Patch Notes for DH sets

If it works like that, which is entirely possible, then you’ll take the grenade rune on Strafe and decide if it pays to take Vallas over Dawn.

The presence of GoD4 could mean at least 2x extra traps if what you predicted is true.

My instinct says, 2 traos per attack… but if not, the skill/rune proc coefficient will prevent grenade or multishot flooding.

The spike trap AoE is so small and for me at 6700 paragon won’t hit harder than 86T unless the 2pc bonuses grant area damage.

Damage and strategy wise, I see this a lot like the new Akkhan Condemn. I just hope to get more juice from manually casted Spike Traps in the CoE cycle.

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On the otherhand, it’s possible that ST explosions could spawn more ST’s which would explain the “chain reaction” wording later in the set. If that’s the case, then Grenades wouldn’t be necessary, possibly.

Wouldn’t that go against the procs can’t proc rule? Are the primaries from GoD strafe considered procs?

“Procs don’t proc procs” isn’t a hard and fast rule. There are several exceptions.

Yep. One of the most annoying aspects of the game. You can’t guess what will happen. You have to test it experimentally or wait for someone else to.

Tried this on PTR for a few mins. .

All hits seem to spawn the ST.
There doesnt seem to be a limit, so Custom Eng frees up.
Caltrops/Jagged doesnt proc STs.
Strafe geenade with hellcat works, but better damage by stacking ST with Primary Grenade skill, then popping them all with another spender (i used FoK hatred rune)

Also. Tragouls bracers seems to override the element of the ST on your bar instead of being added in after. I didnt test if it was cosmetic or changing the damage as well.

I’ve only tried the cold & lightning runes but I distinctly saw the blue for cold and the lightning arcs. I think what is confusing is that the taunt from Chanon seems to be most visible of the visual clutter, probably because red catches the eye more.

The lightning rune works well with strafe. In larger rooms with a big pull I’m seeing a wide coverage as the arcs connect with all of the traps. It’s sort of a lighter version of FotH.

It’s FotH meets Akkhan Condemn.

What is the red/black bubble over the enemies’ heads?

Is it better to Strafe and weave a generator or is it better to set up with a generator and then detonate with a spender like MS?

One maybe silly question, does spike trap count as a pet?!?!

I too removed the custom engineering as it seemed to do nothing.

What is the biggest number of deployed traps you have seen?

And lastly have you been able to figure out if Vallas is better or if like GoD you have to consider your attack speed.

Are you using Chanon? I believe it’s the taunt indicator.

I settled on using strafe with lightning traps as it seems to have better area coverage. I’m not a hard charger so ymmv.

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After using traps for the first time ever in 13 years it really does seem like they should be modified by the Grenadier passive. Unless my old ears deceive me they even have the same ‘clink’ sound as grenades.

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Chains of Torment seems to proc ST which allowed a greater stack for 6 pc than using stafe as it also explodes them. Rucksack for 2 extra sentries. Vault around to maximize st then set up the lightning traps. A different playstyle than stafe. As I don’t have time to push, I am excited to see if there are other synergies with COT as I know we wont be able to stack LOH like we once did.

I am looking forward taking this in the new season - and enjoying a much loved and thought extinct build and playstyle.

Thanks Blizzard for a little nostalgia for perhaps the last D3 season!!

The max amount of traps of is 10. I’m running with N6/GoD4 Grenades. I was up to GR 125 on non season with 4251 paragon and still climbing before switching to UE to see what I could do with that.

Anyway, it seems to me like grenades would spawn traps quicker but that might not be as great as running with another build that’s not built around GoD4. The plus side of GoD 4 is you don’t have to put as many speed skills on your bar and hatred generation is good, plus GoD4 added defense is a helps the build a lot, I think.

Just some thoughts.


i like the DR with nats 6 UE 4, dunno how far i can push it as is, did a 125
Using NS, TDD and CB in the cube

Really?! I think I saw a count of 11 at some point. Might be that it is a bug then.

The reason I asked about the max number guys was to understand if you at higher difficulties are setting up traps first then explode them.

The reason is that I am slowly opening up the higher GR, @GR 50ish now, and there I very lazely just strafe continuosly. Average count is 8 but quit often it jumps to 10.

There’s a icon abover your skill bar of a flexing arm, in the corner of that is a count of how many traps on the ground, that has a max of 10, so I’m assuming that that’s how many traps is the max you can have out. If you’re seeing more, then perhaps I’m wrong.

Is that only with the engineering passive or do you get 10 either way with the set?

10 either way i think, the icon has 10 max that i have seen

That’s what I thought, but the top slots on the PTR DH leaderboard all use the passive.