Opinion: I think the game will flop for a few reasons

Well, let me ask you, when was the last update to the original d2? Does this game look like it updated frequently? Do you believe that the code is perfect? The amount of people playing this will increase dramaticaly at the remake launch which will make it a good opportunity for hackers.

They let people have access after refunding. I guess they didn’t have time to code it.

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well, if you’ve tried Path of Diablo, Project Diablo and MedianXL then OK. If not then your opinion doesn’t really mean much.

Yet Minecraft and many other games use it for multiplayer. Hmm.


Ahh very interesting. That’s pretty jokes.

Yeah, plenty of games still use Peer to Peer.

As with other ‘issues in game’ (like WSG affecting a minority), even if modding catered to a minority of players: with the Y:Y Activision-Blizzard has, it really wouldn’t be a problem to set mod-specific servers. Ones that have no link whatsoever with the main servers - no trading possible, no character transfer possible…

But the hacks were obvious in the Alpha - the game was hacked and cracked and people were playing offline with it very, very quickly. TCP/IP was blamed for this, so I’m glad it is out. But it doesn’t mean it can ‘never’ happen - Blizzard have said there’ll be ‘some form’ of modding for sure.

Blizzard does not code the forums. They are a third party solution called Discourse.

In the case of your game license, the forums don’t synch rapidly with the Bnet account. It can take a forced log out/new login to update. This goes for getting access after buying something, and losing access after refunding it. Eventually the forums will update permissions.

Because I totally said it’s “better” to leave it as is. If you can’t handle it, then you don’t need to play. I’m sorry I’m using this argument but ultimately is what this comes down to if they don’t change the netcode - which I don’t think they’ll be doing to any great extent. D2LOD’s netcode is very very messy and I don’t blame them if they don’t change it. So, again - unless you’re hardened to D2LOD’s online play being a crapshoot, you probably won’t stick around.

Clearly you and everyone else that is upset about this choose to think that this unknown possibility that they will remove mods support for multiplayer use entirely that you can’t see yet is obviously the truth and choose to believe the possibility that there will be something to replace it is ultimately not possible because “muh blizrdz iz no longer the same, they cnt be trustd!”
Please, get over yourselves. I’m done trying to straighten you illogical lot out.

What exactly can’t you see? Wasn’t your single player game lagging on beta? Didn’t you have random disconnects? I had lots of them, in a private game, why would that happened if the game wasn’t played on servers? Tell me another reason.

Both betas were multiplayer only. That’s why you were on the server.

Single player will be playable offline.

Anyone spot the irony there…? :wink:

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Median XL is the only one of those worth mentioning, and I played it extensively. Still not near as good as vanilla D2LOD on closed bnet.

You know what i love?
How many people that have no idea that there is changes that will make the game worse.
Everyone is still willing to pay for the same game even though it has serious problems lol…