Patch 2.6.9 PTR has ended!

If the nerf is 4.8x, we will have ~ 10lvl. I think Zuni and SB are very close.

13 times more damage is like 17 levels of GR… but we must consider perma Simulacrum with 2pieces of new set (I don’t know if it can fit or not though). New Jasseth set bonus now is for all necro’s skills not just pets. And nobody did pushing with CE . Besides with area damage of 150%+ CE will do much more damage in 4m parties (it is like bazooka ). Again it is just my speculations I will play in PTR and test everything myself to see how it is plays like.

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Pretty easy to calculate:

3.4/1.4x1.6 =3.88x of damage or 8-9 tiers nerfed. Basically if you aren’t 10k para in NS, go play zmk.

Seasonal need to see what kind of damages the theme do.

Solo wd killed for sure, group? Maybe still viable if adding likes of stone gauntlet can help up keeping squirts.

Overall seema like new trash killer emerging depends how the necro theorycraft is.

I didn’t understand this bonus. Will he kill Vyr Double Element?

If worked as intended, shouldn’t.

CoE wording change is only to clarify the soj bonuses reads what ever you max elemental on gear is, not max elemental on gear + 200% from coe.

But blizzard codings you know… Ptr will see

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75 - 100 on Holy Point Shot is underwhelming meh


It was fun so it had to go.

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SOj will work with “static” elemental bonuses.They changed COE 's wording to include “non static” so …

But what would be the total bonus of Holy Point Shot buff with the entangled shot buff? Just add entangled shot to the Impale build and now you are way stronger. But could you survive by replacing Dawn in the cube?

If this 150% is added to entire party, then would that offset the WD loss?

Wouldn’t this make DH essential for any 4 party group?

I think that’s one of the biggest questions that this patch raises.

No disrespect to the devs, but fellas… ladies… I’ve yawned 3 times before getting through the patch notes. Even the DH changes triggers yawning and that partial tear because the tear ducts got compressed from yawning and stretching. I yawned while writing this reply.


Shadow 2-piece doesn’t work unless you’re using a melee weapon. Can’t use Entangling Shot without a bow equipped.

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I’m disappointed in the DH set. Natalya’s already uses strafe and then it is a boring primary spam set like Savages which is awful.


Right, by brain froze.

Enough, enough of these stupid spin builds. I don’t care if it’s OP, spin-2-win is lame to play and I’ll pass on DH. NM, eh, doesn’t look interesting at all. A channeled season thing, lame. Pass.


What does it mean “non-static”?

I would really really like to see tall mans finger get a little love. Something as simple as adding that the big dog gets all dog runes. PLEAAAAASEEE!!! I want a reason to use TMF!!


No it won’t kill dual elemental Vyrs for push, it will improve Vyr’s speeds a lot though as well as just about any speed build in the game that didn’t already have awesome rings.

Basically as I understand (we’ll see) , static refers to the single elemental gearing you have. So say you use SoJ and have 60% lightning elemental gear total. Well that total is now being used for the SoJ itself meaning you’ll have 120% lightning elemental which would actually be better than CoE.

This will really push up LoD builds that use WD pants, because then you’ll have 160% elemental potentially up to 200-240% !. Could be wrong with this, sounds almost too good to be true but then you have rings out there doing 300% so it would be about time that SoJ is competitive! Actually would bring a lot of items with elemental damage status back to life too like Cindercoat, Frostburns, Magefist ect ect.

Sounds too good to be true, must mean something else :stuck_out_tongue:

It does.

It means all your elemental damage will be equal to the highest value you have on your gear.

If you have 60% Cold on gear, with the new SoJ, you get +60% to all elements. It’s not just added to the SoJ as it’s own bonus.

Not the way I read it anyway.

I can’t really think where this would be overly usefull outside an LoD build.


Ah okay got it, so not really a huge power creep thing rather a build diversity thing. Okay interesting. Yah if it self added that would have probably been OP.

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That’s how I see it, might give LoD builds a little variety.

Makes a few more runes viable, as a guess.