[Now Live] Patch 2.6.7a Update

Is something wrong with Demon hunter performance? I’m uninformed.

Not loving all the changes not hating them either. Appreciate the communication Tip of the hat to you.


Awesome!! Developers listening to feedback :slight_smile:

I will use my first ever forum post to say THANK YOU Nev! :smiley: … and devs …


Working on a totally different communication for this. That’s going to take longer to put together. One priority at a time, and 2.6.7a took that priority.

I think it’s going to be the same case for Shield of Fury. This is effectively a change to the buff that Shield of Fury grants, rather than to its specific legendary power value. The latter is what usually requires a refarm. Kind of a weird nuance to explain.


Thank you for hearing us out


Btw it’s STILL nerfed comparatively to PTR


You mean other than doing a 130 with a DH puts you at the Top 50 (NS) range while a 130 with a Wiz isn’t Top 500?



Making WotW Viable Again

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Yeah, that thing. People kept telling me multishot was the bee’s knees. Not so much?

Thank you for all your efforts Nev, you are the best :slight_smile:

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Barb won’t get into the speedmeta. Crus is still much stronger, but I like that it’s at least back to being a solid choice. and a very good solo build.
I’m surprised that AoV is almost untouched if we talk about speeds.
For Solo and Grp pushing it’s obviously nerfed, have to equip Stricken now for Solo and can’t be the only DPS class now in 4mans.

Besides they do decent in solo and good on bounty/rift speed you ever hear of any group wanting them? Believe that’s what she’s talking about. They need a role again, they’re kinda just there. WD falls in this category too.

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I do sincerely apologize if my tone ever comes off as too abrasive.

Over the last few years I’ve unfortunately lost some nuance and tact and just jump straight to the point, which can be overly direct and rude sometimes. Not my intention. It’s just an evolution of my tiredness with online debates and feedback.


Looks like Barb will have the day, but what about monk it gets a new set and now will be the worst class in 2.6.7a would have thought they would have buffed 6 set poj to 20000 but now we will all have to play we bard lol

Ty for hearing us!
Greatly appreciated Nev


Wise on all fronts! Shield of Fury was the issue.

I still cannot seem to get the results I wanted from the Shotgun version of AoV, but that is a me problem haha.

Thanks for the fast balance…now the new season can start. :slight_smile:

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So when will this patch be going live?

Edit: posted in another thread


Good News ty Nev :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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I sat here for a moment trying to think of how best to express my gratitude for re-implementing the Rend multiplier on Lamentation (and heck 100-150% is better than I expect we’d get even if it happened), but I’m at a bit of a loss.

Truly, thank you.