Hello all,
We are aware of some connectivity issues causing error 395002 on the character selection screen, as well as some cases of “Game was terminated” while playing. Our engineers are investigating now and we will post updates as the situation develops.
getting this error now too. What’s going on?
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I ran a GR, put all the loot in my stash and started another one. The I also got the 395000 Game has been Terminated code. All the loot , XP gains, and shards were gone. However, the 5 levels I put on a gem stayed intact. It happened a second time, but after that, I couldn’t get back into the game at all.
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same here i juste have 395000 code and can’t start a game!
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Same happened here with me and my wife after doing bounties, then crafting and cubing the item game suddenly crash. When we logged back, the item that was cubed was gone. I thought my wife accidentally salvaged the item. But when I checked my item that I cubed it was still in my stash. The item that I’ve cubed hasn’t been saved before the game crash.
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Same here, got the the 395000 error code too. I can still log back in, but it crashes 8-10 minutes later.
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FYI, If you use AVG it is a suspect in this issue. I turned it off and it seems to have solved the issue on my end.
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finished a gr and got game terminated while tping. tried to start a game and now i have 395000 error.
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Yup - tried to start game, got all kinds of errors - 395002, ‘game disconnect’, etc. Looks like there is something wrong on their end today.
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Very frustrating, I have had the same issues all morning…the items I collect from the bounty caches all disappear and I get rolled back on my level, I should be at 70 by now >.<
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I’ve had this issue as well, on GRs and bounties all this morning. To whoever said AVG was a part of the problem, that is misinformation as most of the people experiencing it do not use it.
Same goes here. I kept on getting terminated while playing the bounties. Kept on repeating the bounties, after finishing a bounty, the game terminates, then log back in, all items collected are gone, then need to repeat again and again. What the hell is going on? And what is error code #395002 ?
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Same and now I am unable to log back on/in. I was playing Torchlight 2 and think I may have hexed my D3. It won’t get through to my Hero list either.
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Same issue happening to me, says servers are busy, then eventually quits with error code 395000. This started with it saying game terminated, and this other error started happening a few minutes later. A second after I first posted this, I got in. Then the game worked through the bounties. But then I left game to change torment, and several server busy 395000 errors are preventing me from starting a new game again. I got back in, but items which I had scrapped had reappeared in my inventory. I tried scrapping them and leaving game, but they appeared again going into a new game, twice more. Now I’m worried anything I do might be reverted. So, I tried selecting a different hero, and I get that Error 395002 loading hero error mentioned by others. Time is now 10:51 edt. Now at 11:07 am terminated during greater rift, still have a couple of keystones on re-entry, so I don’t know yet if I lost one. !! Warning !! As I feared, at 11:56 edt, the game terminated just before starting a normal rift. All effects of the previous greater rift were reverted except I no longer have a rift stone. That means I lost a new legendary gem, all of my gem upgrades, and the rift stone I used to get them. I don’t recommend playing this game today. I’m quitting, maybe for the season if this keeps up.
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I’ve got this error at the moment and can’t get past it. I also had Error 395002 which is the Hero Loading error. Hopefully it’s fixed soon.
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Has anyone from Blizzard said anything about their servers this morning? is it because of the patch update coming soon?
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Same thing happened to me. Their service and game availability continues on a downward slide.
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B4 this error loading hero…then 5 mins play…game terminated. This is the 5th time…No Blue post yet…
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I am also consistently getting the Error code 395002. All after my game being terminated. Lost loot, too. I tried scanning and repairing game, no effect for me.
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was playing for an hour without a problem and I am not also getting this error code. Tried exiting and starting over and still getting it.
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