Patch 2.6.9 PTR has ended!

You really screwed over WD. Maybe after 19 years of playing the D series, it’s time to look elsewhere. You gave us about 6 months of time to enjoy the WD again, and ripped it apart AGAIN. You did it after Darts. Now you are ruining SB build. Unreal!!!


I agree. I’m pretty pissed.


I’m not sure, this nerf wouldn’t make sense if the solo was still the same. See that Sader was a nerf, and he is slightly weaker than WD, so (maybe) they made a mistake in this explanation

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I’m really pissed off. Seems to be what Blizz likes to do most. Piss off the community.


Super lame Season theme, seems like an UP S19. Least save like S22+ for copy&paste rotations jez.
But SUPER awesome Necro changes, much more than I expected. I’m not sure I’m a fan of the 6pc bonus though. But nevertheless time to necro again!

Awesome. Well, I had a lot of fun playing my WD again. Looks like I’ll have to get better with another class now. Good job, Blizz. Always swooping in to kill people’s fun.


This is why I stopped progressing my WD when it came time to start augmenting.

It’s like a bully stomping on a toddlers sand castle.


I want to know; Why Another Bone Spear Set?


Makes sense I mean gazing demise gives phantasm so there Guna be a damage hit I think still this is Guna hit group harder then solo potentially. But we will see

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Wow! Finally WD has a powerful build that can participate in the meta and they totally wreck it after one season. No one will be playing WD next season I guess.


Here’s an interesting 6-piece idea:

  • Your curses gain the effect of every rune and your minions’ damage is increased by 10,000% of your thorns.

Done! Would have been amazing, yeah? Revive build? No?

Okay try this one:

  • Bone Spear deals 10,000% increased damage and a Bone Spear is automatically cast at nearby targets when your Bone Spirit hits an enemy.

Please come up with better designs like these.

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You guys are really complaining about the WD nerf that 100% makes sense? Maybe you should look at any leaderboard for 5 seconds? Go ahead, season, NS, 1p,2p,3p,4p meta any and tell me how fair that is. Go ahead, I’ll wait.

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Since SoF is being nerfed can we revert animation cancelling on heaven’s Fury? No need for this unless this is the case for every skill on every class.

Man WD damage is 99% from phantasms because of Gazing Demise mojo. Manitu damage is negligible for higher GRs . It is taken only to stack stricken for boss. It can do some damage only in t16 key runs


There 's a difference between ‘nerfing’ and ‘killing’ a build. Wd damage will go to oblivion without Enforcer gem and Jeram Mask bonuses.
Blizzard could have slightly nerfed wd for solo runs. In 4m parties it was in a good spot. Not so opie as bazooka was. You need high paragon to do 150 in 4m parties in non-season. And wd is much more squishier.
Besides it is not trash for only 1 season. Let wd have some fun at last it has been low-tier class for ages.


This has been asked elsewhere, but how will the Carnival Bone Spear set maintain essence to spam? Shadowhook and Spikes the way UE does? Another LOTD Devour build?

But … what about the set and weapons damage? Note that IF the mask and the yolk are mult, it will be a nerf of 260% which is equivalent to about 13lvl. But they are currently doing 150s, today we have a 3m clear … so the potential of this build is much greater than 150. I don’t see any problem with this nerf, as long as it is balanced. In addition, the blizz must be careful not to destroy it, otherwise SP / Bazooka will return with its macro.

No it is not 260% . Because Jeram mask and Enforcer is TWO DIFFERENT multipliers. It is about 4 times less damage man


Have you even tried doing 150 in non-season with 4-5k paragon? Wd’s squishy as hell without crimson set and harvester. Atm necros do in season almost as fast as wd in 4man parties. With new buffs they will do much more damage even without season buff and will get much more toughness due to huge DR. So what will have? Even more damage than the current wd and more toughness. Nice balancing.


You are forgetting the season buff which allows nova necros to stack 3 weapon slots in cube.

Once season is over, Nova necros are dead as trash killer.

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