Ok, so I think Diablo may be headed for disaster again. I have the same feeling in my gut that the system is horrible that I had when you all announced in D3 that max lvl would be 60 and not hard to get to. It just felt wrong in a fundamental, instinctive way.
If all skills are maxable and as a result we have to pick 6 skills, Diablo 4 is going to suck. I’m pretty sure about this. Just giving you all a heads up (like I did about lvl 60 long ago which was ignored).
Well, just look on the bright side. You can save some money. ![:wink: :wink:](https://d1hnj6esvk269c.cloudfront.net/en/d3/images/emoji/twitter/wink.png?v=12)
I prefer to look forward to whatever they come up with. I’m sure it will be amazing!
IMO - The more active skils you have the less Action you have in an ARPG game.
7-8 skills cap would be optimal imo.
How about 7 class skills and 1 item skill.
Thats just too low item use for spells
Even a moba like Dota offers more (several) than one item skill with hotkeys.
I dont think only having 1 item skill is gonna impress anyone.
I think I should be able to use the same key bindings that I’ve used in Diablo 2 (like I can in PoE) for 20 years. asdfgzvbne with w as weapon switch, f as movement skill and g as portal. Why not have a 2nd skill bar that is hidden like PoE.
Allowing every skill to be maxed is an illusion of choice, with no stat points and legendaries that aren’t unique you all are right back where you were with Diablo 3 where everybody is a clone of everyone else and there are no choices (even simple choices) to be made. What is left for me to think about in D4? Which skills I’m going to get while I’m leveling and which talents I’ll grab before I respec on a whim? D3 all over again.
You’re adding skill points because of the mass complaints, right? Why even have skill points though if all skills will eventually become maxed? That’s pointless and the same as Diablo 3.
The way I see it skills & talents are going to work in synergy and the efficiency is going to more about how the player will use it rather than simply max it out.
Even if I would like few more skills to use in D3, the amount of skills useable isn’t really the issue, where I see an issue is how to build a character to just being able to team up for GR.
Damage scaling from few hundreds to trillions was a way to make the progression smooth but customization disappear for high ends.
I can’t disagree, last time I saw otherwise was years ago while I was grinding my way from T4 to T6 (2014) and it didn’t last long.
Seems to me that D4 is going to have many simple layers of customization, we know about skills, talents tree, items, new affixes Angelic, Demonic & Ancestral.
I would like to have few more skills to use in D4 but it will all depends on how fast the game pace will be.
Just being able to have an action bar swap could be interesting, this way 1-2-3-4-L-R can have double value.
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its not a moba
in ARPGs, active skills mainly come from your character
in a moba you cant “skill” much
the items are your build there
I think the only reason D3 gets away with it is because essentially it’s all the same. There really is no situational enemies or activities within the normal trudge of destroying everyone on the map as quickly as possible, that needs any kind of diversity in skill (fire vs cold etc.). Everything dies to everything as long as there is enough of it and mainsat. It’s a glorified arcade game in that respect.
If that’s what people really want out of D4 then I’ll probably not be participating in that game either.
I want to have multiple rotations, 6 active skills is too low.
Barely inconvenience for the D3 system because most of the set items and build have at least 2 elemental skills used. Tal Rasha or WW Barb will laugh at this implementation while the set that focusing on one skill such as Impale will be abandoned. Not really going to change much on D3 except that majority of people will now clearing GR130 instead of GR150 due to a hybrid build that split their power level to half.
Indeed. Unlike D3, D2 and PoE take a lot of skill to kill the monsters. Monsters in D2 and PoE doesn’t die instantly and actually manage to retaliate and give the player a hard time. ![:slight_smile: :slight_smile:](https://d1hnj6esvk269c.cloudfront.net/en/d3/images/emoji/twitter/slight_smile.png?v=12)
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I agree its not a moba, but current D3 and D4 rotation design feels like a MOBA against AI TBH. If you still can decide which skill is best for your current situation, activation items is something i would like to see more in an ARPG since it opens up more build diversities.
But this hero takes it to another level, it allows you to cast up to 10 spells and yeah, depending on what element you passively skilled, those spells from that category (element) get stronger.
4 passive points into the skilled element strenghtens the respectively active skill from that element category.
So i argue that you can skill a lot with this hero depending what your build is gonna be, to be able to create stronger/greater spell combos depending which (passive) element you decide to skill upon.
You can see here that until 9th combo you require no item build on this hero
Obviously video is outdated and the hero got slightly revamped meaning you dont even need that scepter item anymore in your build (since it was before a cooldown reduction item for invoke spell to be able to cast more spells at once, now you dont need this cooldown reduction of invoke anymore)
This item now just modifies your sunstrike spell and increases all your spell levels by 1.
I’d love to have 10 slots for my action bars, or 9 and one “ultimate” move
6 Just feels a bit too limiting imo
There is no meaningful limit with skill buttons on consoles tbh. Some games have 20+ skills.
Unlikely to have any influence on the skill cap.
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I’m fine with 6 or less skill slots for hot keys. As I’ve said before in other posts about this, it’s not WoW and I do t need or want 12 active skills I have to hit key and utilize just to slay monsters in diablo. I didn’t in the previous diablos and I dont want to In future ones. I’ll play a different game like WoW if I wanted to spend an hour on one big guy using 12 skills in a rotation to kill…
To each their own! I surely won’t be buying D4 if it’s 12 skills needed to hotkey for slaying monsters.
I do think 12 skill slots is too much. But anywhere from 7-10 would be an improvement imo. Exactly how many depends on other parts of the game. Like, monster resistances increases the reason for having more skill slots.
More skill slots would not mean each fight would take forever. Nor would it result in rotations.
Nobody is claiming you need to use them all, depending your build you should be able to specialize in a few BUT there should be the OPTION to either specialize in few strong spells without some extra utility spells or just be able to use more spells, being oviously weaker but more efficient in different ways (since seriously, you should get a slight benefit if you are able to use/manage/micro all your spells instead of brain afk holding your lmb/rmb and pressing 1 key on your keyboard every x-y seconds)
Im not gonna be rude, but i certainly didnt use only 1-3 spells as a sorceror and sorceress in D1 & D2 because for every situation you adapt your spells.
If you never did and played just a single left click class thats up to you, but dont put it into the category that everything is obliged to 12 spells. The MORE options of playstyle the better than just your own preference playstyle.
Fair enough. I played D2 for many moons and I never did need more than a few skills on hot key. I utilized mercenaries for immunes or like barbarian had berserk which added magic damage for the physical immunes. They weren’t one button clickers, but not 10 either…did not need that many.
If they made it so you don’t have to utilize 10+ skills each fight but rather the option to “just have fun” with random abilities to CC or mobility…I guess why not. If I had to depend on using all 10 slots to progress, i won’t bother playing it as it’s not my cup of tea for diablo.
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This is quite true as in Diablo 2 it was possible to set hotkeys for more than 10 skills if you so desired to. However not every person needed to do this and some instead chose to play using only a handful of skills.
Using the Sorceress class for example, if you chose to specialize in one element, then more than likely you’d probably use only about 3-6 skills; which means you’d only hotkeyed a few skills. If you were against immunities, you’d probably use infinity (wielded by either you or merc), let a friend or your mercenary handle it, or use the lower resist skill from a charged item. However, if you decided to be a dual or even tri-elementalist then I can see a person wanting to have about 9 additional skills at their disposal which was where the hotkey method was a definite godsend.
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One issue on this is how the difficulty will be set up. Like in D2, I did a lot of PK for quite a while and in PK, it was necessary to put your skill points into synergies to boost a single element let’s say in a sorceress. If you did three separate elements, you would not do enough damage to kill another decent player.
Now in hell mode mobs, you could do enough damage without maxing out synergies to utilize multiple elemental skills. So in D2 there was no reason to have very many skills set up on hot key for end game PK and even most MF builds that were for maximum efficiency maxed out synergies and just used a few skills.
Try killing mobs in a GR 100 using an element that you have no damage buff to in D3 and see how well you do.