Number Of Useable Skills in D4

I was speaking strictly of pve rather than pvp, after all some of the builds that worked for pve wouldn’t do as well in pvp, and vice versa.

Thats all comes down to whether Diablo 4 will have an endgame system that utilizes a numbered tier difficulty that jumps the monsters stats like Diablo 3’s greater rifts does.

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6 was not a limit of the last 2 gens. That is just made up crap by the D2 faithful dumping on D3. Considering games have utilized way more than 6 buttons/skills for years before Diablo and FF11/14, games designed for PS2/3 use way more than 6, it’s silly to thin there is a limitation that small. But you could easily go 4x4 for the face buttons and each shoulder button to mod, plus the 4 shoulder buttons, analog stick clicks and 4x4 for the D-pad plus shoulder modifications giving you a 42 skill limitation.

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Yep, after seeing the new skill tree and the 6 skills I’m ready to peace out of the world of Diablo if nothing changes. Too simple and more of Diablo 3. Sure you sold a lot of copies of D3 (based off hype and it being a supposed sequel to Diablo 2) but good luck matching it when you release D3 again. I’ll be on PoE2 if the rest of the journey is to D3 2.0.

Isn’t that why you all cancelled a D3 2nd expansion? Cause nobody cared about the game? Why would you put out the same garbage. Have fun with your 15k players for your “triple a” title. Embarrassing what has happened since D2.