Only available to party leader, cant play game

same here, fix it please

Same problem, tried everything that I found to sort it out, nothing works. Just wanted to play with the missus tonight… damn

I have the same error now… 1 h ago all work fine!

Same to me, played till 1h ago and now?

Seems like we all got same bug at same time so… servers down?

i have 2 friends playing atm without problems

Dito - bisher nie Probleme gehabt und jetzt das.
Ich spiele grundsätzlich solo - also nix mit Stille oder sowas.
Scheint wohl was ernstes zu sein… und dann erst am Freitag Wartung… tz tz tz :slight_smile:

seems more like a log-in problem so if they have been playing and staying logged in, they should now have the bug. just my guess

Me and my wife was going to start playing simultaneously, I have this bug but she’s just able to log right in, we’re litteraly sitting right next to each other on the same router

Same problem here.
I tried everything I could find online about ‘only available to party leader’ or error 315000 when trying to join a friend who’s currently in a game.

How am i silenced tho?? i haven’t played with anyone. literally just bought the expansion after switching to pc and now they’re banning me for what? playing the game on my own? c’mon… i honestly want my money back if this is the case…

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I just tried to make character on US and log in, now i can also log in in europe… maybe im just lucky but worth a try

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I tried this several times earlier and it didn’t work, I retried it again after you posted and it seems to be working for me too now

Thank you, that one worked for me.

The bug is revolved for me now, without trying any more “fixes”.

That’s the solution works fine to me!!

I’ve got the same issue too. Doesn’t play the game at least two or three months.
What is going on? How to fix it?!

Actually i’m really disappointed…

Same problem, was playing until about 2 hours ago, took a a nap and now can’t play. I am not banned or silenced.

seems like when you change region and create char over there, then leave the game and change region back to your one resolved the issue for me !

issue has now resolved itself - i didn’t do anything