Perhaps this will apply to other runes? I would think disabling the teleport wouldn’t be specifically for the ring. Should apply to any TR damage(standard dmg, EF ring, Flurry explosion).
Stricken won’t be enough. And certainly not going to be enough to beat Blighter with thorn necro. They still haven’t fixed it. The only reason Sader RGK is viable is because of the shield stacks. Instead of 20 stacks, they should raise it to 120 stacks, that’s 1min equivalent at 2 attack-per-second, which is in line with the bone ringer’s cap at 60 stacks (1min).
Lamentation hypeeeeeeeee, Thanks for listening.
Thank you for doing this but you are still out of touch if you think you over shot with the 200% on the belt. There is zero logic behind that. Zero. 200% was hardly over shooting. Could have and should have been higher than 200%. Not sure where you guys are getting this from…
Other runes will also trigger teleport, not only Electric Field. The condition for other runes to trigger teleport is meeting large size enemy.
Feels a bit like they gave us something on the ptr, took it away and gave it back to make us grateful and accept it. Atleast its back tho.
You are comparing apples to oranges crusader has bigger multiplier to begin with is more universal don’t need special boss you spam heavens fury to stack but instead shield now it will be stricken simple as that
Agreed. I just don’t like how they offer zero logic behind the “over shot” mind set. It’s dead wrong. They have to know that’s not accurate. I’m happy to have any thing though…
Thank you so much i really surprised that devs bring barb buff back!! Also this changes wont kill crusader.
Is there any purpose with Won Khim Lau having +25% Lightning Damage to a Tempest Rush build which would be using Holy element?
It should be +25% Holy Damage, or at the very least make it random so it could spawn Fire, Cold, Physical just like DH’s Holy Point Shot… At least we have a chance of it having a useful attribute.
My question goes to Crusaders who tested the new set…
Since the nerf on the shield is a big, do you think that crusaders will still be in 4man meta as RGK?
Crusader’s will not be in the 4 man RGK or as a trash killer its over
THANK YOU BLIZZARD, THANK YOUUUU I love the new sader set, so i’m hoping it can still clear up to 140, but this ww buff should put the current gr holder from around 129 with rend to around 135 or even higher, which is great!!!
Nev its not to late to buff POJ for the monk 6 piece to 20000 so that everyone doesn’t use tempest rush on sunwuko’s
If you 10000 plus para you may get 140 with the new sader, should now come in around 132 with 3000 para
Thxs for hearing the lamentation of the barb, long live the ww
A fast hitting Pig Sticker wielding sader can achieve 2 attacks per second. And if it takes like a minute to kill a GR150 RG, they were like getting >100 stacks or >3000% boost.
Now capped at 20, that is basically +600% boost. Still much bigger than effing +150% Lamentation.
Cheers Nev +1 to you and the Devs.
And there was always free gem to wiggle around which now will be taken with bane of the stricken 1.5% separate multiplier with 2.0 aps 3 % each sec plus 25% bonus to boss as secondary property
Nevalistis, I just wanted to say you are doing a great job with updates and communication. You are a gem, and the epitome of what a community manager should be. Please don’t let the negativity get you down.