IMO, builds doing everything are bad. It’s good that some builds are great at speed farming, some are great as single target dps, some are great at bounties, etc.
If a build excels at everything, it means other builds not only suck but are also less played, which tends to mean they get forgotten and never get buffed.
WW was always a decent speed farming set (as far as barb go), and thanks to that it was never really forgotten and now it’s gotten buffed. Slightly too much.
I wouldn’t mind seeing the belt going back to a milder 75%, maybe 100% dmg buff. Nothing crazy, just dials back a little bit to try and nudge it in the right values.
On the crusader side of things, BIG UFF. When they announced the new set, I just couldn’t believe it. I knew it was completely OP. My clan mates and I made plans to clear a 150 without a wizard in the group in NS, just 3 sup and a crusader, and we did it without even stutter stepping, in less than 10 minutes, with… pretty much nothing.
Then they nerfed the build by a crazy amount. We’re talking going from unlimited stacks to 5-10 seconds worth of stacks. And the build STILL cleared 150 in non season. In 10 minutes. But this time, only in solo. I don’t think it is feasible to bring a solo crusader DPS in a 150 4p without season buff (with the current season buff, easily, we did it 2 weeks into the season with ease).
The first thing I would like to see adressed on AoV shotgun is the animation canceling. It’s way too strong and it’s really not fun to play. A lot of players I know just use a macro to do it, because it is the only way to get it to be smooth, and it’s the only way to maximise DPS. Yes, you can do it by hand, but it’s impossible to hit consistently imputs every 80 or so milliseconds to maximise DPS.
This will already be a big leash on this build, but by far not enough.
The second nerf I would like to see is on the 2p AoV set. Right now, it gives 2^3 = ×9 damage. I would nerf it on the ptr to 1.5^3 instead, for a maximum buff value of ×4.375. If it’s too much, you can always buff it again after the first ptr iteration, to either 75% or simply its original 100%.
Buffing the necro is another issue altogether. One thing thorns necro had wich made it great was it was tanky. All other necro builds are as glass cannon as crystal can go. That’s something that should be addressed first and foremost. Playing necro in solo does not feel good because of that. I’m not asking for barb levels of toughness, but at least a little bit more wouldn’t hurt.
Most of its build are strictly single target or mostly single target (even skeleton mages I consider single target because they are only ever shooting one target at a time). This means they get bodied by large groups of small mobs, and, guess what are the best mob types in the game ? Mob types with large groups of small mobs. So of course, necro suck because they can’t really benefit from that.
I would like to see a pure single target necro build being buffed, most likely for me it would be pesti-lancer, as it used to be a great boss jkiller and if crusader is nerfed we will need a new boss killer for 150s. And I would like to see some kind of nova or poison scythe build buffed/created, to cater to the players who like AoE centric builds.
I would also like to buff rathma set, as right now it’s completely overshadowed by LoD, which doesn’t make sense imo.