Patch 2.7.7 is Live

NO, its most likely it will show up in non-season when it actually goes live on Friday.

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If this is the case, State that in the notes or make a update. ATM no one knows what’s going on

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Could you or someone else get official clarification?

Probably best to just wait until the season starts before ringing the bell that the sky is falling though.

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I can’t unforunately. I don’t have any lines to Community.

Asia before and after:

With altar temporarily:

After EU check relog back to Asia:

Looks like Altar is deliberately left out of NS. This situation is either bugged/uninteded code error or mistakenly left altar active n ninja hot fixed.


Check the imgur links, they are the same.


No it won’t. On the PTR unlocking on season doesn’t make appear the altar on NS.
UPD Haven’t a ptrofiles on America and Asia at all. Trying all - no altar.

Is this PTR or now active?

But the forum would not be as fun without all of the sky is falling clan.

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You and Strix don’t mind getting lied to, We get it

Did you ever think it might just be a glitch that they are working on?

Souce?? If any!!!

No, Blizzard never glitches… The sky is falling.


What are the problems with me? Communication was poor, between the developers and Pez, and therefore between Pez and the players.

Can you argue where this might seem a little difficult?

It’s called Blizzard they always have issues with patches.

Just like they had issues when the altar didnt show up in PTR when season 30 was active in PTR as well, Got it


Tyvm… fixed (characters)

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Pez’s tweet in August 2023 and the patch notes that were released in January 2024 are consistent in that both state altar will be in non-season.


What is interesting, that when you look closely on the image from the Patch notes you will see, that the patch number is, while we got some earlier patch (.92326). Maybe that’s the case of missing Altar and Visions?