Patch 2.6.9 PTR has ended!

I feel like it’s fulfilling the niche Convention of Elements should have filled; CoE should have applied a stacking buff for using multiple elements, and SoJ should have buffed single-element builds.

Sadly, for a Wizard, the new SoJ is basically useless. Which is weird, because SoJ symbolized casters in D2.
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I hope Stone of Jordan is now par or better than Convention of Elements, I’m not really good at snapshoting damage effectively. But, I imagine COE would be better since it requires more skill which is understandable. I imagine this would benefit wizard the most since skills and passive skills deal with multiple elements. If soj turns out the way that I think it will, I’ll probably equip it for the mere fact that gives me more options. Being cornered on what skill to use based on Elemental damage has been frustratingly limiting.

Wow, Witch Doctor finally gets one season where it can admit it’s an actual class in D3, then you completely trash it and send it back to obscurity. GG Blizz.


Rats won’t exist after this patch.

Bracers… Please consider adding something new bracer for Necromancer.


And the nerf of that crusader shield is also useless … I think it’s just so strong!

No nerfed all character please!!!

They also need to look at the new wizard it is not attacking certain things as well. That is a problem I have been having, or am I the only one?

Why yes, I believe I have found my post to flag for the day.


  1. Bracer - Add new bracer or convert existing bracer to give anything better than Ancient Parthan
  2. Iron Rose Simulacrum Bug - Simulacrum should cast Blood Nova not Blight Nova when using Iron Rose
  3. Inarius - Wisdom of Kalan should not be a fixed item for this set. Increase the dmg reduction from 3 %to 5% to allow 50% + 30% Bone Armor like other sets of the game.

I wonder if they will simply apply the change to Mantle of Channeling like they did with Ring of Emptiness?
That would be useful.

Shield of Fury cap feels acceptable with 4 tier nerf.

WD needs monitoring. If new Necro/DH cant produce better trash killer set(dont look like it), its either going back to LoD 48 Star pact (very close to nerfed WD if not better damage), or promote more incentives/demand for higher para. Atm, WD in NS with 5k paragon can clear 150, 7k can clear 150 consistently. 10-12k can speed 150 pretty consistently. Season is 1/2 that paragon. The nerf will demote 5-7k into zdps and demands 9k minimum for dps. Ofc bliz never cares for NS but its still incentive to … “shall not be named” Not saying nerfing pet mechanics is wrong, its probably moving in right direction as its never an intended mechanic. But it is a “newer” trash kill and WD waited too long to be in meta groups. Option to buff the set / support legendaries should stay open. current 8-9 tier nerf is pretty big. 3-5 tier nerf in group will keep option for low paragon seasonal (2k) open. If solo is out of balance, then further nerfing solo component such as reduce manitou tick rate (stricken rate) etc. Capping solo performance should take the route of slowing down RG kill time. Tier 1 trash builds should not have RG kill time lower than 5-7+ mins w/o power (such as bazooka SP).

Some early thoughts if there are CM monitoring the feed backs.

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The question is, will it apply to pets too or only to the rest of the skills? Because if it applies to all skills, including pets, then it’s a really nice buff.

I don’t see why not. Any changes which don’t fiddle with the RNG portion of a legendary power can be done retroactively.

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If Spirit Barrage is no longer a “pet” skill it should be a channeled skill, add it to Mantle of Channeling as such. that way there is still a slight dps buff for the skill and one can offset the dps and loss of The Enforcer with Taeguk for toughness.

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While WD Needed a NERF . This is just ridiculous. I understand its pretty clear BLIZZARD “DO NOT WANT 150S” to be cleared until the very end of season. Well this NERF certainly helps that , but there is no replacement for the WD . Its pretty obviousl that the DH and the NECRO are not going to be anywhere near the level as WD and at first glance i honestly dont see them entering the META anytime soon but PTR will certainly show BLIZZ results thats what its there for… If you NERF something BLIZZ please ensure you replace it with something on the same level or close to ( currently if you simply remove WD trash killer like you did the Wiz well there is nothing to take its place )


As a long time DH player, I’m skeptical about the new set only because I’ve yet to test it.

I don’t really see a synergy between the set’s powers all that much, but again, I’ve yet to test it so I’ll wait till the PTR is up.

I am sure the new DH set will work well to push solo, and I also hope we will have a viable support DH for once with the new bow…

DH even if support can’t replace Pull Barb or Sanc Monk. These 2 skills just are simply required. DH won’t be entering the meta believe me as support

It is imperative that you add chest tabs and / or character slots, this is important, I no longer have space with all these new objects and sets that I must keep, please.
it slows me down to play more.
I think other players are in this situation
I am ready to pay the option if necessary !!

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Initial thoughts:

  • Not a fan of the seasonal theme. I get it’s probably harder and harder to come up with viable themes, especially this late in D3’s life cycle, but a passive ability you seemingly can’t control that occurs every 2 min that can’t be too powerful or risks breaking the game…hard pass.

  • Pouring one out for the WD. As others have pointed out, while WItch Doctors likely needed a nerf of some kind, this change would appear to effectively kill the brand new set, which is just pure Blizzard in its stupidity. If enough testing in the PTR is done AND Blizzard listens (remember, their focus will be on DH and Necro), then maybe Blizzard adjusts, but right now its hard to see what WDs got from the last set of changes if this stands as is.

  • Excited to see what all the really smart D3 theorycrafters do with the new DH and Necro sets and item changes. DH is one of my favorite classes, and I’ve always wanted to give Necro a serious try but haven’t enjoyed the current meta play style.

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