Paladin for Diablo IV

… we need it in the game. The Light is returning.


I wouldn’t say paladin specifically, but it’d be nice to get something that filled in the whole holy magic using knight theme.

Of course they’ve already announced all the classes in D4, so at this point it’s more of a “please add it in the future”.

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Is Paladin coming back?


Probably have to wait for the expansion for a holy warrior class.

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Watched every one of those with my dad back in the day!

Bring Paladin Back, it’s a strong part of the lore.

Personally, I thought they would have new classes as purchases in the shop. Doesn’t seem like it now.

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I was never the “holy knight” type. Basically don’t play that kind of class at all, in all RPGs.
So I basically don’t miss the Paladin in D4 at all.
But I understand that he has his fanbase.

I would like a Dark Knight more. But he shouldn’t be as flat and predictable as he is mostly sold, with plate, two-handed weapon, nasty auras and some HP leech. So also rather eel smooth, paladin in evil, is dull somehow, there is no movement, no tension in it. Slow heavy class that tries to be cool, but seems put on by the arrogance of evil.

I imagine more of a Dark Warrior of the Spider Deity.
She wears black leather and scale armor, chitin armor works as well, so anything that isn’t metallic but offers good flexible protection.
She wears leather whips, studded whips, chain whips, bone whips, triple-split soul whips and similar whip weapons made for the character as her main weapon, and her left hand, or right hand for that matter, is empty and used for magic. This magic can only be cast when one hand is free. So that the item slot does not remain empty, there is a new item category magic essences. These are visually visible in the empty hand as a small soft glow of different types and ways depending on the essence. These essences provide stats and spell bonuses for the spells of the class.

The warrior plays more dynamically on a half-range and melee basis. Half range means that the whip has a medium range and then melee damage is done at a distance with it, half screen roughly. It’s a bit more agile and always gets some distance, then whips again and does nice shallow magic whip effects, plus the melee attacks to go with it. She’s not as fast to play as a rogue class, though.

With the free hand, there are a few temporary spider spells to summon that hinder and web enemies, slow them down, poison them, weaken them, and do some damage.
So the class can often be played with distance if you skill that more and expand.
But the melee also goes, then the class will have to be more defensively skilled.
Other magic with the free hand, in addition to whip enchantments, are magic sacrifice sealing spells. These immolations are drawn on the ground and serve as tributes to the spider deity. They trigger effects on both friend and foe that are not always positive for oneself, but are rewarded with a bonus for the offering if enough tribute has been paid. In most cases, these sacrifice spells serve to create strong spider creatures half human half spider that accompany the warrior for a while and support by damage, healing, magic, depending on the sacrifice.

Something like that I imagine as an interesting RPG class.
An exciting story around it, interesting places as a home order.

The class is sinister, it’s not so smooth, it’s flexible and an interesting way with half removal as a melee class with some magic and temporary spider creatures that you can stage well from half human, half spider etc. Something like this can then also become visually better and better with time and more skills, so that the increasing power is also visibly clarified.

But we can also just take a Hurray Paladin^^. Is probably easier and also gets divine good magic. Well, I will probably not play that again :slight_smile: I would be there rather for a priest of the sun or something… But is also a bit cheesy or?

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There is recurring icnome from MTX already.

Charging for new char is lame. Should be free IMO.

At most charge for optional paladin Armor & weapon/shield cosmetic as MTX burden.

Not biased at all, but I’d love to see a Paladin/Crusader class in Diablo 4.


Honestly I wouldn’t mind if there was new a shield bearing class (in fact it doesn’t even need to be a holy warrior) rather than paladin or crusader, mostly because the Zakarum religion is in another decline.


Now you mentioned it. It does feel weird to see an iconic class such as Paladin/Crusader or Holy Armored Knight type of class didn’t make it to Diablo 4.


not going to purchase D4 if paladin/crusader/plate spec are not showing.


Do you really think that they care? Something similar to a Paladin might show up in a few years (expansion).

Because they charged for the Necro in D3, I thought that might be a recurring theme for D4. I’ve since decided that will probably not be the case.

Well I’m disappointed too - but - There is always the barbarian Bovie the III.

My father was a barbarian and his father before him!

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Probably wont sell classes completely alone. But DLCs with classes in them seem very likely based on what they have said previously.

I could see something like:

Small DLC with a class, new small zone (like, adding an area to existing zones, or a separate area through a portal), a few new dungeons, and some new story stuff, likely related to the new class. In a normal edition and a collectors edition, the latter having some cosmetic stuff for the new class.

Large DLC/Expansions with a whole new act (similar in size to one the supposedly 5 big areas of the game world at release), with zones, dungeons, new gameplay features, but also one new class.


No, you want it. That has nothing to do with need.

I do not want it nor have any need for the class. In fact, if there were class evolutions, I think it would be fine to allow one to eventually transform into a paladin but not begin play as one… that is, prove you deserve it, and then you can have it.

Why do some people instantly think that a knight class will never ever be in the game, just because it’s not one of the starter classes?

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Do you have a mouse in your pocket?

That’s what I want to see added to the game, a knight that dumps their religion – can no longer do holy attacks, instead relies mostly on physicality, blade arts, shields, but can dabble with ordinary ways to change the temperature of their sword and shield gear to brand or freeze enemies.

Specialization would be nice where you can pick an irreversible path and it shifts your skill tree and potentially alters your character’s gear slots or elements. ie:

  • Knight → Paladin (pick up holy element, lose cold element) or Blood Knight (pick up shadow element, lose fire element)

  • Rogue → Archer (lose your daggers, gain a quiver) or Assassin (lose your bow, gain another blade).

This would make for a sick expansion, of course… you could remain a Rogue.

D1 had Warrior. Not holy, but it was the birth of the melee class for Diablo.
D2 had Paladin.
D3 had Crusader.
D4 needs Templar or any other ‘holy melee’ class not titled as Paladin or Crusader. Heck, I would settle for something as generic as The Knight. Maybe it can be light on the holy side (mainly heals and slight buffs) and heavy on the sword and board (damage mitigated hack and slash ftw) side with a trickle of 2-handed goodness for experimental variation (rp and/or dps).


Templar fits the lore and The Knight could easily be woven into the storyline/lore.