Setting aside the absurdity of believing your vision of morals is the standard of decency, yes, the economy comes first. It is literally the lifeblood of reality, resources.
Wait, you think that people being treated equally, being paid fairly for the work they do, having equal opportunities for projects based on capabilities, and having a harassment free work environment is “absurd”.
I call that basic decency as well. That you don’t, is problematic. That you would put economy over all else is also rather gross.
Excusing abuses in the name of money is age old, and has always been morally wrong.
I guess this thread could not turn out any other way than it has. And yet it is a sad thing to read.
Was about to post the “but you live in a society” meme, but then you answered it yourself
I likely wouldn’t boycott Blizzard either (should have started with their ‘kicking out an esport competitor’ fiasco then), but there is nothing wrong with taking stance where you can, just because you cant solve everything. Dont let perfect be the enemy of good and all that.
Boycotting is a good move tbh. Respect to anyone who go through with that.
Yeah, that is a good approach. Of course, you can also do both.
That is usually the next logical step in boycotting something, unless you completely stop buying similar products.
Have you considered that those two are the same these days? As sad as it might be. Some of the posts in this thread is a good example of how far out things have gotten.
What an amazing world we live in, where such a sentence even needs to be written.
Dear lord…
Even if you believe such a statement, any argument that you have to throw decent human behavior out of the window to have a thriving economy is obviously nonsense. If anything, cases like this one hurts the economy, by making a part of the workforce less likely to participate where they can do the most good.
remember kids, this is why you should never send nudes to anybody
It’s been this way since 2010, which is why their games have been terrible.
totally agree. over decades they built a great story in WoW… but look what they are doing to it now
um why are ppl acting surprised…this happens all the time in many companies/corporations.
And Blizzard, a company that can fire 800 workers and then give it’s CEO a 200million dollar bonus…well you know the rest. AAA developers aren’t as wholesome as people would like to believe
these things shouldn’t happen, as long as there have been ppl there has been corruption
The entire point of the CA law suit is that Blizzard does NOT promote women, despite them having excellent performance reviews, seniority, and experience.
Or were you talking about MTG and not Blizzard? If so then I can’t comment on MTG as I don’t play.
I guess some company is moving to texas soon
Only time will tell how this will play out. That’s quite literally all I can say atm.
-It users GamerGate as a sign of harassment of women
Which is what it was.
rather than what it actually was, which is the infiltration of media by SJW forces and the lack of ability to disagree with their narrative.
Oh. You’re one of THOSE.
Why am I not surprised
Your own experiences in mind, it’s also pretty damning how quickly some of our fellow gamers have forgotten recent improprieties at Riot Studios. It’d be one thing if it was just, “Oh no, my favorite game company did a bad thing! I refuse to believe it!” but it’s gone beyond to basically calling women liars and that none of this stuff happens. Again, it’s wholly why MeToo was so important.
I guess some company is moving to texas soon
Blizzard? I doubt it. They already have a huge campus in Austin, TX and have for well over 10 years. That is where most of the CS/GM type work is done. As a company, they are incorporated in Delaware (tax reasons).
They have a whole bunch of smaller offices and locations around the world as well.
Picking up and moving the CA office to another state is possible, but not likely.
There is a disconnect between your views and the meaning of the terms you use.
“Equal pay” is an outcome. Discrimination is actions taken that favor or disfavor certain groups. You can have an outcome of unequal pay for many reasons other than discrimination, including seniority, talent, length of time the group in question is present in the industry in question, and many others. I am against discrimination, and not in favor of equal pay that is unrelated to actual discrimination.
I think GamerGate is a disgrace because anyone who disagreed that the “victim” in question is a hack were shouted down. I would argue that is not only censorship, but misandry.
As a consumer, yes, I purely care about quality of products and prices. I am not an SJW, and I do not give a damn about who is hired therein.
California has alleged discrimination. However, all it has shown so far is that there are no female executives, and that certain employees were not promoted as fast as others. They have yet to make the connection between gender and the outcome.
Your own experiences in mind, it’s also pretty damning how quickly some of our fellow gamers have forgotten recent improprieties at Riot Studios. It’d be one thing if it was just, “Oh no, my favorite game company did a bad thing! I refuse to believe it!” but it’s gone beyond to basically calling women liars and that none of this stuff happens.
I wanted to think that all that was a thing of the past when I left the industry I was in. That people were mature enough not to pull that crap anymore. Times change right?
I was wrong. Riot, Method, Blizzard, various Cons, certain streamers, other influencer/media types.
What is even more concerning, is some people literally support that kind of behavior, or if not support, turn a blind eye on purpose.
None of this is new. Sadly.
Because of the “economy” you don’t gave to worry about survival. Let this sink.
@ OShogun: if the “system” collapses, how long do you think you’d survive?
People like him do not exist in a real world, but only on their Reddit account.
if the “system” collapses, how long do you think you’d survive?
People being treated equally, being paid fairly for the work they do, having equal opportunities for projects based on capabilities, and having a harassment free work environment will not collapse the “system”.
Unless you think the system that includes women in the work place is wrong and you want to turn back time where women are not part of the work force, can’t vote, can’t get a credit card, can’t get their own bank account, etc.
A “system” that promotes/excuses sexual harassment/assault, unfair pay, unequal opportunity based on sex/race/age/origin, etc… that system can just completely tossed out and replaced with fair and equatable treatment for all.
@ OShogun: if the “system” collapses, how long do you think you’d survive?
I didn’t say to destroy the system, only correct it. Being more humane and treating people equally and with the respect their deserve will not collapse the system. Many things now are better than they were 1000 years ago, or even 100 years ago. We need to make sure they’re better 100 years and 1000 years from now. Small victories add up, it doesn’t have to be a bloody revolution.