Patch 2.6.9 PTR has ended!

@ [Blizzard Entertainment]
Seriously!!!.. I have come back after not playing something like 12 seasons, but, That nerf on new WD set is ridiculous. Not only does it destroy the new set, makes it no longer competitive, no longer viable and no longer good for solo class play among other things. Seriously who makes these decisions? Enforcer gem is 60% damage at gem rank 150, all you need to do is drop it to 40% and it’s done! Tweaked and still somewhat competitive.

Assessing on the averages of other builds in all three regions that have not reached 150, it seems that Blizzard wants all the leaders in builds to be in the 135-142 range on average. The WD and Sader will still fall into that. They just will have greater difficulty reaching 150 now.
As for the new sets? Like the sader, monk and all the others, the PTR is in five days or less, so IMO wait and see and test first. They take feedback so anything that needs something will eventually get it, or conversely, lose it.

You’re exactly right. Well let’s see if that ends up being true but makes the most sense from the way it’s described.

Isn’t that the point of a nerf. If something else reach the same place as the former nerfed build, then nothing was accomplished.


Except that the DH could come as 3rd support for a crusader for example (assuming the bow damage is confirmed for allies too, of course)

Crusader is going to be nerfed no way he will be used as trash killer and RGK at a same time.

Whether or not you can even use a third support doesnt hinge on the DH buff but on what dps class you could have that could both clear trash and kill the RG.

If there arent any meaningful changes in other departaments you simply have no space left for a support DH.

Just an fyi, Necro did not release with RoS, Crusader did. The Necro was simply a character pack.

That being said, the point of announcing this is so that we can go in and test the actual impacts of tuning. If the WD is vastly under-performing, players will suggest this, and there could be buffs to supporting items or the set itself. Based on replacement items in the build, it looks like there is a dropoff of 2-4 GR levels for the WD but that could be high or low and we need to test to confirm how it actually performs.

The Strafe changes look very interesting.

But I’m kind of bummed Strafe does not get any actual benefit from the Set? It really only buffs your Primary Skills, meaning Strafe does no damage. No love for Valla’s Bequest or K’mar Tenclip. No Strafe damage built into the Set. Strafe starts out at 70% move speed if I am not mistaken, so the momentum stacks are playing catch up technically.


They are using Strafe the same way WW is used in Wastes: to apply a different damage skill.


I think this analogy is quite appropriate. The question is how does the damage output and survivability compare. The PTR will give us some insight.

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right now, the SoJ “buff” is worthless. it only increases damage on builds that has competing damage from sources of different types, and even then only marginally.


Not a fair comparison as the old monk passive/skill was something every monk, every time used.
It was removed by Blizzard after a year or two because Blizzard doesn’t want a skill/passive that is used by everyone, every time.
They try to create some diversity.

This elemental damage version for the SoJ is not such a big deal.

Just because my early season WW Barb or Garg WD wears it, will not give me some amazing kill-all damage ability.

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You sure?? The way I read it was akin to saying that if you rolled a sweet ancient squirt’s with only 17% fire, if you had 20% fire on bracers you got that extra 3% on the neck.

I’m hoping your interpretation is the right one and if so, would that bring bows like Etrayu (with 20% cold) or Uskang (with 20% lightning) into play?

Like saying:

20% cold neck
20% cold bracers
20% cold swamplands
20% cold frostburns
20% Etrayu bow
20% cold SoJ

That’s 120% - so are you saying that then each of them now gets 120%??? even with min rolls on each would be 90%…That seems crazy…I just can’t imagine it being cumulative.

Hi Devs,

As long as you are running adjustments, could you fix Darklight, so that it becomes the 1-h weapon of choice ahead of the Pigsticker for the Crusader AoV build. When Darklight was reworked/buffed a couple patches ago, it rolled out as an inferior option from day one. I am guessing that the intent was to make it a weapon of choice for the Crusader AoV build, yet something went astray in calculations, making the final item a dud.

Please correct.


It would not. Most weapon and offhand slots for DH are expected to at least 100% increase in damage for an ability. A paltry 20% elemental damage is nothing compared to that.

To get the 60% elemental damage you mentioned (the rest can already be rolled to the element that matters) you are giving up a Gloves Slot, a Weapons Slot and a Rings slot.

For the gloves slot that Might be worthwhile depending on your build, but for a ring to give less than 50% damage or 50% damage reduction at this point in the game is laughable.

EDIT: I think I see where you are getting confused, they are saying Fire, Ice, Lightning, etc will get that 120%, not each roll on your gear becoming 120%.

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Yes, if you had 120% cold element, and your main damage source is Hungering Arrow:Devouring Arrow, which makes cold attacks, you could also add Grenades:Cluster Grenades to your skill bar and automatically benefit from 120% fire element thanks to SoJ.

I will take it one step further, the only compromise in the above scenario is your skill% are competing on pants/waist/quiver. But this setback becomes negligible in certain battles thanks to the help of Odyssey’s End.

WD needed a nerf, I dont mind WD build nerf but not a build kill !!

And killing the only viable WD build without providing another alternative WD build buff to be viable to be played in S21 is harsh!!

If the patch went live with the current changes i assume it’s a message telling us …

(We dont want you to play WD on S21 !! )

Build nerf is understandable but build kill is not!


DH set looks interesting, was really hoping for an elemental arrow build though. Kridershot is still my favorite bow.


I mean, that’s not your only competing factor, most buffing items only support one or two skills at a time, like Hellcat Waistguard will be necessary if you want to make grenades a significant damage dealer. If you try to split damage between skills, you are going to either significantly sacrifice damage on your primary damage dealer or you will greatly reduce your toughness. It will never be worth it to wear an SoJ as it is now unless you are doing some wonky T16 lazybuild that needs to buff Pain Enhancer and Toxin.

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