Paragon Levels Have to go!

We are 4 days into the new season (depending on your location) and already YouTuber’s are posting characters with 1500 paragon levels clearing GR150.

if anyone needed evidence that Paragon levels have unbalanced the level progressing in this game, I believe that’s it right there.


Can you link one???

While I agree that the current implementation of paragon levels is awful, the group that cleared the 150 did not do so as a result of paragon. The broken interactions bazooka wizard takes advantage of combined with power creep is what allows this. The build in a 4 player group needs addressed.


LOL if you think paragon levels is what led to the GR150 clear, you obviously flunked D3 kindergarten.


Do you ever have anything useful to add to a thread or do you just troll 24/7?


Not exactly. The seasonal buff is having a major influence on why players are able to push higher with lower paragon. Some of the effects like geysers can one shot an RG and many of the effects help clear out trash. There’s a lot of timing between triggering the seasonal buffs to when there’s enough density collected.

I don’t think Bazooka is any more powerful than it it has been so that shouldn’t have an effect. The only thing that has changed on the push META is Sader which is having some impact but not as much as the seasonal buff.


True, these are all great points I didn’t take into consideration, but regardless wizard is too strong in 4 man and paragon is not the reason this could occur as the OP stated.

Sader and wiz are due for a considerable nerf next patch. Heck I’d prefer for the devs to reign all top builds in line enough to give us options for dps in 4 man via multiple classes as well as enough to make 150 barely obtainable again. Just my opinion though.

Agreed. You cannot properly balance a linear and infinite power progression system. People who play the longest/bot will always come out on top, which is a toxic playstyle because everyone gets burnt out grinding the first 1 week.

I liked it when paragon first came out and there was only lvl 1-100. Back then people still farmed the game even at lvl 100 paragon, because there was trading and items had meaning.


I agree that we’ll see some kinda push down. I’m not a fan of nerfs but with outliers existing there’s only so much buffing you can do to other classes without having everyone blasting 150.

I think 150 should still be reachable, but getting there should be difficult and not as dependent on rift type RNG.

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Agreed on nerfs, but ideally I would like to see only a single digit number of groups complete 150 each season. It makes me sad to see 150s being done in nearly 5 minutes regardless of gear or paragon.

Diversify the meta roles to allow all classes a spot, remove the narrow map layouts to reduce fishing, and make the mob type progression values more uniform and this game would be so much more enjoyable.

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Can you link one???

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Guess what it’s season 19 Every single season gave d3 some kind of power creep. And here you are asking to remove something because people cleared a gr 150 too fast? You’re late to the game. Don’t worry it will only get worse over time. So I guess what I’m saying is get used to it

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these forums suck btw.

so “unbalance” is when everyone has the same chance to put lots of time into a game but you can’t because of work/school/whatever and so it’s not fair?

no one controls your life but you. this is a stupid discussion. why am i here


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You just seem mad that you don’t have 1500 paragon. Idea: get some friends and go hard. Stop coming on the forums trying to change the game to suit yourself.


While the extra Paragon helps, the main reason they were able to do a 150 is by using the seasonal theme to their full advantage. They had SO MUCH TIME left on the clock by the time they spawned the RG and it was purely because of the way they manipulated the geysers and the meteor shower to wipe out huge packs of elites and trash at once. If anything their paragon levels were relatively low for 150GR pushes, which is why they had a few deaths during the run.

I agree that endless Paragon levels are an unhealthy form of character progression, especially if Blizzard is pushing seasonal gameplay. I think they should just be capped at 1000 (or at least capped for seasonal play). Even a dedicated solo player can hit 1000 in a week or two.

However, Paragon has very little to do with the clears you’re referring to.

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Paragon is not as much of a difference as some people think. 1500 is quite low and only 3500 main stat over a 800 paragon player. It also has diminishing returns. Im on ps4 and on one account i have 8500 as joined a group who has hacked gear before they put the level caps on gems. One guy had like a level 1 million gem of ease. I didnt know exp was shared aas new to game. Occasionly i use that account and the difference isnt as much as you would think

“only 3500 main stat”.
Enough said.

Don’t anyone dare try to persuade Blizzard into keeping paragon for D4. It’s a awful system resulting in a boring, endless, grind.

Snrk. I love short, simplistic answers that say enough.

Blizzard Souths way to enjoy D3:
Paragon levels, no real reason for loot hunt and single player in an online game with cooldowns that slow the pace of the game

Which has nothing to do with paragon 1500. That said that since GR150 can be cleared with a good synergy and teamwork, paragon should stay.

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