D3 is still terminating game play! Tried several different things in D3 including hanging out in town. All were terminated just the same.
I am getting the 395000 code as well, but it says problem entering game license. I have no clue but hope they fix it soon
Happening to me also. Started between 11:00 - 11:15 am EST. The game was playing fine, then it disconnected saying game was terminated, with no error code. I started a new game, and after a minute or two, it terminated again. I tried starting a new game, but I started getting error code 395000. I completely restarted my computer. When restarting the game, it would get up to Authentication, but would stop at Retrieving Hero List. PC, Windows 10. Everything is updated, and no Internet issues. Knoxville Tennessee.
So many people from so many places having the same problem cannot be isolated. I’m in Florida and I can join a game and then get kicked off after 5 min. In General Chat, many people are complaining of the same thing
Happening to me also. Started around 11:00 EST. The game was playing fine, then it disconnected saying game was terminated. I started a new game, and after a minute or two, it terminated again. I tried starting a new game, but I started getting error code 395000. I completely restarted my computer and the game. It would get up to Authentication, but stopped at Loading Hero List. Everything is updated, and no Internet issues. Knoxville Tennessee.
Same for me. Never had this before, but now impossible to connect and my internet is fine…
Exactly same for me. First time having this problem.
same here, seeing tons of people in chat complaining about not being able to run anything cause they’re constantly getting DC’d with nothing but a generic disconnect notification. It isn’t everyone elses ISP. Blizz needs to fix their stuff.
Error code 395000 for me. “Impossible to access hero list”
Very same here… i’m in Asheville, NC, USA. Got an “unable to load hero’s list”, but it then let me pick my hero. It rran fine for 30 minutes, then I got “disconnected from server” in the early part of a GRift… I reconnected, started a new GRift, after 5 minutes, got disconnected from server again. I checked internet speed test, and my connection is fine. Not sure what else to do.
Exact same problem I’m experiencing here. Started for me about 30 minutes after I started playing.
Same here in the western US. How lame that the only customer support response is “it must be your ISP”… bullcrap.
I figure the servers/bandwidth are clogged due to the CoD release. Even if they are different servers, it’s probably the same pipes into blizzards server farms. But to have fake ignorance from Blizzard is insulting…
Of all the posts I have read I have seen one reply from a Blizz rep stating it is not the Blizz servers and that it is our ISP provider that is the issue…Ummm NO it is not!! I am from western Canada and I am seeing posts from everyone in the North American servers.
I’m now getting the 395000 and 395002 codes… Has some Punk been hacking Blizz servers again? >.<
@Blizzard: Did you try turning it off and on again?
I am getting the same error here in Connecticut, although when i shift to the EU servers everything works fine so i suspect it IS a Blizzard issue on the US server side.
yea tried logging in this morning aswell and says cant find hero as a error
Game was “Terminated” mid rift. Before that, disconnected apon logging in for the first time. Something is definitely up with D3
Lol …Hours of working on Hero List and get same error code 395002 this AM
What to do?
Yeah…same here. It did come up with a little persistence on my part, but then when I left the multiplayer greater rift and tried to start a solo, I got a licence error.
Yep. I am having the same problems as others above describe this morning. Never had an issue until this morning.