Okay enough is enough. No more CoE

excuse me but i did not invite any of you into this thread

and let’s get one thing straight. I post facts, you people post opinionated hate. probably based on envy.

Have you not trolled this thread enough?

Can we get back on topic now?

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There is no topic to begin with.
Most people don’t use CoE in Speedbuilds anyhow and even if they do, just let them do their thing.


Here is your “Will Smiths big Cup of Attention” + a hug as you seem to have a lonely day.

Have a nice evening


I’ve seen several speed builds today consisting of CoE, and i think the general public should be aware that it is bad advice.

Thank you, it’s always nice to get a hug.

Very much like the skid marks in an old pair of skivvies.


Now that is a term I have not heard in a LONG time! I adore this forum sometimes.

That said, best option is not to feed attention that which seeks it.



You can choose not to play with the rotations. Since you mentioned its speeds (2min rift clears), Just spam every button; everything dies.

Why are you bragging about choosing between CoE or SoJ.

Are you not having enough damage? If so, drop the tiers and keep trying. If all fails, stick to GR 70. At least you unlock your first primal. :slight_smile:

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No, ignoring the CoE rotation while playing is terrible. No decent min/max’er worth their salt would ever suggest that.

Is this like one of those “prove me wrong” posts? In case you weren’t aware - necro only has 3 cycles, which I’m sure you probably didn’t know because you’re a complete novice unlike me who is master of the universe. If you had known this, then you would be in the top 2% of players who have a complete understanding of game mechanics like myself and Rhykker (the streamer who only plays casually). This is in my opinion, which is the only right opinion -is pretty similar to what you would gain running SOJ. I base this on nothing and have no facts or numbers to back this up but you had better believe me if you ever want to be proficient at this game.


It never should have made it into the game like it did. One of the developers many mis-steps.

If they’re speed-runs, everything’s being one-shotted anyway. What exactly are you maxing? You literally can’t kill mobs in less than one hit.

you cant be serious.

But if you are, in that case you would put a movement speed item in it’s place. If you are one-shotting, you then choose speed items.

Go go Skeletor!

Seriously though folks, stop engaging someone who does not want an honest conversation - on any of their accounts.


not once in this thread have you posted anything on topic. you continue to insult and attack me unprovoked. It’s getting petty and unbecoming.

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Because there is no topic , don’t you get that? Come on. Make some coffee and farm the last days of double bounties. This whole thread is not just point but topic-less. There is nothing to discuss.

A Thread with a topic would look like this:

" I dropped a ball several times and do think g is not roughly 9,82 m/s^2"

  • Hello Ladies and Gentleman, last night i was utterly bored and started to drop a ball 100 times from a fixed height to stop the time.

My experiment comes up with a different result than 9,82 m / s^2.
Can it be that the value is different in the place i life or do i have errors in my setup. If so please try to help me find them.

Thank you very much in advance and have a nice evening.

Attached is a documentary of the experiment i made, downloadable as PDF in the following link: link

What you did:

Me thinks XY BAD, Therefore use XZ. Me right, me good, everybody else stupid.
Me likes me


So posters should only post d3 topics you like?

The little mob of trolls in this thread do more harm to the d3 community then anything else. You push away lurkers and new posters that dont want to deal with the high school bullying drama you create when someone doesnt conform to your ideology.

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Posters should post topics that fulfill the requirement of a topic and leave room for discussion / debate. This is no topic this is a statement. And in addition to that it is quite an unneccesary one with no points.

What exactly is my ideology. Please tell me more about myself.

As you seem to be quite bored, here is a list of entertaining movies:


  • Black Dynamite
  • Adams Apples
  • In China they eat dogs
  • Kung Fury
  • Dale and tucker vs evil

Action / Sci-Fi

  • Moon
  • Oldboy ( the korean original one, not the crap-remake from usa)

I will keep on editing this list when i have time.


you dont hold any other posters to that requirement.

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I can be. Can you?

The answer’s still 9.81 m/s^2 for a standardised g.


In China they eat dogs

I dont like that title and i deeply feel it’s unfair to judge them for that.

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Did you just call somebody a troll? That is frowned upon here