Paragon point cap should be SSF mode only

Paragon cap is going to ruin the season.


There’s a solo GR150 with Necro already.

And 4-man is clearing 150 in under 8 minutes.

People got spoiled with the Altar giving 4-man the ability to clear 150 in under 2 minutes which is just silly.

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Ah so many group players whining.

Blizzard, please stick to your guns and set season paragon to maximum p800 for ALL LBs. it’s time these mega group players got taught a lesson on even ground.

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I’m a filthy casual who’s gonna play SSF.
I don’t want a cap either, at least not as low as 800.

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I’m pretty much pure solo, and I find the 800 cap moronic.


i think farming paragon is fun. They are just too strong. Just capping them is a very hard fix to the problem. If the damage numbers werent so insane and people wouldnt already clear 150 in sub 5 mins as speedruns on PTR already id agree. I mean the best would be to get big nerfs across the board to have a balanced progression. The fun thing about the harsh cap is that instead of the game being only about paragon farming it now is about everything else that has already been in the game. why not try it for one season? we had 10 years rounded up of the other model. To midmax your gear will for the majory of players take a long time. then there is set leaderboards for people who play more. its not like its easy to be done with the season too quickly. if played perfectly, yea, youre gonna be done pretty much in the first couple days in a group, in SSF its way harder. Id still vote for a slightly higher paragon too, but see the main problem in the damage numbers.

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You have 2 modes. Makes sense the SSF is capped, and the regular season is non-capped. Its win-win for everyone.


big ++++++ for uncap mode

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I agree. If we must cap it, can we at least cap it at something that makes solo runs on something other than trags or tals a possibility?

Good for you. Let’s see how good people are at p800.

I don’t care about people or their skill, do you?

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we’ll find out at p800, won’t we.

Well, not really, how would that work exactly?

if player A clears 3 GRs higher at p800 than player B, then it’s pretty clear that player A is a better play, no? It levels the playing field and removes those who ONLY rank high on the LBs cos of mega paragon from group play. Instead, players have to rely on skill and experience and NOT paragon points.

Yeah, but that has nothing to do with if you CARE about it or not, which was the question.

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To prove who is the “best” player then player A’s record rift would have to be made into a challenge rift, so that all players could test their skills in it. With identical gear and identical map and monster composition.

Okay I’m now on board with this since SSF players think 800 cap is sooooo good, let them have it then and leave it out of my group play in season!

It makes sense only for SSF anyway, they even said that its to work in tandem with it themselves. It’s like the most anti-group thing ever.

I can live with that, will take me like 1-2 weeks to gear up and get 800 gons and push in SSF then when there’s nothing to do then get amazing Primal gear for 1% improvement to do nothing I’ll go blast gons in group.

Everyone’s happy, okay do this.


yeah I care about it. It levels the playing field so that group players don’t carry a MASSIVE advantage into their solo pushes. Group can gain paragon 4x faster than a solo player. FACT. It’s called levelling the playing field. Deal with it instead of whining. If you’re that good, you’ll have nothing to fear from this coming season. If you suck and rely on massive paragon advantage to rank ahead of better players who are solo and have much lower paragon, than you’re gonna suck. Get better.

Sure, except every single challenge rift features a retard build that blows. Not what I call “fun”. Again, why are you so scare of limiting paragon to p800? One can only assume that your LB ranking will massively suffer without massive paragon earned from group play being carried over into your solo runs. As I said to Kargon, get better.

SSF principles and paragon are 2 different concepts. Another player who is scared of ranking crappily on the LBs without their massive group paragon advantage. Instead of whining and spreading FUD, get better.

As I said, I don’t care about the boards, not even a little bit. What I care about is having my carrot taken away for reasons that’s imaginary. Nothing is “getting leveled”, it’s just shorter between peaks, but the peaks are very much still there.

I have no issues with the SSF mode that effectively negates the group advantage all by itself. Capping paragon won’t solve anything and will effectively reduce my season to the first weekend, and many other with me. There’s no reason to playing the season after reaching the cap if you don’t care about the boards.