Patch 2.6.9 PTR has ended!

Really looking forward to this one, DH and Necro have been lagging badly for a while.

I was honestly hoping for a Ninja set around based around Chakram though, dang. Can’t wait to mess around with that buffed belt though holy crap.

Why was Evasive Fire the only primary skill not getting any sort of buff to it’s relevant item though ?

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A monk DH hybrid? lol

Necro could be very tough ( Simulacrum), might be finally a solo build. DH with new set turns into a WW like build with strafe. The question is how powerful? Shadow with revised holy point shot could be a meta RGK again as the crusader has shield nerfed.

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please devs remove this bonus

6-Piece Bonus

  • Your Bone Spear deals 10,000% increased damage. Simulacrums gain triple this bonus.

and create new with Bone Spirit maybe :thinking: we have Pestilence Master’s Shroud for Bone Spear and Trag’Oul’s Avatar can be for Bone Spear too!

new 6-Piece Bonus: Your Bone Spirit deals XX,XXX% increased damage and Simulacrum can duplicate Bone Spirit

this pants is really boring

Defiler Cuisses - Your Bone Spirit’s damage is increased by 500% for every second it is active.

need something really crazy and cool with Bone Spirit

and this bad idea too

Haunted Visions

  • Simulacrum now drains 5% 1% of your maximum life every second and lasts twice as long forever . They can now duplicate Grim Scythe instead of Skeletal Mage.

this better: Simulacrum now drains 1% of your maximum life every second and lasts forever.

P.S. Shouldn’t this be stickied? @blizzard

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No. Bone Spear is perfectly ready to be a main skill. Spirit is a charge skill, would require a larger revamp.

And Pesrilence is not a Bone Spear set.

I posted a thread a while back for a possible ninja idea, basically buffing the crap out of Chakram and Impale (alterate from the current one) including a damage reduction bonus for using the shuriken cloud Rune.

Also smokescreen etc. You know, typical ninja stuff :smiley:

Could you elaborate on what exactly you mean by “dual CoE”? Is it where they wear one CoE ring and cube another and both cycle? Or is it something else? If it is what I describe, that is a bug and this needs to go into the bug report forum. Cubed versions are not supposed to interact or stack with equipped versions.

I see. So it isn’t double item CoE you refer to, it’s basically being able to utilize two consecutive sub-sycles in the main CoE cycle. This by itself isn’t really an issue in and of itself. It’s what would likely be classified as “clever use of in-game mechanics” as it depends on setting up your gear loadout specifically for it.

The bigger issue and the $64k question here is what happens when the new SoJ is thrown into the mix. Since that makes all elemental damage boosts equal your highest single elemental damage boost, that becomes more problematic with the Chantodo setup as it is since with every element being equal, the question becomes “does Chantodo then allow every possible sub-cycle of CoE to be fully utilized?”. If the answer to that is yes, then Chantodo might get a change. It’s something you’ll probably want to test out thoroughly on the PTR once it’s live.

Edit: I’m not seeing anything gear-wise that enables this playstyle, so it has to be the combination of both gear and skill/rune loadouts. Could you link a profile that utilizes the problematic build you speak of? That might clear things up a bit.

I totally feel the same way.

CoE should work basically like the Tal Rasha set buff works for Wizards. Something like:

  • When you deal damage with a skill of an element, gain xx% increased damage (to all elements). This effect stacks once for every element and the buff lasts x seconds.

That makes CoE less good for Necros, but that is probably not the biggest issue.

SoJ should work as you say and I also have thrown this idea around a few times:

  • When 4 or more skills on your skillbar are of the same element, gain xx% increased damage to that element.


Mayb CoE could also encourage you to use different elements in its current version, by reducing the damage of all other elements that are currently not in the rotation by 20-30%.

Not sure if this idea will be liked, though…

wudijo made a video about this 2 weeks ago:

I seems to be a bug or some sort of snapshoting.

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the only thing that could potentially make me play arpgs again is new rewards which I saw that this season will have… so I will be playing D3 again.

2-4 levels?? no way mate how about 10-15 levels you are gonna loose 200% dmg from mask of jeram and possibly 60% from the gem! that is a lot my guess will be that the build will be dead!

However you are correct, they may fix that because it will be broken and people will go back to that LoD darts build and can only use that in solo play…

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Can elemental arrow get some love on the DH? Maybe a buff on damage or a new supporting leg?


Remember that every 100% damage (doing double your previous damage) equals around 4-5 GR levels.

Lets say the Mundunugu set can clear GR135 without Jeram and the pet gem. Adding in a 3x multiplier puts it up to GR142, and then adding in the 60% will put it in the GR145 range. Which is right where the build is right now prior to the nerfs.

The thing is, we are not going to just lose everything. There are options such as Zei’s stone of vengeance which scales higher than enforcer, and is not hard to maintain the max buff with the secondary stuns. We will then likely see people just replace the Jeram with CoE if they are running Pledge. If you are running Squirts, you were already using CoE, so my assumption is that players will swap to the travelers set after the nerf as the main go to composition.

That means that the WD optimal build is receiving a 67% nerf factoring in the CoE cycle. That is roughly 4-6 GR levels which would put the build in the 139-141 range optimized for most, and around 144 for top players.

That is perfectly fine as well.

I would like to see Developer notes for some changes in patch notes.

I want to understand the intent behind some changes. It is something Blizzard is doing for their other games.

For example:

Holy Point Shot

  • Impale throws 2 additional knives and deals 75-100% increased damage

What is the intent of this change?


Heroes of the storm change of battleground hanamura:

Developer Comment: We’ve heard feedback that players believe the pushing Samurai camp is too strong and the objective is too weak. For some insight, we purposefully designed the map so that the Samurai camp was uniquely powerful, and we wanted it to be a viable, effective strategy that was available for a large portion of the game, particularly since the map only has 2 lanes. Now that the map has been out for some time, we believe that the balance of power can shift a little in favor of the objective being a more central way to win the game.

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Even if it hits the -12 it is in the 138 range which will have it very likely as the top solo build pending the new sets and buffs.

Yes, I fully believe 150 will be cleared by the top player by seasons end.

On aggregate, it will feel a lot weaker to the casual player which is what will have the biggest impact, but honestly, a lot of the casual players are likely going to roll DH or Necro anyways regardless of the nerf.

Time will tell for sure

Oh we are going off of NS atm?

Then this entire thing changes to where they will likely drop to around 144-145 because I guarantee you that a lot of these WD clears could do GR155 or even higher if it was in the game.

with 9k + paragon? not sure if serious.
and do we talk about botters or players without cheats here?

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Diablo 3 takes zero skill. Mindlessly botting another 1k paragon and rerolling until you get a specific rift layout is NOT impressive.

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Dont you all worry seasonal theme gonna sort the nerfs issues with a nuke godly wipe every 2 min or else it will be a visual effect to tell u god is by ur side nephlem !! Thanks for the thoughtful seasonal theme!!! Yaaaay!

There is huge difference between nerfing a build and killing a build!!

Many say it’s around 10 tier gr nerf theoretically… I’m curious to see how far can WD in PTR can hit with those changes. Cuz I think WD is not gonna exceed gr 135 with tons of rifts fishing included. I hope I’m wrong.

Build nerf is understandable but build kill is not!

On a positive note: excited for DH and necro new sets they look fun and enjoyable to play.