to the console creators too. I think Sony is usually the odd one out in allowing cross play, at least between competing console markets, which is what a game like Diablo would do.

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Actually, it was an excellent game design decision. Like the above post, “That decision to keep the looting system is meant to retain the original game’s spirit of collaboration and cooperation, as well as frustration and competition.” Yea, you’re gonna have games, even public games where people are gonna ninja loot, but also you can cooperate to see where people are on their trust like in real life so you can build relationships among the community, or have frustration and either PK, or PvP them types of people. So many different options with shared loot that people don’t seem to understand. I believe Matthew mentioned ninja looters because they are not gonna change it to an option for personal loot. They are keeping D2: R preserved with shared loot so he mentioned to be mindful of ninja looters.


lol’d at ppl asking for personal loot, It’s D2… Not D3


The problem is FFA loot often diminished collaboration/cooperation and increased frustration/nastiness.

This certainly depended on the team. A team of friends were usually cooperative and would be so irrespective of FFA or personal loot. Once one ventures in public games, there was a higher tendency to drift to more frequent frustration and nastiness. For me, clicking on a good item in an 8 player public game often left me with the sense that I took something from my teammates where there was a 7/8 probability that the good drop really belonged to someone else.

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I think it worked better in the past than it does now, especially with having increased and shared stash, which means less of a pain to mule and gives more options to pick up what you probably wouldn’t on a normal public run. Most experienced players will play with backpack full of charms and a cube to only pick up certain items, but less experienced will run less or no charms to leave more room for loot (leechers).

Back in the day, it was easy to pick up and play with a few friends. Really, what was the online rpg market back in those days? MMOs like Everyquest, Runescape? Hell, back then IRC roleplaying was still pretty popular. Now, they are a dime a dozen, hence most people’s experience with this game now will be with randoms. Community in this game is not really like community in MMOs, with static raid nights and such.

With that said, it’s whatever with me on personal loot. I’d like to see it, but I’d rather see them focus on balance and possible new content. Those are my main hopes for a D2 revival.

Could you imagine if they put personal loot in D4? That would be a good sign of not trying the game.

In all my years playing D2 FFA loot did not at anytime diminish collaboration/cooperation and increased frustration/nastiness for myself personally. I mean, yea, there was times I got mad because I didn’t get a drop, but I moved on like a big boy and eventually got a good/better drop later on. You win some, you lose some. D2 is like life. You gotta manage, risk, create relationships, or like some people have fun in PKing, or PvP. It’s all a part of D2, and the Devs do not want to take any of that away by making it Personal loot. Personal loot makes the game too easy, and it’s almost like handing everything to you without putting any effort in playing the game. Yea, personal loot may be alright to keep away ninja looters to an extent, but other than that shared loot is fine. D2 has been around for 21 years with shared(FFA) loot. I say that’s a good enough example of keeping it that way in D2: R! :slight_smile:


I am glad that you did not experience this. If you read the forum, you can see this a widespread complaint on the D2R forum.

This is not true. In d3, you still have have to put effort in to get loot.

There are not taking anything away if they make it an optional selection. Does adding auto-gold pickup that you can turn off, take away the original D2 experience of clicking on gold if you want to do that?


Just no. stop trying to remake the game, this is a remastered graphics, its a FFA loot, no personal loot will be implemented. The game is still alive 20 years later becouse it is what it is, stop this horrible ideas