Personal loot confirmed?

Wait for more information on this one. They said Cross Progression (char saves). So far they have not confirmed that different platforms can play together in the same game instances.

This would Not Be fair in the sense of PC gamers getting a left and right click only setup while console has Multiple skills and utilities available readily. I can’t see a Cross Play ever being a thing from what they’ve said. it would Burn the pc users for Pvp.

I recall a video or Q&A where they stated that you will not have cross platform play at launc. For example, a playstation player can not play with a PC player. I assume someone will correct me if I’m wrong.

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These awful bad ideas have already been implemented in very popular mods and they have a huge following.
Try to consider what is best for the game and not your personal wants for it. This is not D2 anymore, its D2R. Its already a very different game. If its not to your liking, I can respect that. D2 is still there for you and me. If more modern players will play this game due to these changes, then I will gladly forgo these old, antiquated game mechanics. The way I see it, the more attention/players play this game, the better the chances are that D2R team will continue to support it. I want to play with my friends who are now all adults and have full time lives. They are not interested in coming back to a game that has such harsh requirements when it comes to time/inventory management. They just want to be able to beat the prime evils again with the favorite fully geared characters and relive their childhood memories.
For me personally, I enjoy giving more than taking. Can you say the same? I remember back in the day picking up (before anyone else due to positioning) an item that was really valuable and I chose to give it to my friend. The act of giving was more powerful than the rush of trying to compete to pick up the item. I also did not enjoy the fact that everyone knows what items were picked up in a pub game. You become the center of attention and I find this to be unwanted attention.
In conclusion, I support what is best for the game. Even if I don’t like it, as long as it brings in more players.

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Learn to play, get good and stop crying.

D2 is fine as it is.


my only real argument against personalized loot would be the market. instead of “4” items dropping from baal, now you will have “32” (in an 8 person game) dropping. i completely understand that 99% will be junk drops but the “CHance” of more drops is 100%. on a different note i am a “purist” when it comes to drops… i believe that “boss” drops shouldn’t be as common as they are. i would like to see the “drops” from uniques instead of boss drops… would make people actually clear an area instead of farming bosses. my 2cents.

Personally, I believe they should keep the shared loot from original D2 in D2: R. If they were to do personal loot, though, it should follow the same “total” amount of drops that would have dropped if it was a regular shared loot game.

8 player game with the regular shared loot from D2.
Party goes through, and kills all end Act bosses(Andariel, Duriel, Mephisto, Diablo, Baal).
Let’s say there is a total of 10 uniques that drop between all of these bosses in this 8 person shared loot game.

Now, let’s say that the same game was instead on personal loot instead of shared loot.
8 player game with personal loot.
Party goes through, and kills all end Act bosses(Andariel, Duriel, Mephisto, Diablo, Baal).
Even though each person has their own personal loot the same amount of 10 uniques would drop, but depends on who gets it. This way would help against leechers, and pickit botters. Items would still be allowed to trade to other players.

Conclusion is that I prefer original D2 shared loot. But, if they do go to personal loot, or even as some suggested to have it as an option between shared loot, or personal loot as long as the same amount of “total” drops would be calculated then it would be fine to have it that way.

"At it’s core we want this to still be the same. So right away things the balance, the monsters you see, spawn rates, item drops and things like that are the same.

And what we’re doing is trying to take any of the rough edges you see: compatibility issues, resolution issues, and obviously the art - improving the art as well… all these kind of things you come to know from a remaster but still very much maintaining what the game is.

Andre Abrahamian - Lead Designer"

Judging by the quote from andre the lead designer the answer is no


Blizzard already announced that they are shortening season length in D2R. This has implications for the game.

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It’s the easiest way to make ladder harder without nerfing drop rates for the entire game. You reduce the amount of time and you make it more difficult to fully gear a character from scratch.

The only other way to fix ladder would be to mess with the game itself changing drop rates of items and that is not something they want to do.

Do you agree with this? Should ladder be harder? Does that change fundamentally the difficulty of D2R in comparison to D2?

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No it doesn’t fundamentally change anything it actually in effect restores it more toward it’s original intention.

Ladder was always designed to be a Difficult Endeavor, 1.14B the patch that wasn’t from Blizzard north made ladder easier. All they are doing is restoring the intended difficulty, and they are doing it in such a way that has minimal impact on the game as a whole.

Also MicroRNA your attempts at trolling are rather pathetic try a bit harder.

So what D2 patch do you consider perfect? I am not trolling. I am just trying to figure out how people view a “perfect game” that has undergone multiple and significant gameplay changes. It is the perfect game the final patch? Is it an intermediate patch? Was it the original release version?

My take is that there are D2 elements that were changed as the game matured that made it better; however, some changes made the game worse.

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lol that’s a laugh, you have been trolling almost since the first time we talked. But that’s just because you want instanced loot so bad your willing to sacrifice your first born to do it.

There is no perfect answer to that question, and even the Developers of D2R are Afraid to form that distinction.

My Take on it is The original Team of Blizzard north is gone we are never going to have the team back who could make changes to the game properly and who understood the proper balance that they themselves created.

The only thing left to do is treat it like a priceless antique and restore it without changing anything if possible.

Ladder is already difficulty to reach.
And I played everyday in many years, hard to reach the top.

If they make the Ladder even shorter, there will be more bots in game just to reach the 99 level. More bots = More cheaters. = More money to Blizzard, cause the cheaters will keep buying new accounts. And the hell gets loss

Is this what Vicarious Visions wants to do?
Why even change the Ladder length, It was never a problem for us players. And now they want to shorter It, much true D3 fans?

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So Let them, it’s a revenue source for Blizzard that will keep the game running. Let the cheaters and botters get banned and let them spend money on new copies of the game, and create new accounts.

Diablo 2 is so easy to get a copy of right now if you payed for it then you got ripped off.

When the Cheaters have to drop $40 on a new copy every time they get banned it’s gonna add up a hell of a lot faster then free that diablo 2 is now.

I have felt this way for a long time, Companies need to treat cheaters, botters, and exploiters as a revenue source. Ban them in waves and at every opportunity they can. Let them fund the game and the servers to help keep everything running. Because let’s be honest they can never get rid of them, so why not use them to fund the game?

Extremely contentious as I thought it would be. Im actually split in the middle after reading through everything. I could live with both ways, I mean any old player has itchy trigger fingers so I’m not worried about getting loot.

For me it boils down to if they did make loot personal how would they combat the over abundance of loot. Botting did ruin the magnitude of item attainabilty but I thought the point about MF gear was extremely valid. Why would you build anything other than mf gear and not just leech on other players hard work in a personal loot scenario. I suppose you could block drops based on contribution to a boss but I also think it begins to make it far more complex than it needs to be.

Others have suggested a different game mode to select at character creation aka personal loot and group loot but again I think it splits the players to much.

I do think d2 uses the git gud method and unfortunately that does exclude modern players and casuals.

I’ve always liked it because it best conveys actually dungeon crawling in an rpg. In retrospect personal loot does seem like a snowflake invention and I very rarely use the term honestly It’s true.

Most importantly in all the years of playing d2, the games and runs were so accessible that I never felt gutted at not getting something that I couldn’t just immediately start another meph run and I think that’s crucial.

I definitely missed out on some drops but I also got good drops as well and everyone gets their lucky loot eventually. I thinking scarcity and low drop rates honestly is what has kept diablo 2 alive and loved for so long.

They should even lower the drop rates for runes, and put more emphasis on anti bot measures.

That wasn’t my comment that was the Moderators comment, I said that 2 them all ready, I was Just explaining the same to the Ill informed moderator.
there’s no way cross play could work when Pc will be left right click while console will have Multi buttons available.

I think the cross-play issue doesn’t matter too much. The PC version has controller support, and presumably the interface of console and PC with a controller are the same.


Here is why personal loot is a bad idea

In both Diablo 2 and 3 players would join games online to quickly get to the boss others were fighting and share a piece of the pie they didn’t earn (or may have helped)

With personal loot they are automatically given items every single time they join the game and enter the boss room.

I get that people make private parties and have passwords on their games but even then there are still people looking for easy ways to get loot without doing the work and I am against it.

D3 is more of this system where everyone gets a piece of the pie, everyone is powerful, everyone has cool stuff and cool pets and items and all that.

In Diablo 2 you actually have to strategize and work for your character to be among the best.

In addition, having to share loot brings a lot of interesting and enjoyable experiences to players. Bartering among each other, helping each other out, sharing the goods as a team. It’s all apart of the Diablo 2 experience!

If you want personal loot then just do a solo game