Over-the-shoulder or FP-view Diablo

This is sadly the cancelled game by Techland, Hellraid. They decided to instead focus on Dying Light.

For me, it’s the closest-looking thing to a first-person Diablo game. Lots of speculation, lots of rumors flying around.

But I’m here to show you that a first-person or even over-the-shoulder Diablo game would be truly epic.

Whether you like it or not, the birds-eye view is outdated like hell. This isn’t the 90s anymore, it’s 2019. Just because other games are desperate enough to emulate Diablo 2 and leech off the nostalgia factor, doesn’t automatically make it “contemporary”.

It’s high time Diablo got a serious visual & gameplay upgrade. And this is what it would look like. Every encounter with a single foe could turn into a duel, and would certainly bring even the lamest of foes to life like never before.

Imagine playing seasonal looking like that!! No longer will you feel your brain rotting within your skull as you embark on your 100th round of bounties or grifts.

Enough is enough, and it’s time for a change!!!


That’s a pretty dumb thing to say. There are only a few perspectives that work for games with a graphical interface: 1st person, 3rd person from a 2D sideview, 3d “behind the back”, and a few top-down perspectives.

Now the reason these exist is not because one is older and people 20 years ago were stupid. No the reason is that each perspective offers certain advantages to gameplay that the others don’t.
What speaks against your suggestion for a 1st person view is quite simply, that you would fundamentally change the gameplay of diablo. 1st person is the most limiting perspective possible! Seriously, think about it for a moment. Therefor you can say goodbye to fighting dozens of demons coming at you at the same time from different angles. No more hack and slash. You would get an awkward looking skyrim knockoff with a darker theme…Does that really sound appealing?

Not to me


Suggestion: Start your own Computer Game Company and make a first person hack and slash game in the vein of Diablo - See how well it sells - That will be your testament to whether it’s a good idea or not.


Action RPG game should be isometric. Period.


I’d be fine with making a first person game set in the diablo universe, but it shouldn’t be called Diablo 4. D4 should be done in the same style as the rest of the series.


You want a change? Go play Immortal. :-1::-1::-1::-1:

Well said. :+1::+1::+1::+1:

Thank you. :+1::+1::+1::+1:


Yes, exactly this. D4 should be the same view as the previous games.


Yep, Diablo universe expanded into FP - Expanded into RPG - Expanded into MMO - And into D4, certainly would give me my total fix in the franchise! The only one I might not be interested in is the MMO, that would have to be 12 out of 10 to get me to play (as much as I liked WOW).
Total fantasy but it is a fantasy series, what the heck…

No way.

Iso or die. FPS Hack n Slash is trash.


Now what I REALLY want in an expanded Diablo universe is a well done VR game. Blizzard has always tried to push boundaries with their games and VR is just starting to become a viable platform to run on. The atmosphere of diablo would be a great place to use it.


Oh, God no. Less gimmicks, more quality.


yes, dying with the speed of light:

-a typical console button bashing jump-dive-crawl game.
-no aRPG at all, at most 50% shooting…for the few ones that can remember all the buttons…and use them just in time

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Yes many VR games are gimmicky without much substance behind them; however if you’re patient enough to look around there are some very good immersive VR games that are quite enjoyable long-term.

This is the reason for the “well done” part of my post. If they just make a quick cash grab game trying to bank on the novelty of VR then yeah it would suck but if they take their time and do it right then it could be great.

WoW was once considered a “gimmicky” game; MMOs weren’t particularly popular at the time and many people thought Blizzard was just trying to cash in on the novelty of Everquest. Just look how that turned out; regardless of what you think of retail right now story-wise they’ve still had literally millions of customers for a decade and a half.

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Only replying cause I miss Owen Hart. Can’t believe I’m 6 years older than he was when he died. Him and Razor Ramon are still my favorite wrestlers.

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First I’ve ever heard of an MMO being considered a gimmick. That’s a bit of a stretch IMHO.

I disagree. Ultima Online and Everquest were extremely popular.

Well, Blizzard actually head-hunted people within the EQ community to work on WoW. Alex Afrasiabi (aka Furor of the Fires of Heaven guild) and Jeff Kaplan (aka Tigole Bitties - yes, really - from Legacy of Steel). Everquest was very much a part of WoW’s DNA.

Blizzard definitely looked at Everquest, borrowed heavily from it, and produced a more casual-friendly MMO. And they’ve been doing that with every game they’ve ever released. Thats pretty much Blizzard.

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I agree, which is why I think they could do the same with VR and truly make a great game with it.

Upcoming PS5 will have a VR system. They’d be falling behind if they refuse the existence of VR.

They can make it, but I will pass on both.


Perhaps its just where I grew up but 20 years ago you wouldn’t have admitted to people that you played Everquest. It was considered a niche game for no-life losers who stayed indoors all day long and didn’t interact with real people and had people dying from literally not getting away from the game to take care of themselves.