Over-the-shoulder or FP-view Diablo

I wouldn’t see it as a diablo game then. I feel the top down isometric view is just the way it should be for hack and slashes. Your supposed to be fighting hordes of monsters. If there were hordes of monsters in 1st Person, you wouldn’t even be able to see (unless they were small enemies).

A diablo RPG you would have an argument for FPP but not for a hack and slash.

What I would rather see is the ability to ROTATE the isometric view to get a 360 perspective. Several ARPGs already have this and it adds a bit more depth to the game.

Maybe you should focus on not being clueless and negative. You are the one who thinks a full season set can’t even clear TORMENT 10, LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL.

I wondered if this would be sacrilege for a Diablo game, tbh it would be ok by me - It would increase the minimum system requirements.
Pretty sure D3 is 2.5 D, the backside of all objects in the game are not completed with wireframe & textures. Seems like I read this somewhere.
The only first person RPG I played was Morrowwind, did not really love the perspective. In melee there is no battlespace visibility, no peripheral vision so to speak.

Nothing wrong or outdated with an isometric birds eye camera, just a different camera angle, not every game has to be the same. That said, I wouldn’t mind a first or third person spin off game. A successor should be true to the series though. Shoulder camera? No thanks, I hate it, those games where you can’t see anything because your character blocks the view. They use it in some horror games, and it’s not scary at all, it’s freaking annoying and unplayable!

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One of the things I like most about the Diablo franchise is the top down view it has always had. It reminds me of Secret of Mana, Chrono Trigger, and the original Final Fantasy games.

I have no interest in a first person point of view when I play RPGs.


YES! I’ve had enough of the small handful of games in the marketplace that have an isometric view! Lets make Diablo 4 have a 3rd person view like every Sony game and console game out there!

Its time for “change”. By making Diablo 4 BE LIKE HUNDREDS OF OTHER GAMES.


Oblivion and Skyrim. both RPGs

After playing some Borderlands (3) I have to say first person point of view seems to work out quite well…

Seems, though, lots of people love their isometric view game… so this is kind of a problem right there… :confused:

The Diablo franchise has always been isometric aRPG and the next game in the franchise must be ISOMETRIC.
I don’t mind if they make 3rd person spinoff Diablo game, but Diablo 4 must stay ISOMETRIC!

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And that’s what gonna happen anyway. They can not sell a first person view Diablo as the fourth installment after 3 games following the same formula. A third person or first person Diablo would be titled like a spin-off.

Would it be like a transgression to have the scroll wheel functional to change from isometric to something closer in?

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As long as players who prefer isometric view can still play the game as such, there’d be little complaint if Diablo 4 has additonal and completely optional camera perspectives.

Might give you headache using skills such as whirlwind.

Yes, I’d stick with the traditional way. Never hurts to potentially make a game for all (as hard as that probably is)