Okay enough is enough. No more CoE

In other words, if something is BiS when some conditions are met but also when those conditions are not met, then it’s OP.

Why? You don’t like options? Is the cycle too hard for you to figure out?

It doesn’t add options. For the long time, and even still, CoE is mandatory. It should have added damage for each different; maybe 12% damage for each different element you use.

Also, offensive.

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No, it’s not. Plenty of options.

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When was the last time you saw a DPS build that didn’t use CoE? Your argument has gone from offensive to just plain ridiculous.

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WW/Rend on the Season 22 PTR. Usually, WW/Rend takes Band of Might, Obsidian Ring of the Zodiac and CoE with two equipped and one in the Cube. Season 22’s 4th Cube slot opens up the possibility of having Focus + Restraint equipped, with BoM and ORorZ in the Cube’s jewellery + 4th slots, i.e. you drop the cyclical bonus of CoE for the permanent uptime bonus of F+R.

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You can’t reference a build that hasn’t happened yet. Cause doesn’t come after Effect, I don’t care what your European timezones say. :stuck_out_tongue:

Pick any speed build at icy veins and they don’t need the CoE in that low a level

But the season 22 PTR has happened already. You didn’t specify a DPS build on a live server that did not use CoE, so Meteorblade’s answer was accurate.

Season 22 = only Istavan’s season

I dont think he literally meant there were zero. The ratio is near 90%, so his claim has a strong foundation. CoE is in nearly every build that isnt a speed build, and it is generally used in most 4man exp farm builds since they go full DPS.

I mean what did it take to finally have WWRend not use a CoE? Literally a 4th cube slot allowing for a replacement in F&R.

F&R costs 2 slots and has cool mechanics that push for more flavor in a build and is very rewarding. This is a good change to WWRend meta.

I feel like having no control over CoE and instead it controlling what you do is detrimental and i’d like to see the meta evolve away from CoE.

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Now you’re doing it on purpose, lol!

And Avarice band is better than SOJ for T16. If you need a big damage dealer in your off ring to run T16 speeds, then your build sux. Avarice + Hoarder = gold for empowering. I never need to run vaults for gold as I get a crap ton speed running bounties/rifts.


The build was tested on the PTR which ran from October 1st until October 27th.
Phase 2, which included the Clones and 4th Cube slot went up October 8th.
I present Defence Exhibit A, m’lud…

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it wont be used by anyone other than botters though, it’s inferior than Frenzy by a long way.

Don’t mind me, I’m just jotting these down for future comedic reasons.


good, maybe you’ll accidentally get educated. i feel like your college professor now. :man_teacher:t6:

I do have to give him props here, this is exactly what I meant. CoE has been a disaster. And I told them outright, the day CoE was designed, how terrible it was going to be. And it was.

Oh, let me guess…
Did you get a Master’s degree in Education / Teaching in the last few minutes?


Another great Blablata thread


Do you use it? Ate you relying on others to tell you how to play?

Personal note, I’ve never used it for any build. Not a fan of the timed rotating buff.

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